Clarifying, updating and modifying office of homeless youth prevention and protection statutes
Commerce, Department of
Title of action
Clarifying, updating and modifying office of homeless youth prevention and protection statutes
Date significant agency action was initiated
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Agency-request legislation
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
This is Department of Commerce, Housing Division, agency request legislation related to several technical clarifications that are needed in RCWs to improve the administration of Office of Homeless Youth (OHY) grant programs. The current RCW language presents barriers to the successful implementation of OHY programs or contributes to a lack of clarity about OHY's roles and responsibilities. The requested changes originated from requests from community providers and lived experts.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Community engagement on these technical fixes already took place, with the changes being developed in consultation with Office of Homeless Youth advisory groups and stakeholders. Since these are small technical fixes, we don't anticipate future concerns from stakeholders. We don't anticipate any impacts on Tribal Nations or lands.
Link to agency webpage where the action is posted.
Explain briefly why the action did not move forward.
Died in Session and did not move forward