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Capital Two-Year Agency Detail - Department of Corrections

WCC: Paint & Repair 300,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank


Design funding is provided for lead paint abatement, scaffolding and confinement tent, and rust repair for the 300,000-gallon water tank. This water tank is responsible for providing fresh water and fire suppression to a third of the facility.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
500,000 500,000
State Building Construction Account - State 500,000

ECWR: Foundation and Siding Repair


Funding is provided to repair wood framed walls and floors on the northeast side of the building, and replace the building envelope which includes siding and windows. This will address structural concerns with the foundation, stairs and sidewalks, increasing safety for staff and residents.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
850,000 850,000
State Building Construction Account - State 850,000

MCC: Sewer System HABU (Highest and Best Use)


This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
(220,000) 220,000
State Building Construction Account - State

LCC: Boiler Replacement


Funding is provided to complete the central boiler replacement at Larch Corrections Center.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
3,695,000 (3,695,000)
State Building Construction Account - State

WCC: Interim Mental Health Building


Funding is provided for the design and construction of modular buildings, creating office space and confidential mental health screening booths for incarcerated individuals at Washington Corrections Center.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
1,275,000 1,275,000
State Building Construction Account - State 1,275,000

MCC: TRU Support Building HVAC Replacement


The funding source is changed due to eligibility requirements provided by the U.S. Treasury for the federal American Rescue Plan Act.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal (4,646,000)
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 4,646,000

Inpatient Psychiatric Unit


Funds a predesign to evaluate the best location, alternatives and other analysis needed to design and build an inpatient psychiatric unit to serve the incarcerated population.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
350,000 350,000
State Building Construction Account - State 350,000

CRCC Sage Unit Move to AHCC


Funding is provided to renovate Airway Heights Corrections Center units to accommodate the special needs, aging and infirm male population that is currently housed at Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Sage Unit. This will provide improved access to community hospital care for the most vulnerable incarcerated population.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
2,105,000 2,105,000
State Building Construction Account - State 2,105,000

AHCC: Modular Building for Health Service Staff


Funds additional space at AHCC to provide basic medical services to incarcerated individuals. Adding modular buildings will provide needed space for staffing and medical services.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
791,000 791,000
State Building Construction Account - State 791,000

CRCC: Modular Building for Health Service Staff


Funds additional space at CRCC to provide basic medical services to incarcerated individuals. Adding modular buildings will provide needed space for staffing and medical services.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
777,000 777,000
State Building Construction Account - State 777,000

McNeil Island Passenger Ferry Replacement


McNeil Island is the location of two operational facilities, the Special Commitment Center and the Pierce County Secure Community Transition Facility. Both are operated by the Department of Social and Health Services, while the Department of Corrections is responsible for stewardship of the island. Funding is provided for a comprehensive marine transportaion study for a new hybrid passenger ferry. Reliable clean energy marine transportation is needed for DOC and DSHS.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
611,000 611,000
State Building Construction Account - State 611,000

McNeil Island Transport Barge Replacement


Funds the design phase of construction for two new replacement transport barges. The barges support McNeil Island operations by providing food, fuel, construction materials, contractor equipment and other state agency functions. Commissioning the construction of the new barges can take up to 2.5 years and is dependent upon shipyard and material availability.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
250,000 250,000
State Building Construction Account - State 250,000

State Agency Compliance with Clean Buildings Law


Funding is provided for sub-metering and energy audits to comply with the Clean Buildings Law.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
770,000 770,000
State Building Construction Account - State 770,000

WSP: Unit Six Roof Replacement


This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
(136,000) 136,000
State Building Construction Account - State



Additional funding is added to cover unforeseen material cost increases due to COVID-19.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
53,000 160,000 213,000
State Building Construction Account - State 213,000