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Procurement and sole-source contracts

About - Contracts - Natalie Eckart

Contact information

Natalie Eckart, contracts administrator

The Office of Financial Management strives to maximize the cultural competence and quality of the services provided to our clients. All individuals, businesses and community-based organizations are encouraged to compete for business with the department.

It is the responsibility of prospective bidders to monitor the website for updates and newly released documents.

Bidder notices

Veteran and service member-owned business participation and certification

OFM encourages the participation of Veteran and Service Member Owned Business certified by the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information on certification, contact DVA.

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (MWBE) participation and certification

OFM encourages the participation of Minority & Women's Business Enterprises either self-identified or certified by the Office of Minority & Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE). For more information on certification, contact OMWBE.

Visit our Supplier Diversity Program page for more information. 

Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) registration

OFM is required to release formal competitive business opportunities through the Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) system. We encourage all businesses to register on WEBS.

Current solicitations

Awarded bids

No awarded contracts at this time.


Note: The proposals posted on this webpage may be redacted if the Bidder has designated any information proprietary.  The Office of Financial Management (OFM) has not made any determination whether the designated information is exempt under the Public Records Act. Interested persons may submit a records request for this information to OFM by sending an email to  In the event of a records request, we will notify the Bidder of the request, and allow 10 business days for the Bidder to seek a court order to prevent the release of any information designated proprietary.

Sole source contracts

No open contracts at this time.

Contracts with outside organizations for staff support

Support in Governor’s Policy Office on issues related to shellfish

Support for Governor’s Office of Aerospace

Support for Governor’s Climate Unit Project
