Freezes related to budget savings efforts
In response to the state facing a significant budget deficit, effective Dec. 2, 2024, Governor Jay Inslee directed state agencies under his authority to implement a freeze on:
- hiring employees for positions not related to public safety or other non-discretionary activities
- execution of non-essential services contracts
- discretionary purchasing of goods and equipment
- travel
Exemptions and exceptions
Agencies are responsible for approving and documenting their own agency head-approved exemptions and exceptions with no need for prior OFM approval. However, all agency head-approved exceptions must be reported to OFM for monitoring using the OFM Freeze Log. Remember to avoid submitting confidential or personally identifiable information.
See freeze exception logs submitted by agencies.
The difference between exemption and exception:
Exemption: the freeze does not apply due to the criteria listed in the instructions (e.g. protection of life or public safety related). However, agencies must document the rationale for their decisions internally and be prepared to provide this documentation, if requested.
Exception: An expense (hiring, contract, travel, goods or equipment) that is subject to the freeze but is deemed critical to statutory duties and therefore approved by the director (and reported to OFM). Agencies must use the OFM Freeze log to report their exceptions.
Additional resources
- Directive of the Governor 24-19 - Freeze on Hiring, Services Contracts, Goods and Equipment Purchases, and Travel [PDF]
- OFM instructions on implementing the governor's freeze directive [PDF]
- Use the Freeze Exception Log to track and report all exemptions to
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions:
- (hiring)
- (contracts)
- (goods and equipment)
- (travel)
The freeze on travel does not apply to the following:
- Travel essential to the responsibilities of a position,
- Example: An outreach worker traveling to different districts to enroll constituents into programs, as part of their normal job duties, is considered essential travel. However, attending a voluntary development conference would not be essential.
- If travel is part of an employee’s regular duties, their travel expenses (including mileage) are exempt from the freeze and do not need to be reported.
- Travel necessary to protect life or public safety.
- Tax collection or other revenue-generating activities.
- Travel funded by private or federal grants.
- Employees attending a conference or training at their own expense.
- If an agency agrees to allow an employee to attend a conference or training at their own expense on state time, it is recommended that the agency get the agreement in writing.
- SAAM Chapter 10 does not require employees to be reimbursed for travel. The signed agreement will ensure the employee is aware they are attending at their own expense and are ineligible for reimbursement, and no exception is required.
Operating and transportation budget savings
Agencies are also directed to propose operating and transportation budget reductions, starting with pauses or delays of programs, and to identify savings options for both the 2025 supplemental budgets and 2025-27 budgets.