Other pages about the topic: Budget
The budget bills proposed by Governor Inslee for the 2019 supplemental and the 2019-21 biennium are included on this page.
The following section presents three tables that describe the 2019-29 capital plan. The first table, the 10-year capital plan project listing, displays the recommended capital plan for each agency by project and fund source. Table 2 displays the 2019-21 capital program by source of funds, and Table 3 displays the 2019-29 10-year plan by appropriation type.
Assumptions used in the development of the 10-year plan include the following:
Governor Inslee’s proposed capital budget appropriates nearly $5 billion (all funds) for state construction projects, grant and loan programs for local governments, and to build and improve K-12 schools and facilities for higher education. An average of 14,000 jobs per year will be created or sustained by the work funded in the capital budget.
Decisions behind the governor's budget proposal, highlighting major areas of change.
Drill down into the budget in this interactive chart to find descriptions of every change proposed in the governor’s budget.
You can now view operating budget requests that state agencies and higher education institutions have submitted to us for consideration in Gov. Inslee's 2019–21 biennial budget proposal:
Agency Budget Requests
The website is best viewed in Google Chrome browser.
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