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Bond Retirement and Interest

Bond Retirement and Interest provides the functional support to the State Finance Committee in its statutory role. Activities include budgeting and accounting for the state’s debt program, the sale of state bonds, disbursement of debt service on outstanding long term debt, certification of the constitutional debt limit, administration of the state and local lease purchase programs, and administration of the school bond guarantee program.
Request 6,688,824,000
Net change from current biennium 537,889,000 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 8.7% Increase

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
192,490,000 192,490,000 Toll Facility Bond Retirement Acct - Federal 199,039,348
COP/Other Financing Account - Local - Nonappropriated 96,340
COP/Other Financing Account - State - Nonappropriated 925,371
2,876,223,000 General Fund - State 2,609,687,048 2,876,223,000 3,259,538,000
24,784,000 State Building Construction Account - State 6,921,882 24,784,000 15,741,000
267,000 (514,959,000) Transportation Partnership Account - State 323,167 515,226,000 543,621,000
(315,708,000) Motor Vehicle Account - State 315,708,000 307,471,000
4,000 4,000 Columbia River Basin Water Supply - State 10,031
(10,304,000) Transportation Improvement Account - State 10,304,000 5,618,000
(101,744,000) SR #520 Corridor Account - State 101,744,000 101,747,000
5,548,000 (200,188,000) Connecting WA account - State 205,736,000 323,807,000
539,000 (29,501,000) Special Category C Account - State 91,064 30,040,000 38,578,000
(28,261,000) Multimodal Transportation Account - State 28,261,000 28,310,000
Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State 4,755,000
1,475,218,000 2,886,000 Highway Bond Retirement Account - State 1,406,413,275 1,472,332,000 1,494,938,000
4,616,000 Ferry Bond Retirement Account - State 17,149,500 4,616,000 3,280,000
10,305,000 TIB Bond Retirement Account - State 17,217,891 10,305,000 9,972,000
1,052,000 State Tax Bld Construction Account - State 276,678 1,052,000 385,000
5,000 5,000 School Constr & Skill Ctrs Bldg - State
88,000 Watershed Restor Enhance Bond Acct - State 48,302 88,000 122,000
119,000 119,000 Debt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Ret - State 510,213
80,023,000 Nondebt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Ret - State 85,835,619 80,023,000 66,552,000
102,934,000 Toll Facility Bond Retirement Acct - State 101,663,602 102,934,000 101,748,000
(371,559,000) Transportation 2003 Acct (Nickel A) - State 371,559,000 371,041,000
I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State 11,600,000
4,774,215,000 (1,376,720,000) Total Appropriated Funds 4,446,209,329 6,150,935,000 6,688,824,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 2,257,498,939 2,370,352,618 1,408,179,711 2,481,884,000 2,710,291,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
216,763,506 5.1% (666,655,290) (15.0%) 1,413,642,671 37.4%