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Census 2010 data

Click on a tab below to access various 2010 Census data products.


Data tables

2010 Census 2-page demographic profiles

These 2-page demographic profiles are based on the 2010 Census Demographic Profile Summary File product. These general profiles show data for age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, household type, group quarters population, housing occupancy, and housing tenure.

Click on one of the links below to find a 2-page demographic profile for your area of interest.

Census 2000 Summary File 3 data file descriptions

Population and housing characteristics

This table is a compilation of data from several Summary File 3 tables. Items include Group Quarters Population, Housing Unit Population by Tenure and Structure Type, Average Household Size by Tenure, Housing Unit Occupancy Status, and Occupied Housing Units by Tenure and Structure Type. Each component of this data table is described separately below.

Census 2000 Summary File 3 data tables

Profiles from the 2000 federal census are available for the counties of Washington. Derived from Summary File 1, these tables contain information based on the April 1, 2000, 100 percent count of population.

Census 2000 detailed demographic profiles

These Detailed Demographic Profiles are based exclusively on Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF3) data, which consists of 813 detailed tables of Census 2000 social, economic and housing characteristics compiled from a sample of approximately 19 million housing units (about 1 in 6 households) that received the Census 2000 long-form questionnaire.

County and place profiles organized by county

Census 2000 demographic profiles by county

These Detailed Demographic Profiles are based exclusively on Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF3) data, which consists of 813 detailed tables of Census 2000 social, economic and housing characteristics compiled from a sample of approximately 19 million housing units (about 1 in 6 households) that received the Census 2000 long-form questionnaire.

1990 Census demographic profiles

These demographic profiles are based on the 1990 Census Summary Tape File (STF) products. Separate profiles are available for general population and housing characteristics, social characteristics, labor force status and employment characteristics, income and poverty status, and housing characteristics. The general population and housing characteristics information is extracted from STF1 (100% count data); the remaining tables are derived from STF3 (sample data).
