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490 - Department of Natural Resources

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Through December 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
Z41 057 N N 271,317 1,664,203 1,664,203 (1,664,203)
40000015 - Port Angeles Storm Water Repair
C00 23R Y N 769,870 769,870 769,861 769,861 100% 100% 9
40000025 - Airway Heights Facility Replacement
C01 057 Y N 2,048,230 2,048,200 1,607,908 1,607,908 79% 79% 440,292
40000033 - Omak Consolidation, Expansion and Reloca
A02 057 Y N 5,000 10,000 2,028 2,028 41% 41% 7,972
40000034 - Trust Land Transfer Program
A03 057 Y N 1,692,000 75,700 1,655,700 1,692,000 1,692,000 100% 100% (36,300)
D36 057 N N 2,246,000 18,100 1,629,500 2,246,000 2,246,000 100% 100% (616,500)
Totals 3,938,000 93,800 3,285,200 7,982,000 3,938,000 200% 200% (652,800%)
40000038 - Teanaway
A05 057 Y N 353,770 53,500 335,300 2,424 97,092 97,092 27% 27% 238,208
40000039 - Land Acquisition Grants
L00 001 Y N 12,462,990 15,900 12,378,990 249 8,292,729 8,292,729 67% 67% 4,086,261
40000049 - Forest Hazard Reduction
A14 057 Y N 2,071,850 1,393,550 3,018 1,233,006 1,233,006 60% 60% 160,544
40000056 - Grouse Ridge Fish Barriers & RMAP Compli
A24 057 Y N 227,000 23,900 190,235 190,235 84% 84% (166,335)
40000058 - Emergent Environmental Mitigation Projec
C11 23N Y N 174,950 174,700 54 83,102 83,102 48% 48% 91,598
40000070 - 2021-23 Minor Works Preservation
C12 057 Y N 1,237,600 1,237,600 14,259 295,112 295,112 24% 24% 942,488
40000073 - Webster Nursery Seed Plant Replacement
C15 057 Y N 9,300 9,200 9,200
40000074 - 2021-23 Community Forests
C16 057 Y N 200,000 200,000 52,560 52,560 26% 26% 147,440
40000077 - 2021-23 Forestry Riparian Easement Progr
C19 057 Y N 5,115,520 5,115,500 5,115,500
40000079 - 2021-23 Puget Sound Corps
C20 057 Y N 1,552,300 68,900 1,060,100 14,113 489,184 489,184 32% 32% 570,916
40000081 - 2021-23 Rivers and Habitat Open Space Pr
C21 057 Y N 44,480 44,480 44,480 44,480 100% 100%
40000082 - Rural Broadband Investment
C33 057 Y N 1,696,460 250,000 1,630,960 741 406,759 406,759 24% 24% 1,224,201
40000086 - 2021-23 Structurally Deficient Bridges
C03 057 Y N 411,540 411,500 (637) 411,540 411,540 100% 100% (40)
40000088 - 2021-23 Sustainable Recreation
C04 057 Y N 1,414,930 1,414,900 1,414,930 1,414,930 100% 100% (30)
40000090 - 2021-23 Forest Legacy
N01 001 Y N 17,000,000 5,600 16,980,500 882 882 16,979,618
40000091 - 2021-23 Land Acquisition Grants
N02 001 Y N 10,000,000 27,600 10,000,000 10,000,000
40000092 - 2021-23 Road Maintenance and Abandonment
C08 057 Y N 1,067,000 1,067,000 3,078 889,391 889,391 83% 83% 177,609
40000093 - 2021-23 Natural Areas Facilities Preservation and Access
C09 057 Y N 1,585,070 1,585,000 33,166 1,103,100 1,103,100 70% 70% 481,900
40000139 - 2023-25 Forestry Riparian Easement Program
D00 26D N N 10,000,000 372,400 5,878,800 1,484,700 8,483,002 8,483,002 85% 85% (2,604,202)
40000140 - 2023-25 Rivers and Habitat Open Space Program (RHOSP)
D01 26D N N 1,660,000 156,400 1,110,100 2,039 2,971,937 2,971,937 179% 179% (1,861,837)
D02 057 N N 3,354,000 316,000 2,242,900 2,242,900
Totals 5,014,000 472,400 3,353,000 2,039 34,441,041 2,971,937 179% 179% 381,063%
40000141 - 2023-25 Safe and Sustainable Recreation
D03 057 N N 2,915,000 60,200 2,248,100 35,238 447,964 447,964 15% 15% 1,800,136
40000142 - 2023-25 School Seismic Safety - Geologic Site Class
D04 057 N N 663,000 17,700 457,900 34,228 546,038 546,038 82% 82% (88,138)
40000143 - Whiteman Cove Restoration
D05 057 N N 6,937,000 3,468,500 959,417 3,521,674 3,521,674 51% 51% (53,174)
40000144 - Lakebay Marina UST Cleanup
D06 23N N N 1,009,000 1,009,000 38,900 62,171 62,171 6% 6% 946,829
40000145 - 2023-25 State Trust Land Replacement
D07 246 N N 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
D08 04B N N 49,571,000 49,571,000 102,155 19,923,889 19,923,889 40% 40% 29,647,111
D09 041 N N 5,000,000 30,000,000 525 855,525 855,525 17% 17% 29,144,475
Totals 55,571,000 80,571,000 102,680 59,798,302 20,779,414 57% 57% 59,791,586%
40000146 - 2023-25 State Forest Land Replacement - Encumbered Lands
D30 057 N N 540,000 3,200 517,600 18,372 172,472 172,472 32% 32% 345,128
40000146 - Skamania county: Acquire land
D31 057 N Y 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 100% 100%
40000146 - Pacific county grants
D32 057 N Y 1,820,000 1,820,000 912,257 912,257 50% 50% 907,743
40000146 - Wahkiakum county grants
D33 057 N Y 1,820,000 1,820,000 1,820,000 1,820,000 100% 100%
40000146 - Skamania county grants
D34 057 N Y 1,820,000 1,820,000 910,000 910,000 50% 50% 910,000
40000147 - Removal of Aquatic Derelict Structures
D35 23N N N 9,650,000 4,825,000 470,572 2,914,878 2,914,878 30% 30% 1,910,122
40000148 - 2023-25 Federal Land Acquisition Grants
Q00 001 N N 5,000,000 4,976,600 4,976,600
40000149 - 2023-25 Forest Legacy
Q01 001 N N 14,000,000 7,800 13,972,700 13,972,700
40000150 - 2023-25 Structurally Deficient Bridges
D12 057 N N 3,062,000 63,100 2,359,700 789 1,641,077 1,641,077 54% 54% 718,623
40000151 - 2023-25 Natural Areas Facilities Preservation and Access
D13 057 N N 5,092,000 105,100 3,926,400 3,926,400
40000152 - Revitalizing Trust Land Transfers
D14 26D N N 8,000,000 1,274,300 7,994,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 100% 100% (6,000)
D15 057 N N 9,325,000 1,485,200 9,317,800 (110) 7,843,360 7,843,360 84% 84% 1,474,440
Totals 17,325,000 2,759,500 17,311,800 (110) 85,512,346 15,843,360 184% 184% 1,468,440%
40000152 - LEAP Document DNR-1-2024
D49 26D N Y 10,804,000
40000153 - Webster Nursery Seed Plant Replacement
D16 057 N N 6,745,000 10,800 3,430,000 116,124 775,519 775,519 11% 11% 2,654,481
40000154 - 2023-25 Minor Works Preservation
D17 23N N N 824,000 824,000 40,569 379,045 379,045 46% 46% 444,955
D18 057 N N 5,219,000 21,300 2,371,000 159,698 659,059 659,059 13% 13% 1,711,941
Totals 6,043,000 21,300 3,195,000 200,267 87,325,969 1,038,104 59% 59% 2,156,896%
40000155 - Correction of Fish Barrier Culverts
D19 057 N N 750,000 15,600 578,900 578,900
40000156 - Omak Consolidation, Expansion and Relocation
D10 057 N N 2,789,000 372,600 2,173,800 9,577 1,993,967 1,993,967 71% 71% 179,833
40000157 - Webster Nursery Production Expansion
D11 057 N N 663,000 2,400 344,200 21,784 263,572 263,572 40% 40% 80,628
40000158 - 2023-25 Emergent Environmental Mitigation Projects
D20 23N N N 720,000 720,000 33,090 239,524 239,524 33% 33% 480,476
40000161 - Ahtanum Fire Camp Relocation or Renovation
D21 057 N N 426,000 2,000 408,500 12,122 300,662 300,662 71% 71% 107,838
40000162 - 2023-25 Minor Works Programmatic
D22 057 N N 3,232,000 12,600 1,668,700 5,381 243,069 243,069 8% 8% 1,425,631
40000163 - Eatonville Work Center and Fire Station
D23 057 N N 880,000 500,000 7,304 7,304 0.83% 0.83% 492,696
40000376 - Forestry Riparian Easement Program from
C35 06A Y N 1,241,000 1,241,000 1,241,000
40000405 - purchase forestland in counties west of the crest of the Cascade mountains
D26 26D N Y 70,000,000 11,300 35,069,800 48,987,140 48,987,140 70% 70% (13,917,340)
40000405 - enhance forest stand growth
D27 26D N Y 10,000,000 4,400 5,045,800 109,354 7,539,188 7,539,188 75% 75% (2,493,388)
40000405 - Consultant: buying large forest parcels
D28 26D N Y 500,000 500,000 13,000 191,000 191,000 38% 38% 309,000
40000405 - Contract and Collaborate
D29 26D N Y 2,500,000 10,700 2,425,100 125,722 1,001,466 1,001,466 40% 40% 1,423,634
40000409 - Port Angeles Fire and Seasonal Employee Housing
D38 057 N N 488,000 7,900 42,500 1,270 12,260 12,260 3% 3% 30,240
40000411 - Land Bank Spending Authority
D39 28M N N 20,000,000
40000411 - Drought Resilience Infrastructure Investments
D40 26D N N 500,000
D41 057 N N 250,000 1,200 40,600 40,600
Totals 750,000 1,200 40,600 148,105,121 40,600%
40000413 - Recreational Target Shooting Pilot Sites
D42 146 N N 900,000 46,800 46,800
D43 057 N N 900,000 46,800 46,800
Totals 1,800,000 93,600 148,105,121 93,600%
40000424 - YMCA Camp Colman
D44 057 N N 3,670,000
91000099 - Port of Willapa Harbor Energy Innovation
U06 057 Y N 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000
91000323 - Encumbered Lands - Acquisition
D45 26D N N 15,000,000
91000328 - Fallen Firefighter Memorial (SHB 2091)
D47 057 N N 371,000
92000037 - DNR and Camp Colman Collaboration
C23 057 Y N 39,330 39,330 494 22,172 22,172 56% 56% 17,158
92000039 - Camp Colman Cabin Preservation and Upgra
C34 057 Y N 1,400,000 700,000 98,709 98,709 7% 7% 601,291
92000057 - Land Appraisals
D37 057 N N 40,000 40,000 24,148 24,148 60% 60% 15,852
92000063 - Wildfire Reforestation on DNR Lands
D50 26D N Y 7,500,000 795,100 1,672 790,302 790,302 11% 11% 4,798
92000063 - Wildfire Reforestation Grants
D51 26D N Y 2,500,000 20,000 1,258,900 14,498 66,749 66,749 3% 3% 1,192,151
92001586 - Quinault Legacy Forest Acquisition
D48 26D N N 25,000,000
490 - Department of Natural Resources Totals 404,375,190 4,869,500 274,723,380 4,152,962 149,107,201 2,995% 2,995% 125,616,179%