Civil service rules
Upcoming Rules Review Meeting
- Rules Review Meeting
February 18, 2025 10:30 am. - Meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams
- OFM rule-making information
- HR directives
- Layoff support
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Washington State Family Care Act
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) & Washington Minimum Wage Act (WMWA)
- Director's Reviews & PRB Appeals
- Management Services (WMS and Exempt)
- Voluntary Separation, Retirement and Downshifting Program
Rules staff are responsible for developing, maintaining, interpreting, and advising on the use of the civil service rules (Title 357 WAC) adopted by OFM State HR. We strive to make our rules concise, legally sound, and responsive to our clients.
Search and view civil service rules (Title 357 WAC)
The civil service rules apply to all nonrepresented employees and employers under the jurisdiction of Chapter 41.06 RCW except those positions or employees exempted under the provisions of Chapter 357-04 WAC.
Rulemaking process
- Rules under development
- Recently adopted rules (past 12 months
- How rulemaking works
- Common rulemaking terms
- Rules review meeting information and agenda
Shared leave for Pregnancy Disability and Parental
Step M
- Step M Q&A for represented employees
- Step M Q&A for non-represented employees
- Step M and Step U Q&A for HR and payroll staff
Helpful tools
Last updated
Friday, January 10, 2025