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Washington State Health Care Authority

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 1,503.4 6,366,988 18,126,938 24,493,926
2021-23 Maintenance Level 1,503.4 6,330,167 18,019,130 24,349,297
Difference from 2021-23 Original 0.0 (36,821) (107,808) (144,629)
% Change from 2021-23 Original 0.0% (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%)

2022 Policy Other Changes

Naloxone Distribution 0.0 10,000 0 10,000
Launch Opioid Awareness Marketing 0.0 1,000 0 1,000
Expand Drug Checking Services 0.0 1,877 0 1,877
Establish Mobile Opioid Treatment 1.0 8,114 2,708 10,822
Low-Income Health Care I-502 0.0 41,583 (41,583) 0
Trueblood Diversion Programs 0.0 8,632 219 8,851
ABCD Outreach 0.0 30 0 30
1115 IMD Waiver Costs 0.0 1,601 (59) 1,542
Enhanced FMAP for HCBS 0.0 (2,330) 2,330 0
Behavioral Health Personal Care 0.0 11,667 0 11,667
Behavioral Health Provider Relief 0.0 50,000 0 50,000
Behavioral Health Provider Rates 0.0 10,749 20,711 31,460
Bree Collaborative 0.0 600 0 600
Trueblood Crisis Stabilization 0.0 3,999 2,430 6,429
Child Assessment & Diagnosis 0.0 0 450 450
Continous Enrollment 0.0 7,807 7,819 15,626
FMAP Increase 0.0 (161,219) 161,219 0
Trueblood Data 0.0 250 250 500
Acute Care Hospital Capacity 0.0 0 840 840
Periodic Screening 0.0 220 132 352
Electronic Consent Management 2.5 3,080 0 3,080
Bundle Opioid Treatment Payments 0.0 4,550 12,300 16,850
Fertility Study 0.0 200 0 200
ALTSA Renewal of MTP (23.3) 0 39,805 39,805
Community Information Exchange 3.0 2,210 262 2,472
FCS Administration/Waiver Renewal 1.5 0 793 793
Problem Gambling 0.0 28 63 91
PACT Team Rates 0.0 3,870 0 3,870
FCS Renewal of MTP 0.0 0 (40,226) (40,226)
Customer Service Staff 4.5 0 1,208 1,208
Procurement Resources 0.0 0 2,734 2,734
Mental Health Parity 0.0 0 700 700
SEBB Maintenance and Operations 3.2 0 971 971
Problem Gambling Treatment 0.0 0 150 150
MSP Asset Test Removal 0.0 1,213 1,202 2,415
SBHS Funding 0.0 4,152 (4,152) 0
CBH Sustainability CCBHC Model 0.0 300 300 600
Community Long-Term Inpatient Beds 0.0 6,354 (18,106) (11,752)
Community Health Centers - I-502 0.0 4,159 (4,159) 0
MQIP Renewal 2.0 0 102,429 102,429
Continuum of Care 0.20 48 49 97
Expand PCCM Programs 1.0 136 11,892 12,028
Outreach/Intensive Case Management 0.0 5,000 0 5,000
Renewal of MTP 0.0 0 35,734 35,734
Tribal Advisory Board 0.0 200 0 200
Children's Dental Rate Increase 0.0 7,460 8,222 15,682
UPL Overpayment 0.0 2,252 (2,252) 0
Children’s Long-Term Inpatient Prog 0.0 15,040 15,040 30,080
Tribal Crisis Responders 0.0 137 0 137
Legal and Contracts Staff 3.3 408 409 817
Rural CHART Support 0.50 81 2,082 2,163
EHR Expansion 1.5 22,126 5,461 27,587
Quality Assurance Fee Program 1.2 0 37,154 37,154
Total Cost of Insulin 0.80 363 0 363
Support for Recent BH Initiatives 7.5 1,090 1,005 2,095
IMD Federal Waiver 0.0 53,148 0 53,148
Remote Patient Monitoring 0.0 352 869 1,221
Language Access Providers Agreement 0.0 211 291 502
ITA Civil Discharge Monitoring 1.0 115 218 333
Medicaid Caseload 0.0 193,037 680,032 873,069
Master Person Index M&O 1.5 47 420 467
Prenatal to 25 BH Facilitation 0.0 300 0 300
Eliminating ABD/HEN Review 0.0 130 11 141
Parent Warmline 0.0 500 0 500
Regional Treatment Facilities 6.6 2,995 1,283 4,278
Youth Inpatient Navigators 1.0 4,603 891 5,494
UIHP Enhanced FMAP 0.0 14,940 (14,940) 0
Health Care for Undocumented Adults 10.0 3,720 0 3,720
Glidepath for Supported Employment 0.0 2,387 0 2,387
Expand Housing & Employment Access 0.0 16,596 0 16,596
Expand Medical Respite Care for BH 2.0 5,441 5,712 11,153
Specialized Landlord Support 0.0 2,110 0 2,110
Invest in Master Leasing Incentive 0.0 490 0 490
Provide Crisis Response 0.0 3,679 1,226 4,905
Expand Housing First Opportunities 0.50 6,027 2,009 8,036
Reduce Discharge to Homelessness 0.50 775 0 775
Wraparound with Intensive Services 0.0 1,206 0 1,206
2022 Policy Other Changes Total 33.5 391,846 1,046,558 1,438,404

2022 Policy Comp Changes

State Employee Benefits 0.0 8 15 23
WFSE General Government 0.0 850 1,705 2,555
Rep Employee Health Benefits 0.0 5 9 14
Non-Rep General Wage Increase 0.0 1,091 1,863 2,954
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase 0.0 47 84 131
2022 Policy Comp Changes Total 0.0 2,001 3,676 5,677

2022 Policy Central Services Changes

Archives/Records Management 0.0 3 5 8
Audit Services 0.0 18 29 47
Legal Services 0.0 62 81 143
Administrative Hearings 0.0 46 43 89
CTS Central Services 0.0 148 239 387
DES Central Services 0.0 8 14 22
OFM Central Services 0.0 1,423 265 1,688
Self-Insurance Liability Premium 0.0 1 2 3
2022 Policy Central Services Changes Total 0.0 1,709 678 2,387
Total Policy Changes 33.5 395,556 1,050,912 1,446,468
2022 Policy Level 1,536.9 6,725,723 19,070,042 25,795,765
Difference from 2021-23 Original 33.5 358,735 943,104 1,301,839
% Change from 2021-23 Original 2.2% 5.6% 5.2% 5.3%

Policy Changes

Outreach/Intensive Case Management

Funding is provided to continue first-year appropriations for the Recovery Navigator program outlined Engrossed Senate Bill 5476 (Chapter 311, Laws of 2021) that addressed the State v. Blake decision. This will ensure that funding for service delivery is consistent and stable between fiscal years to support planning activities and implementation efforts as required by the bill. (General Fund - State)

Audit Services

Adjustments are made for each agency’s anticipated cost of audits performed by the State Auditor’s Office. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State, St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, other funds)

Legal Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of Attorney General's Office legal services based on a three-year average. Because legal services costs are based on usage, funding provided in the central service model is not all inclusive. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State, St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, other funds)

Administrative Hearings

Adjustments are made for each agency’s anticipated cost of administrative hearings conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings. (St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal)

DES Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services for campus rent, parking, security and contracts; capital project surcharges; financing cost recovery; public and historic facilities; real estate services; risk management services; personnel service rates; the Perry Street and Capitol Campus child care centers; small agency services; and the department’s enterprise applications. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State, School Employees' Insur Admin Acct - State, General Fund - Federal, other funds)

OFM Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges for existing statewide applications, the One Washington program, and other central services provided by the Office of Financial Management. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal, other funds)

WFSE General Government

The collective bargaining agreement includes a general wage increase of 3.25% for fiscal year 2023 and a lump sum payment for employees who were employed continuously starting on or before July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Naloxone Distribution

Opioid intoxication and overdose can be treated with the drug naloxone. Funding is provided for every Washingtonian in substance use disorder treatment to receive a naloxone kit, provide 40,000 kits to expand naloxone distribution, and supply 2,000 free naloxone kits in 20 vending machines located in strategic parts of the state each year. (General Fund - State)

Launch Opioid Awareness Marketing

This item will fund an opioid awareness campaign targeted at youth to increase the awareness of fentanyl. (General Fund - State)

Expand Drug Checking Services

Funding is provided for fentanyl and benzodiazepine test strips and for community and mail-based spectrometer testing that can be used to inform drug users and public health officials about the content of the street-level drug supply. (General Fund - State)

Establish Mobile Opioid Treatment

Funding is provided for 10 mobile units to fill treatment gaps and increase access to medications for opioid use disorder for underserved populations that do not have a treatment provider within a reasonable distance. These mobile units bring treatment to the client and benefit rural areas in particular. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Low-Income Health Care I-502

Initiative 502, approved by voters in 2012, directed a portion of the revenue from taxes on the sale of marijuana into the Basic Health Trust Account. Those dollars are used in lieu of General Fund-State dollars for capitation payments for Medicaid clients enrolled in managed care plans. Funding is adjusted to reflect updated estimates of marijuana-related revenue. (General Fund - State, Basic Health Plan Trust Account - Non-Appropriated)

Trueblood Diversion Programs

One-time bridge funding is provided to support some of the diversion programs funded by Trueblood settlement agreement contempt fines while sustainability and data collection efforts continue. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

ABCD Outreach

Funding is provided to the Authority to contract with the Office of Equity to provide equity training for the local Access to Baby Child Dentistry (ABCD) coordinators. (General Fund - State)

1115 IMD Waiver Costs

Subject to oversight by the Office of the Chief Information Officer, funding is provided for technology costs required to implement a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver for services provided at institutions of mental disease (IMD). (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal)

Enhanced FMAP for HCBS

Funding is adjusted for utilization changes with respect to the federal government's increased FMAP for Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Behavioral Health Personal Care

Funding is adjusted for behavioral health wraparound services for individuals with long-term care and behavioral health needs (including those discharged from the state hospitals) to safely reside in a community setting. The Health Care Authority is seeking a 1915(i) waiver from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to potentially transfer the existing behavioral health personal care program to managed care. (General Fund - State)

Behavioral Health Provider Relief

Funding is provided on a one-time basis solely for the Authority to provide assistance payments to behavioral health providers that serve Medicaid and state-funded clients and have experienced revenue loss or increased expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This amount supplements the provider relief that was provided in the 2021-23 biennial budget. (General Fund - State)

Behavioral Health Provider Rates

Funds are provided for a 4.5 percent increase in Medicaid reimbursement for community behavioral health providers contracted through managed care organizations, effective January 2023. This item is recommended by the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Bree Collaborative

Additional funding is provided for the Bree collaborative to focus additional attention on surgical bundles and incentivize quality outcomes for patients. (General Fund - State)

Trueblood Crisis Stabilization

Pursuant to the Trueblood v. DSHS settlement agreement, funding is provided to operate the recently opened crisis stabilization facility in Spokane and for two facilities in King County that received appropriations in the 2021-23 capital budget. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

Child Assessment & Diagnosis

These funds will increase provider training to teach them to use the current version of the diagnostic classification: 0-5 classification system of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood as established in Section 2(11), Chapter 126, Laws of 2021. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon)

Continous Enrollment

Funding is provided to implement continuous enrollment for Medicaid-eligible children ages zero to six with income at or below 215% of the federal poverty level upon receipt of a 1115 waiver approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

FMAP Increase

The federal Families First Coronavirus Relief Act authorized additional Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) funds for the duration of the public health emergency. State funds are reduced and Medicaid spending is increased to reflect an additional 6.2 percent federal Medicaid matching rate from January through June 30, 2022. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Trueblood Data

Funding is provided to support Health Care Authority activities required by the Trueblood settlement agreement. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

Acute Care Hospital Capacity

Funding is provided for incentive payments to skilled nursing facilities to take Medicaid clients discharged from inpatient care. (Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal)

Periodic Screening

This funding will update the well child visit periodicity schedule for Apple Health clients to align with Bright Futures recommendations for ages <1 to 20. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - State, other funds)

Electronic Consent Management

Funding is provided to procure an electronic consent management (ECM) solution to enable patients and health care providers to exchange sensitive health-related information easily, securely and legally. (General Fund - State)

Bundle Opioid Treatment Payments

To increase access to Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications and improve care, funding is provided to implement bundled payments based on current Medicare Part B rates for opioid disorder treatment services. Opioid treatment programs are the only facilities legally able to offer all three medications and this rate increase is expected to increase the number of providers operating in Washington state. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Fertility Study

Funds are provided for a study to determine the utilization and cost impact of adding a fertility treatment benefit for Medicaid clients. (General Fund - State)

ALTSA Renewal of MTP

Funding is provided to align appropriation authority with anticipated Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) spending and renew Initiative 2 for five additional years. This renewal is funded through the MQIP Initiative 2 and provides support options that enable older adults to remain in their home and receive services. (General Fund - Local, General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Private/Local)

Community Information Exchange

Funds are provided to study the cost and implementation impacts of a statewide community information exchange to serve community-based organizations, health plans, accountable communities of health, and safety net providers. Upon completion of that study and its acceptance by the Office of Financial Management, the Health Care Authority can begin implementation in fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

FCS Administration/Waiver Renewal

Funds are provided for the administrative support necessary to continue the foundational community supports (FCS) initiative that is part of Washington state's Medicaid transformation waiver. This item is dependent upon renewal of that waiver. (General Fund - Local, General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Private/Local)

Problem Gambling

Funding is provided to add problem gambling treatment coverage to the Apple Health program beginning in fiscal year 2023. Expanding problem gambling treatment will expand service delivery and access for individuals seeking treatment for problem gambling. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

PACT Team Rates

This funding will align rates between existing and new providers for the Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT). Rates for the 13 existing providers are lower than the amounts appropriated for the eight new teams created in the 2021-23 biennial budget. (General Fund - State)

FCS Renewal of MTP

Funding is provided to align appropriation authority with anticipated Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) spending and renew Initiative 3 for five additional years. This renewal is funded through the MQIP Initiative 3 and provides clients with supports to stay in their home or maintain employment. (General Fund - Private/Local, General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Local)

Customer Service Staff

Funding is provided for 9.0 FTE staff to address customer service responsiveness through phone calls and navigation with Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) and School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) My Accounts, open enrollments, and the new PEBB My Account (PMA) navigation starting in 2022. This item also covers the additional complexity and expansion of administering medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) benefits in recent years. (School Employees' Insur Admin Acct - State, St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State)

Procurement Resources

Funds are provided to maintain and enhance member benefits, replace outdated contracts, create a new accountable care program (ACP) contract and new dental contracts, and comply with executive orders, implement PEBB and SEBB decisions, and conduct several key procurements. (St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, SEBB Medical Benefits Admin Acct - Non-Appropriated, Uniform Medical Plan Benefits Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Mental Health Parity

Funding is provided to complete an analysis of mental health benefits administered by the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) third party administrator and to implement changes necessary to comply with federal requirements for access to care. (SEBB Medical Benefits Admin Acct - Non-Appropriated, Uniform Medical Plan Benefits Acct - Non-Appropriated)

SEBB Maintenance and Operations

The Health Care Authority will use this funding to support basic maintenance and operations and to develop capacity for future enhancements for the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program My Account system. (School Employees' Insur Admin Acct - State)

Problem Gambling Treatment

This funding will expand problem gambling and gambling disorder specialized treatment. (Problem Gambling Account - State)

MSP Asset Test Removal

Funding is provided to remove the asset test from the Medicare savings plan. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

SBHS Funding

Funding is provided to support school-based health services by removing the financial contribution requirement for school districts. (General Fund - Private/Local, General Fund - Local, General Fund - State)

CBH Sustainability CCBHC Model

Funding is provided to explore alternate service delivery models, such as Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) and to develop behavioral health comparison rates. The CCBHC program has demonstrated significantly improved access to quality mental health and substance use care in community-based settings. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Community Long-Term Inpatient Beds

Funding is adjusted for changes in utilization and the cost of providing long-term involuntary inpatient treatment in a community setting. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

Community Health Centers - I-502

Funds are provided to adjust the Dedicated Marijuana Account to align with revenues. (General Fund - State, Dedicated Marijuana Acct - State)

MQIP Renewal

Funding is provided to align Medicaid Quality Improvement Project (MQIP) appropriation authority with anticipated Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) spending and to align with the renewal of the MTP waiver. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Private/Local, General Fund - Local)

Continuum of Care

Children and youth with complex behavioral issues need a continuum of care across state agencies and local providers. Funding is provided in the outlook for rates for 32 beds and agency administration at the Health Care Authority to create a short-term Residential Crisis Stabilization Program (RCSP) for youth with severe behavioral health diagnoses. The capital budget includes appropriations for design and construction, and this funding will hire a program manager to begin planning for services in this facility, which is assumed to open in fiscal year 2024. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Expand PCCM Programs

Funding is provided to expand the primary care coordination management (PCCM) program with Indian Health Service clinics to improve care coordination and client outcomes. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Renewal of MTP

This funding will align appropriation authority with anticipated Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) spending and renew Initiative 1 for five additional years. This renewal is funded through the MQIP Initiative 1 and supports regional accountable communities of health in transforming the Medicaid delivery system to serve the whole person and use Medicaid resources wisely. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Private/Local, General Fund - Local)

Tribal Advisory Board

Funding is provided for the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board to continue planning efforts and implementation activities for inpatient behavioral health facilities operated by Tribes statewide, including the development of a Tribal freestanding evaluation and treatment center. (General Fund - State)

Children's Dental Rate Increase

Funds are provided to increase child dental rates to equal respective adult dental rates. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

UPL Overpayment

Funding is provided to shift federal expenditures that were disallowed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to state funds to cover the costs that exceed the Medicaid Inpatient Upper Payment Limit (UPL). (General Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Children’s Long-Term Inpatient Prog

Funds are provided to expand the availability and access of long-term inpatient beds in contracted settings for children requiring intensive supports statewide through the Children Long-term Inpatient Program (CLIP). (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Tribal Crisis Responders

Funding is provided to support implementation of the Tribal Designated Crisis Responder program statewide. Tribal-designated crisis responders are appointed by the Health Care Authority and provide culturally appropriate evaluations of American Indians and Alaskan Natives. They have the same authority as other designated crisis responders within the Superior Court system for tribal and non-tribal members. (General Fund - State)

Legal and Contracts Staff

This item will enable the Authority to hire essential contracts and legal staff. (School Employees' Insur Admin Acct - State, General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Rural CHART Support

The Health Care Authority (HCA) is granted expenditure authority in anticipation of a federal grant award, effective October 2021, and for staffing needs beginning in January 2023, to implement and achieve the goals of the Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) model. In May 2021, HCA applied to be the CHART lead organization for the state. As lead organization, HCA will be awarded a federal grant to partner with rural hospitals and community stakeholders to reduce the disparities in health care access and quality that exist between rural and urban settings. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

EHR Expansion

Funding is provided to procure Electronic Health Record (EHR) software and procure the services of a lead organization to set up, operate, and maintain EHR services. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Quality Assurance Fee Program

Funding is provided for the Authority to make increased payments to ambulance transport providers and to administer the Quality Assurance Fee program as directed in Chapter 74.70 RCW. (Ambulance Transport Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Total Cost of Insulin

This funding will establish the “total cost of insulin” workgroup as prescribed by Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2662 (Chapter 346, Laws of 2020). (General Fund - State)

Support for Recent BH Initiatives

Funds are provided to right-size program capacity, managerial structure, and operational capabilities for the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery to align with the breadth of work that is assigned to the agency. This includes the transformation of community behavioral health, integration of physical and behavioral health, work related to the Trueblood settlement agreement and Blake court decision, and implementation of the 988 suicide prevention hotline, and other workload items. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

IMD Federal Waiver

Funding is adjusted for changes in federal waiver status in fiscal year 2021 and caseload utilization for services in institutions of mental disease (IMD). Of this amount, $19 million is for belated claims for expenses incurred in the previous biennium. (General Fund - State)

Remote Patient Monitoring

Funds are provided to add a remote patient monitoring (RPM) benefit to Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal)

Language Access Providers Agreement

Funding is adjusted for interpreter services based upon the language access providers collective bargaining agreement for fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

ITA Civil Discharge Monitoring

Funding is provided for coordination and collaboration with managed care and behavioral health administrative service organizations on the handling of inpatient behavioral health care and discharge processes, Involuntary Treatment Act stays, and timely discharge to home and community settings. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Medicaid Caseload

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provides enhanced federal Medicaid funding to states meeting certain conditions, including continuous beneficiary enrollment throughout the public health emergency period regardless of changes that might otherwise affect eligibility. The November 2021 forecast prepared by the Caseload Forecast Council assumes that the public health emergency will end in January 2022 and included six months for disenrollment at the conclusion of the public health emergency. This item reflects the incremental cost of disenrollment over a period lasting 12 months. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

Master Person Index M&O

Funds are provided for two staff to complete the master person index project. This is a foundational database for multiple health and human services enterprise coalition IT projects being completed in this biennium. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Prenatal to 25 BH Facilitation

This funding will help facilitate the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Workgroup to develop a strategic plan for the delivery of behavioral health services for prenatal to age 25. (General Fund - State)

Eliminating ABD/HEN Review

Funding is provided for the department to eliminate the mid-certification review requirement for blind and disabled recipients of the Aged, Blind or Disabled program and Housing and Essential Needs Referral program. It also will restore the caseload of participants who have lost this benefit, effective July 1, 2022. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, other funds)

Parent Warmline

Funding is provided to expand the new parent phone line that will include longer hours of service and more resources for culturally appropriate service delivery. (General Fund - State)

Regional Treatment Facilities

Funding is provided for the Health Care Authority to manage and contract for 32 beds at the regional treatment facility in Vancouver and beds planned for the regional treatment facility in Snohomish County. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Youth Inpatient Navigators

Funds are provided to partner with Seattle Children's Hospital to help families and caregivers identify alternate, temporary solutions for instances where a long-term inpatient bed for children is not available due to bed capacity or geography issues. (General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

UIHP Enhanced FMAP

Funding is adjusted for utilization changes with respect to the federal government's increased FMAP for the Urban Indian Health Organization (UIHP) and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - State, General Fund - Cash, other funds)

Health Care for Undocumented Adults

Funding is provided for expansion of Apple Health to undocumented Washingtonians who do not qualify for other state-funded health care assistance programs and have countable incomes below 138 percent of the federal poverty level. This is an important first step toward universal health coverage. Services are assumed to begin in January 2024, and initial funding is provided for program capacity and information technology changes necessary to support this initiative. (General Fund - State)

Glidepath for Supported Employment

This item will enable to the agency to explore opportunities to create a bridge period for Housing and Essential Needs benefits for individuals engaged in supported employment. (General Fund - State)

Expand Housing & Employment Access

Funds are provided for a supported housing and supported employment program to serve individuals who don't qualify for Medicaid or who need an extended time to apply for and obtain Medicaid. This program is comparable to the foundational community supports initiative in the Medicaid transformation waiver. (General Fund - State)

Expand Medical Respite Care for BH

This item will provide funding for medical care professionals to care for individuals with a medical condition who do not have housing with the intent of reducing avoidable hospitalizations and improving medical care for a population that is underserved. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Specialized Landlord Support

Funding is provided to create a regional landlord liaison program to support stability for residents with behavioral health needs. (General Fund - State)

Invest in Master Leasing Incentive

Funding is provided to create a master leasing incentive program with specific emphasis on Trueblood programs and to develop a master leasing toolkit for use by landlords serving special populations. (General Fund - State)

Provide Crisis Response

Funds are provided for regional behavioral health mobile crisis response teams focused on supported housing. (General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Expand Housing First Opportunities

Funding is provided to expand access to no-barrier, low-barrier, and transitional housing using a 'housing first' model. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, other funds)

Reduce Discharge to Homelessness

Funding is provided to reduce instances where an individual may discharge from a state-operated behavioral health institution to homelessness. (General Fund - State)

Wraparound with Intensive Services

Pursuant to the settlement agreement under AGC v. Washington State Health Care Authority, funding is provided to expand eligibility for Wraparound with Intensive Service (WISe) to undocumented immigrant and refugee children ineligible for federally funded Medicaid benefits. (General Fund - State)

State Employee Benefits

Health insurance funding is provided for state employees who are not covered by the healthcare coalition. The insurance funding rate is $936 per employee per month for fiscal year 2022 and $1,130 per employee per month for fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Rep Employee Health Benefits

Health insurance funding is provided as part of the master agreements for employees who bargain for health benefits as part of a coalition of unions. The insurance funding rate is $936 per employee per month for fiscal year 2022 and $1,130 per employee per month for fiscal year 2023. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Non-Rep General Wage Increase

A general wage increase of 3.25%, effective July 1, 2022, is provided for state employees who are not represented by a union or who are covered by a bargaining agreement that is not subject to financial feasibility determination. (General Fund - State, St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase

For eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members, this item provides an increase of 3%, up to a maximum of $110 per month. (St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, General Fund - State, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Archives/Records Management

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated share of charges for archives and records management services provided by the Secretary of State's Office. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal, St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State)

CTS Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from Consolidated Technology Services (CTS) for the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of Cyber Security, state network, enterprise services, small agency IT services, security gateways, and geospatial imaging services. See the 2021-23 Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (St Health Care Authority Admin Acct - State, General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal, other funds)

Self-Insurance Liability Premium

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's share of the actuarially projected costs of the self-insurance liability premium. (General Fund - State, General Fund - Federal)