Growth Management Act county projections

Population change

In accordance with RCW 43.62.035, the Office of Financial Management shall determine the percentage increase in population for each county over the preceding ten-year period, as of April 1.

  • Growth Management Act Population Change Excel

House Bill 1241

In accordance with RCW 36.70A.130 (as modified by 2022 1241-S2.SL) cities with a 2021 population of 6,000 or more within counties that are planning under GMA and have a population density of at least 100 people per square mile and a population of at least 200,000; or have a population density of at least 75 people per square mile and an annual growth rate of at least 1.75 percent, have specific reporting requirements. Areas meeting these criteria are listed in this Excel table.

  • House Bill 1241 table Excel

County projections

Development of population projections for the Growth Management Act is a shared responsibility. As directed by state statute, OFM prepares a reasonable range of possible population growth for Washington counties participating in GMA. County officials, also by law, are responsible for selecting a 20-year GMA planning target from within the range of high and low prepared by OFM. County officials select the county planning target; then within each county, population planning targets for cities, towns, and unincorporated areas are developed among all affected local jurisdictions as part of the city and county planning process.

OFM's role is limited to providing the range of projected county populations noted above. OFM does not maintain record of the specific planning targets chosen by each county nor does OFM develop sub-county population projects used by local jurisdictions for GMA planning. If you are interested in these data you can contact individual county planning agencies or the Local Government Division of the Department of Commerce at 360-725-3000.

For questions regarding OFM's 2022 GMA population projections, please contact Mike Mohrman at 360-870-7974.

Washington State Growth Management Act population projections for counties (five year update cycle):

Last updated
Friday, June 28, 2024
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