Loan offer to Hartstene Pointe Water-Sewer District for Hartstene Pointe Sewer Collection System Improvements.
Ecology, Department of
Title of action
Loan offer to Hartstene Pointe Water-Sewer District for Hartstene Pointe Sewer Collection System Improvements.
Date significant agency action was initiated
Friday, February 2, 2024
Capital project, grant, or loan award of at least $12 million
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
The proposed action is to provide the Hartstene Pointe Water-Sewer District with $14 million of loan funding for system-wide repairs and the replacement and relocation of a deteriorated sewer main.
The project location is the Hartstene Pointe Water-Sewer District Sewer Collection System on Hartstene Island in Mason County, adjacent to Puget Sound via Case Inlet. Hartstene Island is in the Treaty-reserved Usual and Accustomed Area of the Squaxin Island Tribe.
Anticipated benefits from the improvements made with this loan include:
• Preventing a main sewer line failure on a bluff directly above a marine environment. Such a failure would result in raw sewage flows into Puget Sound and shoreline, which is a serious risk for public health, geoduck harvesting and shellfish farming, and water quality.
• Preventing rainwater and water underground from flowing into the sewer pipes through leaks and pipe connections (infiltration and inflow). Excess inflow and infiltration can overload the wastewater system and violate the facility’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. Permit violations result in fines to the local community, which can be burdensome.
• This project will help restore Puget Sound because these changes directly improves the water quality (primarily to dissolved oxygen levels) of impaired portions of the Sound.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Ecology plans to conduct engagements focused on connecting with overburdened communities and vulnerable populations beginning in April 2024 for the environmental justice assessment of this loan offer.
Ecology conducted public engagement in February and March of 2024, with an online webinar and public comment period. We will respond to comments regarding environmental justice, overburdened communities, or vulnerable populations with vulnerabilities impacted by the action and seek further involvement to address concerns. Through methods yet to be determined, Ecology will identify additional opportunities to engage overburdened communities in Mason County and provide opportunities for their meaningful involvement in this funding decision.
Ecology will also invite Tribal consultation with impacted Tribes, including but not limited to the Squaxin Island, Nisqually Indian, and Skokomish Tribes.
Please contact Faith Wimberley at with any comments or questions, or visit the webpage below to stay informed.
Link to agency webpage where the action is posted.