Department of Ecology

RCW 43.21A

The Department of Ecology was created by the Legislature in 1970. As the state's primary agency for environmental protection, Ecology administers laws and rules relating to air quality, climate impacts, water quality, water resources, oil spill prevention, preparedness and response, hazardous waste and toxics reduction, solid waste management, nuclear waste, toxic site cleanups, and shoreline and wetlands management. Ecology also provides services in the areas of financial assistance, permitting, environmental compliance, technical assistance, environmental education, watershed planning, and environmental monitoring and assessment. Ecology’s goals are to: • Support and engage our communities, customers, and employees. • Reduce and prepare for climate impacts. • Prevent and reduce waste, toxic threats, and pollution. • Protect and manage our state’s waters.

Agency Mission

The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment for current and future generations.
Request 1,109,822,000
Net change from current biennium 159,637,000 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 16.8% Increase

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
145,441,000 General Fund - Federal 63,627,611 145,441,000 245,742,000
29,544,000 General Fund - Private/Local 17,379,729 29,544,000 39,691,000
1,000,000 Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - Private/Local 1,000,000 499,000
(170,000) Basic Data Account - Nonappropriated 7,709 170,000 170,000
(898,000) Electronic Products Recycling Acct - Nonappropriated 448,878 898,000 916,000
(252,000) Product Stewardship Programs Acct - Nonappropriated 42,099 252,000 254,000
State Agency Ofc Relocat Pool Acct - Nonappropriated
Photovoltaic Module Recycling Acct - Nonappropriated
Watershed Restoration Enhance Acct - Nonappropriated
(1,125,000) Recycled Content Account - Nonappropriated 462,076 1,125,000 1,151,000
State Agency Parking Account - Nonappropriated (4)
Responsible Battery Management Acc - Nonappropriated 673,000
(1,064,000) Coastal Protection Account - Nonappropriated 745,061 1,064,000 1,064,000
Info Tech Invest Rev Acct - Nonappropriated
78,781,000 General Fund - State 82,426,084 78,781,000 82,301,000
4,785,000 Reclamation Account - State 2,667,287 4,785,000 4,966,000
5,252,000 Flood Control Assistance Account - State 3,746,581 5,252,000 5,176,000
150,000 Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account - State 145,500 150,000 692,000
40,000 St Emergency Water Projects Revolv - State 40,000 40,000
33,999,000 Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 28,561,520 33,999,000 42,269,000
2,219,000 State Drought Preparedness Account - State 2,219,000 224,000
186,000 St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State 63,295 186,000 186,000
Aquatic Algae Control Account - State
48,000 Water Rights Tracking System Acct - State 48,000 48,000
582,000 Site Closure Account - State 169,471 582,000 582,000
605,000 Wood Stove Education/Enforcement - State 469,237 605,000 739,000
2,222,000 Worker/Community Right to Know Acct - State 1,425,547 2,222,000 2,283,000
39,000 Water Rights Processing Account - State 39,000 39,000
67,216,000 Water Quality Permit Account - State 44,790,566 67,216,000 75,696,000
5,032,000 Underground Storage Tank Account - State 1,974,125 5,032,000 5,209,000
3,068,000 195,000 Biosolids Permit Account - State 2,200,561 2,873,000 3,165,000
9,476,000 Hazardous Waste Assistance Account - State 6,440,193 9,476,000 11,751,000
24,455,000 Radioactive Mixed Waste Acct - State 21,424,325 24,455,000 28,088,000
4,926,000 372,000 Air Pollution Control Account - State 3,058,994 4,554,000 6,017,000
9,132,000 Oil Spill Prevention Account - State 5,489,547 9,132,000 11,249,000
5,593,000 Air Operating Permit Account - State 3,201,285 5,593,000 6,093,000
804,000 100,000 Wastewater Treatmt Plant Oper Cert - State 444,094 704,000 840,000
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State
7,076,000 4,380,000 Oil Spill Response Account - State 1,230,125 2,696,000 7,076,000
15,715,000 Model Toxics Control Capital Accoun - State 15,715,000 15,715,000
350,730,000 Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State 257,259,915 350,730,000 362,339,000
16,992,000 Model Toxics Control Stormwater Acc - State 7,891,105 16,992,000 17,459,000
344,000 Voluntary Cleanup Account - State 149,516 344,000 381,000
151,000 82,000 Paint Product Stewardship Account - State 31,583 69,000 155,000
5,003,000 Clean Fuels Program Account - State 217,360 5,003,000 5,815,000
3,121,000 RefrigerantEmissionManagementAcct - State 3,121,000 4,411,000
4,000,000 Carbon Emissions Reduction Account - State 4,000,000 4,000,000
60,877,000 Climate Investment Account - State 1,685,309 60,877,000 68,987,000
25,152,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 25,152,000 17,539,000
16,408,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State 16,408,000 15,490,000
6,000,000 3,000,000 Emergency Drought Response Account - State 3,000,000 3,000,000
Dedicated Cannabis Account - State 349,667
471,000 471,000 SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State 400,063
Pension Funding Stabilization Acct - State
8,641,000 Water Pollution Control Revol Admin - State 4,303,149 8,641,000 9,642,000
Salary/Insurance Contrib Increase R - State 90,074
955,276,000 5,091,000 Total Appropriated Funds 565,019,240 950,185,000 1,109,822,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Capital Budget: Summary

  Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   Actual Estimated Proposed
(4,203,000) Columbia River Basin Water Supply - 4,203,000 3,833,000
(10,654,000) State Tax Bld Construction Account - 10,654,000 10,284,000
44,306,829 (171) General Fund - Federal 7,069,322 44,307,000 45,208,000
207,864,520 (480) Water Pollution Control Revolving - Federal 78,704,000 207,865,000 369,257,000
83,575,005 5 General Fund - Private/Local 16,160,665 83,575,000 73,602,000
588,485,363 1,363 State Building Construction Account - State 237,804,720 588,484,000 779,070,000
Public Works Assistance Account - State 41,000,000
10,858,241 241 State Drought Preparedness Account - State 20,709 10,858,000 10,105,000
295,000 295,000 St/Loc Impr Rev Acct Water Sup Fac - State
1,122,140 140 Waste Tire Removal Account - State 1,072,170 1,122,000 1,346,000
1,120,607 (393) Aquatic Algae Control Account - State 319,393 1,121,000 1,052,000
4,203,127 4,203,127 Columbia River Basin Water Supply - State 3,654,615
1,644,167 167 Site Closure Account - State 281,404 1,644,000 1,527,000
26,541,900 (100) Cleanup Settlement Account - State 9,241,939 26,542,000 20,300,000
8,610,798 798 Air Pollution Control Account - State 7,229,272 8,610,000 2,808,000
2,479,327 327 Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 920,673 2,479,000 2,445,000
509,836,938 2,938 Model Toxics Control Capital Accoun - State 80,302,479 509,834,000 536,434,000
163,510,127 127 Model Toxics Control Stormwater Acc - State 44,384,104 163,510,000 193,520,000
15,000,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 15,000,000 14,647,000
17,592,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State 17,592,000 17,234,000
21,800,000 Air Qual Health Disparities Imprv A - State 21,800,000 21,007,000
6,238,456 (544) Columbia River Basin Water Supply R - State 1,882,724 6,239,000 6,478,000
10,654,000 10,654,000 State Tax Bld Construction Account - State 151,657
104,592,905 (95) Watershed Restor Enhance Bond Acct - State 8,818,630 104,593,000 130,384,000
958,940,766 (234) Water Pollution Control Revolving - State 249,483,314 958,941,000 1,034,910,000
2,789,272,216 299,216 Total Appropriated Funds 747,501,791 2,788,973,000 3,316,451,000

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 326,293,586 334,415,148 140,000,505 557,389,000 555,433,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
82,116,898 17.0% (90,603,586) (16.0%) 638,406,346 134.6%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 1,683.7 1,838.3 1,943.5 2,300.8 2,274.3