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Capital Two-Year Project Listing - Department of Veterans Affairs

WVH HVAC Retrofit


This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 191,000 191,000

State Agency Compliance with Clean Buildings Law


Funding is provided for sub-metering and energy audits to comply with the Clean Buildings Law.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 490,000 490,000

Transitional Housing Capital Improvements


Grant funding is provided for capital improvements to transitional housing as described in the grant application. This will result in less congregate and more individual unit style housing, which improves personal safety and reduces risks associated with close quarter living for veterans. This appropriation is the same as the authority provided under UAR #16.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
001 - General Fund - Federal 2,400,000 2,400,000

DVA ARPA Federal Funds & State Match


Funding is provided for the HVAC replacement at the Retsil nursing home. An energy-efficient HVAC unit will replace the current bypass system that does not provide adequate cooling for residents during the summer months.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 6,800,000 6,800,000