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OFM Planned Maintenance - Statewide HR Data Process Change (REMINDER)

February 11, 2021
OFM ITS Planned Maintenance

Visit the OFM Service Portal at for scheduled maintenance over the next 5 days.

Reminder – Statewide HR Data Process Change!

This is a follow-up to the communication sent on February 1, 2021 announcing that OFM is changing the way Higher Education partners access their validation status and error reports.  All users, including those with existing SFT accounts, must submit the required forms to the OFM Help Desk by February 18, 2021 to ensure they can view validation status and error reports for the February 1 – 15 payroll. If you have already done so, we thank you for the quick turnaround.

Updated on 2/11/21 at 11 a.m.


What is happening?

OFM is changing the way Higher Education partners access their validation status and error reports.

Who will be impacted?

SWHR Users

How will this impact customers?

For security purposes, prior to getting access to an SFT account, each user will need to complete a Statewide HR Non-Disclosure Agreement form and a Statewide HR SFT Account Request form. Users who already have SFT account access will also need to complete the forms. These forms are available on the Statewide HR Data (SWHR) web page. 

The process for submitting forms is:

  1. The Statewide HR SFT Account Request form requires manager approval. Each institution must first designate at least two primary contacts with authority to approve SFT accounts for individuals who need access to their institution’s SWHR reports.
    • Approvers must be managers within the institution’s HR and/or Payroll offices.
    • Send the names and contact information for institution approvers to the OFM Help Desk ( using “SWHR Approvers” in the email Subject line.
  2. All individuals who need access to the SWHR SFT account must fill out a Statewide HR SFT Account Request form and a completed Statewide HR Non-Disclosure Agreement form and send the completed forms to the institution’s approving authority.
  3. Upon completion of forms, approving authorities must e-mail request and non-disclosure forms to the OFM Help Desk ( using “SWHR Access” in the email Subject line.
  4. The OFM SWHR system analyst will verify the approval and initiate creation of an OFMHR SFT account for the employee. Account credentials will be provided to the employee along with basic instructions for accessing the reports.

When is this maintenance happening?

OFM is planning to cut over to the secure SFT site for Statewide HR reports on February 19, 2021.  This impacts all validation report end users.

Why is this maintenance happening?

Current practice requires accessing reports using two different processes.  OFM is streamlining the process for user ease of access and ease of management for OFM.  All future access will be through a state Secure File Transfer (SFT) account.

The current process: Access to most SWHR validation and status reports is currently through the CIMAI web application. Reports that contain confidential data are accessed via the state’s SFT server.

The new process: Access to SWHR validation and status reports will be exclusively through the state’s SFT server at

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