Office of the Secretary of State

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 299.6 52,080 70,821 122,901
2021-23 Maintenance Level 299.6 53,352 71,772 125,124
Difference from 2021-23 Original 0.0 1,272 951 2,223
% Change from 2021-23 Original 0.0% 2.4% 1.3% 1.8%

2022 Policy Other Changes

Elections Security Operations Team 0.50 613 0 613
Combating Election Misinformation 1.0 5,000 0 5,000
Website Update and Hosting Services 0.0 280 0 280
Digitize Legislative Records 1.5 0 315 315
Nonprofit and Charities Education 1.0 0 466 466
Automating State Library Collection 5.5 0 2,525 2,525
Continuity of Critical Operations 0.0 303 407 710
Voting in Jails 0.0 628 0 628
TVW Equipment Reimbursement 0.0 0 405 405
2022 Policy Other Changes Total 9.5 6,824 4,118 10,942

2022 Policy Comp Changes

State Employee Benefits 0.0 2 4 6
WFSE General Government 0.0 103 181 284
Rep Employee Health Benefits 0.0 1 0 1
Non-Rep General Wage Increase 0.0 226 411 637
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase 0.0 8 15 23
2022 Policy Comp Changes Total 0.0 340 611 951

2022 Policy Central Services Changes

Archives/Records Management 0.0 1 1 2
Legal Services 0.0 8 12 20
CTS Central Services 0.0 19 26 45
DES Central Services 0.0 24 32 56
OFM Central Services 0.0 145 208 353
2022 Policy Central Services Changes Total 0.0 197 279 476
Total Policy Changes 9.5 7,361 5,008 12,369
2022 Policy Level 309.1 60,713 76,780 137,493
Difference from 2021-23 Original 9.5 8,633 5,959 14,592
% Change from 2021-23 Original 3.2% 16.6% 8.4% 11.9%

Policy Changes

DES Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services for campus rent, parking, security and contracts; capital project surcharges; financing cost recovery; public and historic facilities; real estate services; risk management services; personnel service rates; the Perry Street and Capitol Campus child care centers; small agency services; and the department’s enterprise applications. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, Local Government Archives Account - State, General Fund - State, other funds)

WFSE General Government

The collective bargaining agreement includes a general wage increase of 3.25% for fiscal year 2023 and a lump sum payment for employees who were employed continuously starting on or before July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (Local Government Archives Account - State, General Fund - State, Public Records Efficiency, Preserva - State, other funds)

Elections Security Operations Team

The Office of the Secretary of State is responsible for supervising all state and local elections and ensuring the security of voting systems. In response to growing cyber threats facing the state's election system, the agency created a security operations center to provide security services to both state and county elections officials using one-time federal grant funding. This federal grant funding ends in April 2023. These additional resources will ensure that enhanced elections security training, testing and monitoring continues into the future, maintaining public confidence in voting and voting security. (General Fund - State)

Combating Election Misinformation

The influx of misinformation during and after the 2020 general election created a greater expectation for the Office of the Secretary of State to monitor and address numerous false narratives concerning elections and voting in Washington state. Since the election results were certified in December 2020, misinformation has continued to spread, furthering the need for monitoring and clarifying election information. To effectively address false narratives, funding is provided for dedicated resources to monitor, coordinate responses, and assist in the production of educational materials to be used in a variety of mediums. (General Fund - State)

Website Update and Hosting Services

The agency's current website operates on a legacy system that has reached its end of life and no longer serves the diverse needs of the office or its stakeholders. Funding is provided for the agency to work with Consolidated Technology Services to redesign, develop and migrate its website to cloud hosting services. (General Fund - State)

Digitize Legislative Records

To ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility to the Legislature’s audio recordings, funding is provided to the Office of the Secretary of State to digitize, process, index and post legislative records for online public access. (Public Records Efficiency, Preserva - State)

Nonprofit and Charities Education

Expenditure authority is provided for the Charitable Donor Education Program to expand nonprofit and charities education to native and Tribal communities. This additional authority will enhance donor education and consumer protection by educating the public on GiveSmart and by furthering our partnership with Consumer Protection Washington. Additional authority will also allow the Charitable Advisory Council to collaborate with a nonprofit education contractor. (Charitable Organization Education - State)

Automating State Library Collection

Funding is provided to implement a radio frequency identification (RFID) system for the state library collection as the agency prepares to move the collection to a new Library Archives Building. This system will be used to organize, retrieve and circulate library materials in a manner that is compatible with the new building's high-bay density storage. (WA State Library Operations Acct - State)

Continuity of Critical Operations

The Office of the Secretary of State is currently operating without sufficient mobile work stations for all employees. Funding is provided for the agency to purchase essential equipment that will enable continuity of operations in the event of an emergency. (WA State Library Operations Acct - State, Public Records Efficiency, Preserva - State, General Fund - State, other funds)

Voting in Jails

Funding is provided to the Office of the Secretary of State to provide grants to up to ten counties to support voter registration and voting within county jails for the 2022 primary and general elections. The grants may be used to develop and implement a plan to increase voting by incarcerated individuals, create voting materials specific to the jail population, purchase voting supplies and equipment, and provide direct staffing at the jail for voting activities. (General Fund - State)

TVW Equipment Reimbursement

TVW, Washington's public affairs network, maintains a contract with the Office of the Secretary of State to provide coverage of state government activities. The 2021 legislative session was held virtually, resulting in additional wear and tear to TVW equipment. This funding will reimburse TVW for necessary equipment upgrades, including new encoders and router cards, and a refresh of its robotics system. (Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal)

State Employee Benefits

Health insurance funding is provided for state employees who are not covered by the healthcare coalition. The insurance funding rate is $936 per employee per month for fiscal year 2022 and $1,130 per employee per month for fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal, Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Rep Employee Health Benefits

Health insurance funding is provided as part of the master agreements for employees who bargain for health benefits as part of a coalition of unions. The insurance funding rate is $936 per employee per month for fiscal year 2022 and $1,130 per employee per month for fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - State)

Non-Rep General Wage Increase

A general wage increase of 3.25%, effective July 1, 2022, is provided for state employees who are not represented by a union or who are covered by a bargaining agreement that is not subject to financial feasibility determination. (General Fund - State, Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, WA State Library Operations Acct - State, other funds)

PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase

For eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members, this item provides an increase of 3%, up to a maximum of $110 per month. (Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, WA State Library Operations Acct - State, General Fund - State, other funds)

Archives/Records Management

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated share of charges for archives and records management services provided by the Secretary of State's Office. (General Fund - State, Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated)

Legal Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of Attorney General's Office legal services based on a three-year average. Because legal services costs are based on usage, funding provided in the central service model is not all inclusive. (Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, Local Government Archives Account - State, General Fund - State, other funds)

CTS Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from Consolidated Technology Services (CTS) for the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of Cyber Security, state network, enterprise services, small agency IT services, security gateways, and geospatial imaging services. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, WA State Library Operations Acct - State, General Fund - State, other funds)

OFM Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges for existing statewide applications, the One Washington program, and other central services provided by the Office of Financial Management. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State, Secretary of State's Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, WA State Library Operations Acct - State, other funds)