Agency recommendation summaries
Select a Functional Area
- Bond Retirement and Interest
- Legislative
- Judicial
- Governmental Operations
- Special Appropriations to the Governor
- Human Services - Other
- Transportation
- Human Services - DSHS
- Higher Education
- Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Education
- Education - Other
- Natural Resources and Recreation
- Retirement System Contributions
Bond Retirement And Interest
Education - Other
- Eastern Washington State Historical Society
- State School For The Blind
- Washington State Arts Commission
- Washington State Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss
- Washington State Historical Society
- Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Governmental Operations
- Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers
- Board of Accountancy
- Board of Tax Appeals
- Caseload Forecast Council
- Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials
- Commission on African-American Affairs
- Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
- Commission on Hispanic Affairs
- Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Enterprise Services
- Department of Financial Institutions
- Department of Retirement Systems
- Department of Revenue
- Economic and Revenue Forecast Council
- Forensic Investigations Council
- Governor's Office of Indian Affairs
- Horse Racing Commission
- Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Plan 2 Retirement Board
- Liquor and Cannabis Board
- Military Department
- Office of Administrative Hearings
- Office of Attorney General
- Office of Financial Management
- Office of Independent Investigations
- Office of Insurance Commissioner
- Office of Lieutenant Governor
- Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises
- Office of State Auditor
- Office of State Treasurer
- Office of the Governor
- Office of the Secretary of State
- Public Disclosure Commission
- Public Employment Relations Commission
- State Investment Board
- State Lottery
- Utilities and Transportation Commission
- Washington State Gambling Commission
- Washington State Leadership Board
- Washington Technology Solutions
Higher Education
- Central Washington University
- Community and Technical College System
- Eastern Washington University
- Student Achievement Council
- The Evergreen State College
- University of Washington
- Washington State University
- Western Washington University
Human Services - DSHS
Human Services - Other
- Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals
- Criminal Justice Training Commission
- Department of Children, Youth, and Families
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Health
- Department of Labor and Industries
- Department of Services for the Blind
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Employment Security Department
- Human Rights Commission
- Washington State Health Care Authority
- Administrative Office of the Courts
- Commission on Judicial Conduct
- Court of Appeals
- Office of Civil Legal Aid
- Office of Public Defense
- Supreme Court
Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Education
Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Compensation Adjustments
- Education Reform
- Education of Highly Capable Students
- Educational Service Districts
- Elementary and Secondary School Improvement
- General Apportionment
- Grants and Pass-Through Funding
- Institutional Education
- Learning Assistance Program
- Levy Equalization
- Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Professional Educator Standards Board
- Pupil Transportation
- SPI-Charter School Commission
- SPI-Charter Schools Apportionment
- School Food Services
- Special Education
- State Board of Education
- Transition to Kindergarten
- Transitional Bilingual Instruction
- House of Representatives
- Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee
- Joint Legislative Systems Committee
- Joint Transportation Committee
- Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee
- Office of Legislative Support Services
- Office of State Legislative Labor Relations
- Office of the State Actuary
- Senate
- Statute Law Committee
Natural Resources And Recreation
- Columbia River Gorge Commission
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Department of Natural Resources
- Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
- Environmental and Land Use Hearings Office
- Pollution Liability Insurance Program
- Puget Sound Partnership
- Recreation and Conservation Funding Board
- State Conservation Commission
- State Parks and Recreation Commission
Retirement System Contributions
Special Appropriations To The Governor
- Board of Pilotage Commissioners
- Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors
- County Road Administration Board
- Department of Licensing
Department of Transportation
- Aviation
- Charges From Other Agencies
- Facility Maintenance, Operations and Construction - Operating
- Facility Maintenance, Operations, and Construction-Capital
- Highway Maintenance and Operations
- Improvements
- Information Technology
- Local Programs - Capital
- Local Programs - Operating
- Preservation
- Program Delivery Management and Support
- Public Private Partnerships-Operating
- Public Transportation
- Public Transportation - Capital
- Rail - Capital
- Rail - Operating
- Toll Operations and Maintenance
- Transportation Equipment Fund
- Transportation Management and Support
- Transportation Operations - Capital
- Transportation Operations-Operating
- Transportation Planning, Data and Research
- Washington State Ferries
- Washington State Ferries - Capital
- Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board
- Traffic Safety Commission
- Transportation Commission
- Transportation Improvement Board
- Washington State Patrol