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Rescind (business process) - Workday - Cross Application

Rescinding a business process operates on completed business processes. It completely reverses all changes made to Workday data. It is also a securable action in a business process security policy.

Report Data Sources - Workday - Cross Application

Predefined groups of logically related fields, used when creating reports with Report Writer, which define the data in the report row. For example, the report data source “Employees” contains contact information, personal data, and identification information. Report data sources also include which roles have access to see the report data.

Related Business Object - Workday - Cross Application

When defining a report, fields that return objects related to the primary business object are said to contain related business objects. These related objects may have their own set of fields that can be included in the report as well.

Put (permission) - Workday - Cross Application

Put is an integration action that adds or changes Workday data. It is a permission that can be granted in a domain security policy.

Prompt (reporting) - Workday - Cross Application

A Report Writer report can be defined so that it prompts the user for filtering criteria when they run the report. Report prompts can also be built in" to a data source.


Predefined security Group - Workday - Cross Application

Workers are assigned to the predefined security groups through a business process. These groups cannot be changed except by reversing the business process or executing a new business process, such as applying for a position, or being hired. Examples include: Employee, Contingent Worker, and Applicant.

Primary Business Object - Workday - Cross Application

When defining a report, the primary business object is the business object returned by the data source.

Organization Security Group - Workday - Cross Application

An organization security group is one whose members are any workers assigned to that organization.

My Workday 2.0 - Workday - Cross Application

The My Workday 2.0 landing page is home to the Workfeed worklet. It is designed to optimize performance, and therefore is limited to displaying the Workfeed plus 4 additional worklets. This limit ensures that users cannot place a large number of worklets (some of which may be computationally intensive) on a page that is frequently accessed. It is recommended that you use the Dashboard landing pages for additional analytical worklets that users might need.

My Workday - Workday - Cross Application

The My Workday landing page displays a grid of worklets such as Inbox and My Requests. You should enable My Workday only for administrator and professional roles, not for Employee Self Service or Manager Self Service. Workday recommends that you keep the number of worklets on My Workday to a minimum. The number of worklets on My Workday affects display performance.
