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Environmental & Land Use Hearings - Current Law

RCW 36.70A, 43.21B, 76.09, 90.58

The Environmental and Land Use Hearings Office is the umbrella administrative agency managing the following quasi-judicial state boards: Pollution Control Hearings Board, Shorelines Hearings Board and Growth Management Hearings Board. The primary purpose of each board is to provide fair and objective hearings within its specialized areas of jurisdiction and to reach a legally correct decision in each appeal.

Agency Mission

Our agency’s mission is resolve legal challenges of governmental decisions on environmental permits or land use plans and development regulations.
Request 8,830,000
Net change from current biennium 141,000 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 1.6% Increase

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
Industrial Insurance Premium Refund - Nonappropriated
Info Tech Invest Rev Acct - Nonappropriated 1,305,860
7,791,000 General Fund - State 5,578,897 7,791,000 8,730,000
898,000 Climate Investment Account - State 898,000 100,000
Pension Funding Stabilization Acct - State
8,689,000 Total Appropriated Funds 6,884,757 8,689,000 8,830,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 3,848,135 3,336,906 1,567,212 4,381,000 4,449,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
1,778,513 34.8% (1,980,639) (28.8%) 3,925,882 80.1%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 15.3 15.5 15.9 17.9 17.9