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Department of Social and Health Services

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 18,981.1 10,733,704 10,784,987 21,518,691
2023-25 Maintenance Level 18,981.1 11,222,751 10,947,657 22,170,408
Difference from Original 0.0 489,047 162,670 651,717
% Change from Original 0.0% 4.6% 1.5% 3.0%

2023-25 Policy Other Changes

SCORE Program Continuation 2.0 1,243 0 1,243
SB5236 Staffing Requirements 0.40 510 0 510
Clinical Contracted Staffing 0.0 25,750 0 25,750
Olympic Heritage Behavioral Health (53.3) (15,188) 0 (15,188)
Maple Lane Campus (77.8) (21,898) 0 (21,898)
DSHS RTF - Vancouver Campus (54.8) (14,037) 0 (14,037)
Reduce Med Consultant Contract 0.0 (50) 0 (50)
Reduce Leadership Training 0.0 (60) 0 (60)
Waiver Provider Rates 0.0 1,251 1,252 2,503
SOLA Forecast 30.3 8,771 9,941 18,712
Federal Funding Adjustment 20.0 0 240,409 240,409
Remove Child Ed Proviso 0.0 (495) 0 (495)
Operate Lake Burien RTF 4.4 1,834 533 2,367
Mainframe as a Serv. Additions 0.0 809 689 1,498
Asset Verification System Adj. (1.1) (1,058) (1,059) (2,117)
TALX Contract 0.0 1,591 650 2,241
Suquamish Tribal TANF MOE 0.0 0 248 248
CSO Safety & Security Improvements 0.0 674 274 948
ACES M&O Base Funding 0.0 7,411 6,021 13,432
IE&E - CMS Rules 1.0 1,965 3,634 5,599
Supporting SNAP Tribal Expansion 0.50 270 272 542
Underspend- Working Family Support 0.0 (400) 0 (400)
Underspend- WorkFirst Services 0.0 (2,000) 0 (2,000)
Underspend - Diversion Cash Asst. 0.0 (1,305) 0 (1,305)
Underspend- Div. of Child Support 0.0 (500) 0 (500)
Refugees - Subrecipient Monitoring 0.70 0 203 203
SNAP Natl. Accuracy Clearing House 0.80 461 461 922
Summer EBT Contractor Cost 0.0 163 163 326
Underspend - School to Work Program 0.0 (810) 0 (810)
Close Fir Unit (4.5) (930) 0 (930)
Reduce Redwood Unit (7.0) (1,483) 0 (1,483)
2023-25 Policy Other Changes Total (138.4) (7,511) 263,691 256,180
Total Policy Changes (138.4) (7,511) 263,691 256,180
Policy Level 18,842.7 11,215,240 11,211,348 22,426,588
Difference from Original (138.4) 481,536 426,361 907,897
% Change from Original (0.7%) 4.5% 4.0% 4.2%

Policy Changes

SCORE Program Continuation

Funding is provided on a one-time basis to continue enhanced behavioral health support services to Trueblood Class Members in custody at the King County South Correctional Entity Jail during the 2023-25 Biennium. (General Fund - State)

SB5236 Staffing Requirements

Funding is provided to meet the requirements of E2SSB 5236 concerning hospital staffing standards. (General Fund - State)

Clinical Contracted Staffing

Funding is provided for increased contracted nursing staffing costs due to extraordinary vacancy rates within the state psychiatric hospitals. (General Fund - State)

Olympic Heritage Behavioral Health

Funding is adjusted due to updated costs projections for DSHS to operate three wards at Olympic Heritage Behavioral Health. (General Fund - State)

Maple Lane Campus

Funding is adjusted due to delays in operating Baker Unit on the Maple Lane campus. (General Fund - State)

DSHS RTF - Vancouver Campus

Funding is adjusted due to delays in operating Brockmann campus in Clark County. (General Fund - State)

Reduce Med Consultant Contract

Funding is reduced for medical consultant contracts. (General Fund - State)

Reduce Leadership Training

Funding is reduced for leadership training. (General Fund - State)

Waiver Provider Rates

Additional funding is necessary to support increased access to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver services, including crisis diversion services for children and adults. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

SOLA Forecast

Increased funding is necessary to maintain the costs of the current SOLA bed capacity. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Federal Funding Adjustment

Funding is provided to adjust expenditure authority to reflect current estimates of federal revenue for the Vocational Rehabilitation Basic Support grant and authority for 40 FTEs to serve additional clients. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Local CRC Oregon, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, other funds)

Remove Child Ed Proviso

This funding is intended to support children and youth in Residential Habilitation Centers. There are no eligible residents, and the funding is no longer necessary. (General Fund - State)

Operate Lake Burien RTF

One-time funding is provided for costs to implement and operate the Lake Burien residential transitional facility. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Mainframe as a Serv. Additions

Additional funding is provided for the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES) Mainframe as a Service IT project to cover increased vendor costs that were not previously identified. The additional services are necessary to support the stability of the ACES mainframe hardware. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Asset Verification System Adj.

Due to a project delay, funding and staffing for the Asset Verification System (AVS) IT project is reduced in fiscal year 2025 to align with planned resource needs. Unspent funds in fiscal year 2025 are requested for project completion in fiscal year 2026. The intent of this project is to fully integrate AVS into the ACES to move toward automated asset verification during Medicaid eligibility determinations. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

TALX Contract

The Work Number (formerly TALX) is an online Equifax database used to verify employment and salary information for cash and food benefit eligibility. Funding is provided for increased service fees and usage. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Suquamish Tribal TANF MOE

Funding is provided to the Suquamish Tribe to implement a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Tribal program. (General Fund - Federal Dedicated, General Fund - Temporary Assist for Needy Families)

CSO Safety & Security Improvements

Funding is provided to improve the safety and security at Community Service Offices, including the installation and monitoring of duress buttons, increased security officers, and staff travel costs associated with attending active threat and de-escalation training. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

ACES M&O Base Funding

Funding is provided to cover a shortfall identified in the base budget for the maintenance and operations of ACES and to cover increased vendor costs for additional services necessary to support the stability of ACES. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

IE&E - CMS Rules

Funding is provided for the continuation of the Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment project, including contractor and staffing costs associated with aligning eligibility rules with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' regulations. (General Fund - Cash, General Fund - Medicaid Federal, General Fund - State, other funds)

Supporting SNAP Tribal Expansion

Funding is provided for staffing, system enhancements, and other Tribal costs associated with the expansion of SNAP Tribal Eligibility Determination Project to an additional five Tribes. This project allows participating Tribes the ability to design and operate appropriate, culturally relevant programs directly to their Tribal members with the intent of increasing access to food assistance within their communities. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Underspend- Working Family Support

Funding is reduced to align with projected under expenditures of the Working Family Support program. (General Fund - State)

Underspend- WorkFirst Services

Funding is reduced to align with projected under expenditures of WorkFirst services. (General Fund - State)

Underspend - Diversion Cash Asst.

Funding is reduced to align with projected under expenditures of the Diversion Cash Assistance program. (General Fund - State)

Underspend- Div. of Child Support

Funding is reduced to align with projected administrative under expenditures for the Division of Child Support. (General Fund - State)

Refugees - Subrecipient Monitoring

Funding is provided to ORIA and the Division of Finance and Financial Resources for additional staffing to manage fiscal and program monitoring required under the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement's Refugee and Entrant Assistance federal funding award. (General Fund - Federal)

SNAP Natl. Accuracy Clearing House

Funding is provided to the Economic Services Administration to implement a federally mandated interstate data matching system for SNAP by May of 2026. The funding covers IT enhancements and staffing. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Summer EBT Contractor Cost

Funding is provided for the contractor costs associated with issuing the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards to eligible Summer EBT program households. Funding is increased above the base appropriation due to a projected caseload increase. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Underspend - School to Work Program

Funding is reduced to align with a projected one-time underspend for the School to Work program. (General Fund - State)

Close Fir Unit

Funding is reduced due to closure of Fir Unit on McNeil Island. (General Fund - State)

Reduce Redwood Unit

Funding is reduced due to Redwood Unit on McNeil Island operating at lower capacity. (General Fund - State)