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Department of Social and Health Services

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 17,363.5 7,645,314 10,326,047 17,971,361
2021-23 Maintenance Level 17,359.5 7,613,414 10,220,903 17,834,317
Difference from Original (4.0) (31,900) (105,144) (137,044)
% Change from Original (0.0%) (0.4%) (1.0%) (0.8%)

2021-23 Policy Other Changes

Jail-based Behavioral Health Svcs 1.8 4,451 0 4,451
Barriers to Discharge 4.4 1,053 0 1,053
Trueblood Phase 2 2.0 686 0 686
Competency Evaluation Services 8.8 2,730 0 2,730
Personal Protective Equipment 0.0 2,380 1,241 3,621
Community Trust 0.0 0 (35,438) (35,438)
Enhanced FMAP 0.0 (325,639) 325,639 0
Translation Service Rates 0.50 451 340 791
Rainier School, PAT C 0.0 (3,011) (4,391) (7,402)
Acute Care Hospital Capacity 0.0 18,511 17,667 36,178
Pandemic EBT Administration 0.0 0 12,090 12,090
ARPA Grant Match 0.0 1,058 0 1,058
FAP Emergency Allotment 0.0 840 12,072 12,912
FAP P-EBT 0.0 487 0 487
SAVES Grant 0.40 0 320 320
Federal Refugee Assistance Increase 0.0 0 67,691 67,691
TALX Funding Adjustment 0.0 (1,642) 3,524 1,882
Program Underspends 0.0 (18,930) 0 (18,930)
Office of Justice and Civil Rights 1.0 214 169 383
2021-23 Policy Other Changes Total 18.9 (316,361) 400,924 84,563
Total Policy Changes 18.9 (316,361) 400,924 84,563
Policy Level 17,378.4 7,297,053 10,621,827 17,918,880
Difference from Original 14.9 (348,261) 295,780 (52,481)
% Change from Original 0.09% (4.6%) 2.9% (0.3%)

Policy Changes

Jail-based Behavioral Health Svcs

Funding is provided for the Department of Social and Health Services to contract with South Correctional Entity (SCORE) for 60 contracted beds for state misdemeanor and lower-level felony cases from the forensic admission wait list. (General Fund - State)

Barriers to Discharge

Funding is appropriated to reduce barriers for hard-to-place patients residing at the state hospitals who are ready and appropriate for discharge to a community setting. (General Fund - State)

Trueblood Phase 2

Funding is appropriated for costs incurred in King County for the Trueblood et. al v. DSHS lawsuit. (General Fund - State)

Competency Evaluation Services

Funding and 17.5 FTEs are provided for competency evaluation referrals that continue to increase for both jail-based and community personal recognizance-based evaluations. (General Fund - State)

Personal Protective Equipment

Funding is provided to cover the increased costs incurred for personal protective equipment (PPE) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Community Trust

Funding is reduced to reflect actual expenditures from the Developmental Disabilities Community Services Account (Dan Thompson Trust). The fund balance remaining in the account will be available to continue enhancements and expand home and community-based services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the 2023-25 biennium. (Developmental Dis Comm Service Acct - State)

Enhanced FMAP

The federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act authorized additional federal matching funds (FMAP) for the duration of the public health emergency. State funds are reduced, and Medicaid funding is increased to reflect an additional 6.2% federal Medicaid matching rate from January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Translation Service Rates

Funds are provided for translation services to clients in federally required languages through a contracted vendor. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Rainier School, PAT C

Funding is reduced for the Rainier School, Residential Habilitation Center (RHC) due to the transition of approximately 60 individuals to other settings of their choice. The Program Area Team (PAT) C is at risk of losing Medicaid certification. Individuals may remain on the Rainier campus as state-only clients until appropriate transitions can be arranged with the clients and their families or legal guardians. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Acute Care Hospital Capacity

Funding is provided to address the Harborview acute care hospital bed capacity crisis. This includes contracted nursing staff, both for the whole long-term care system of nursing facility providers and specifically for Harborview Medical Center (HMC) nursing home bed readiness facilities. Additionally, funding is included for incentive payments for complex clients transitioning from HMC to a skilled nursing facility or assisted living facility and the creation of 10 slots for non-citizens to transition them from HMC more quickly. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Pandemic EBT Administration

Federal expenditure authority is provided for the administration of the pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program, which provides children with a temporarily enhanced level of emergency nutrition benefits loaded on EBT cards that are used to purchase food. (General Fund - Tolls, General Fund - CRRSA Federal Act)

ARPA Grant Match

This item will match American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds received by the Economic Services Administration to administer and enhance the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The matched funds are for the expansion of the mobile Community Service Office fleet and telephony initiatives that help streamline customer service. (General Fund - State)

FAP Emergency Allotment

Funding is provided for a temporary enhancement in Food Assistance Program (FAP) benefits through May 2023 for any months in which the federal Emergency Allotment waiver is received for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Benefits are increased to maintain parity with the SNAP benefits, which have been temporarily increased under federal waiver authority and pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act. (Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)


Funding is provided to cover the pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) for eligible children in the state-funded Food Assistance Program (FAP) to maintain parity with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefit level. This program offered additional food benefits to eligible children to help cover the cost of meals during the 2022 school year and the ensuing summer break. (General Fund - State)


Expenditure authority and staffing is provided to the Division of Child Support for a multi-year federal grant to increase safe access to child support and parenting services for domestic violence victims and survivors. (General Fund - Federal)

Federal Refugee Assistance Increase

One-time federal funding is awarded to the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance to provide a variety of services and supports to Afghan and Ukrainian refugees arriving in Washington state. (General Fund - Federal)

TALX Funding Adjustment

Funding is adjusted to account for a federal award received by the Economic Services Administration to cover a portion of the cost associated with its use of Equifax, an online database used to verify employment and salary information for cash and food benefit eligibility. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Program Underspends

Funding is adjusted one-time to reflect program underspends in WorkFirst, Diversion Cash Assistance, Basic Food Employment and Training, and other client services including incapacity exams for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled program. (General Fund - State)

Office of Justice and Civil Rights

The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) will use this funding to establish an Office of Justice and Civil Rights. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal)