General Fund |
27,771 |
37,542 |
9,771 |
35.2% |
Architects' License Account |
980 |
1,060 |
80 |
8.2% |
ORV & Nonhighway Vehicle Account |
5,173 |
4,845 |
(328) |
(6.3%) |
Snowmobile Account |
2,433 |
2,411 |
(21) |
(0.9%) |
Professional Engineers' Account |
2,941 |
2,941 |
Real Estate Commission Account |
9,468 |
10,389 |
921 |
9.7% |
Aeronautics Account |
10,327 |
10,397 |
69 |
0.70% |
Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care Systems Trust Account |
12,021 |
11,981 |
(41) |
(0.3%) |
Uniform Commercial Code Account |
1,394 |
1,290 |
(104) |
(7.4%) |
Real Estate Education Program Account |
74 |
70 |
(4) |
(5.3%) |
Vehicle License Fraud Account |
70 |
73 |
2 |
3.5% |
Real Estate Appraiser Commission Account |
1,066 |
1,114 |
47 |
4.4% |
Business and Professions Account |
16,146 |
17,208 |
1,062 |
6.6% |
Real Estate Research Account |
339 |
339 |
License Plate Technology Account |
2,535 |
2,540 |
6 |
0.20% |
Helping Kids Speak Account |
2 |
2 |
State Patrol Highway Account |
323,139 |
320,157 |
(2,982) |
(0.9%) |
Motorcycle Safety Education Account |
3,295 |
3,315 |
20 |
0.60% |
Building Code Council Account |
46 |
46 |
1 |
1.3% |
Gonzaga University Alumni Association Account |
3 |
3 |
Lighthouse Environmental Programs Account |
5 |
5 |
Ski & Ride Washington Account |
2 |
2 |
State Parks Education and Enhancement Account |
227 |
227 |
0.20% |
Veterans Stewardship Account |
865 |
881 |
15 |
1.7% |
Washington's National Park Fund Account |
22 |
22 |
Recreational Vehicle Account |
1,050 |
1,041 |
(9) |
(0.9%) |
We Love Our Pets Account |
4 |
4 |
Transportation Partnership Account |
48,045 |
47,332 |
(713) |
(1.5%) |
Rural Arterial Trust Account |
2,569 |
1,699 |
(870) |
(33.9%) |
Limited Fish and Wildlife Account |
6,263 |
6,204 |
(59) |
(0.9%) |
Highway Safety Account |
203,458 |
202,298 |
(1,160) |
(0.6%) |
Motor Vehicle Account |
2,358,439 |
2,371,197 |
12,758 |
0.50% |
Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account |
15,368 |
15,973 |
605 |
3.9% |
Aquatic Algae Control Account |
317 |
318 |
1 |
0.30% |
Share the Road Account |
4 |
4 |
Freight Mobility Multimodal Account |
6,000 |
6,000 |
Children's Trust Account |
31 |
31 |
(0.2%) |
Transportation Improvement Account |
2,569 |
1,699 |
(870) |
(33.9%) |
Firearms Range Account |
427 |
427 |
0.10% |
Wildlife Rehabilitation Account |
256 |
253 |
(3) |
(1.2%) |
Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account |
5,457 |
4,733 |
(723) |
(13.3%) |
New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Account |
1,006 |
1,004 |
(1) |
(0.1%) |
Funeral and Cemetery Account |
1,119 |
1,265 |
146 |
13.1% |
Landscape Architects' License Account |
420 |
422 |
1 |
0.30% |
Appraisal Management Company Account |
293 |
355 |
62 |
21.2% |
Volunteer Firefighters Account |
2 |
2 |
Capital Vessel Replacement Account |
30,519 |
30,367 |
(152) |
(0.5%) |
Music Matters Awareness Account |
3 |
3 |
Seattle Sounders FC Account |
2 |
2 |
4-H Programs Account |
Seattle Seahawks Account |
15 |
15 |
Seattle University Account |
1 |
1 |
DOL Tech Improve and Data Mgmnt Account |
677 |
703 |
26 |
3.8% |
DOL Services Account |
5,069 |
5,080 |
11 |
0.20% |
Mobile Home Park Relocation Account |
1,780 |
1,779 |
(1) |
(0.1%) |
State Flower Account |
2 |
2 |
Washington Farmers and Ranchers Account |
Electric Vehicle Account |
38,433 |
38,167 |
(266) |
(0.7%) |
Washington Tennis Account |
3 |
3 |
Veterans' Emblem Account |
4 |
4 |
1.3% |
Multimodal Transportation Account |
326,059 |
323,551 |
(2,508) |
(0.8%) |
Washington State Wrestling Account |
Concealed Pistol License Renewal Notification Account |
165 |
166 |
2 |
1.0% |
Fred Hutch Account |
1 |
1 |
Washington State Aviation Account |
65 |
63 |
(2) |
(3.1%) |
Aquatic Invasive Species Management Account |
633 |
635 |
2 |
0.30% |
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account |
781 |
780 |
(2) |
(0.2%) |
Abandoned Recreational Vehicle Disposal Account |
2,095 |
2,114 |
19 |
0.90% |
Recreation Access Pass Account |
18,204 |
18,672 |
468 |
2.6% |
Department of Licensing Tuition Recovery Trust Fund |
(24) |
(24) |
Congestion Relief Traffic Safety Account |
47 |
47 |
San Juan Islands Programs Account |
4 |
4 |
Seattle Storm Account |
Agency Financial Transaction Account |
12,931 |
12,910 |
(21) |
(0.2%) |
Seattle Nhl Hockey Account |
3 |
3 |
Washington Apples Account |
2 |
2 |
DOL Wage Lien Account |
Driver Licensing Technology Support Acct |
797 |
2,708 |
1,912 |
240.0% |
Manufactured Home Installation Training Account |
227 |
225 |
(2) |
(0.9%) |
Recreation Resources Account |
13,097 |
12,261 |
(836) |
(6.4%) |
NOVA Program Account |
9,700 |
9,218 |
(482) |
(5.0%) |
Parks Renewal and Stewardship Account |
10,844 |
10,409 |
(434) |
(4.0%) |
WA State Leadership Board Spec Lic Plate |
197 |
197 |
Move Ahead WA Account |
146,855 |
146,256 |
(599) |
(0.4%) |
Move Ahead WA Flexible Account |
19,605 |
19,552 |
(53) |
(0.3%) |
Patches Pal License Plate Account |
1 |
1 |
State Agency Parking Account |
Veterans & Mil Mmbrs Suicide Prev Acct |
13 |
13 |
Washington Wine License Plate Account |
1 |
1 |
Impaired Driving Safety Account |
1,805 |
1,769 |
(36) |
(2.0%) |
Geologists' Account |
562 |
588 |
26 |
4.6% |
Public Health Supplemental Account |
26 |
26 |
1 |
2.3% |
Coastal Protection Account |
11 |
10 |
(4.7%) |
Information Technology Investment Revolving Account |
Statewide Information Technology System Development Revolving Account |
2 |
2 |
Washington State Council of Firefighters Benevolent Account |
7 |
7 |
Law Enforcement Memorial Account |
20 |
20 |
Derelict Vessel Removal Account |
7,781 |
7,803 |
22 |
0.30% |
Washington Housing Trust Fund |
225 |
214 |
(12) |
(5.2%) |
Heating Oil Pollution Liability Trust Account |
164 |
164 |
(0.1%) |
Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account) |
284,712 |
270,746 |
(13,966) |
(4.9%) |
Multiuse Roadway Safety Account |
389 |
387 |
(2) |
(0.5%) |
4,004,671 |
4,008,748 |
4,079 |
0.10% |