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Media contact

Hayden Mackley, Deputy Communications Director
Office of Financial Management
P.O. Box 43113
Olympia, WA 98504-3113

Phone: 360-628-2780

Latest news from OFM

Publication Date Title
07/23/2024 Fiscal impact statements for I-2109 and I-2117
07/22/2024 Gov. Inslee appoints Pat Sullivan to be next OFM director

Introducing our new logo

In 2023, OFM undertook a significant update to our mission, vision, and values to better reflect our evolving role and commitment to serving Washingtonians. As part of this ongoing transformation, we recognized the need for a logo that better aligned with our refreshed purpose and values.

07/02/2024 Fiscal Impact Statement for Initiative 2124
07/01/2024 June 2024 Transportation Revenue Forecast

Washington state tops 8 million residents in 2024

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Washington state’s total population grew by an estimated 84,550 — to 8,035,700 as of April 1, 2024, according to annual estimates prepared by the Office of Financial Management.

Washington is growing, though it is doing so slightly slower than the annual average from last decade (84,550 in 2024 compared to 98,200 from 2010–20). The population is growing similarly to last year, however, with an unadjusted growth rate of 1.1% for both years. Looking at the current decade as a whole, the population has grown by 329,400 since April 1, 2020, or about 4.3%.


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