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Department of Natural Resources - Current Law

RCW 43.30

In fulfillment of our mission to manage, sustain, and protect the health and productivity of Washington’s lands and waters to meet the needs of present and future generations, The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is committed to: Preventing and fighting wildfires to protect our landscapes and communities; Generating revenue for schools and critical county services through sustainable management of our public lands; Protecting and restoring our oceans, Puget Sound, rivers, lakes and streams; Keeping our forests healthy and productive through management, regulation and partnerships; Educating policy makers and the public to better prepare for natural hazards; Increasing opportunities for all Washington residents and visitors to get outdoors and play; Working with the public to meet our diverse responsibilities; and Ensuring that DNR is a workplace where employees can grow, learn, and thrive. Our vision — our actions ensure a future where Washington’s lands, waters and communities thrive. Our core values safety and well-being — our top priority is the safety of the public and our employees. Public service — we value and respect the public we serve, and we value and respect the people of DNR who step up to serve. Innovation and creative problem-solving — we solve our state’s most pressing challenges through innovative thinking, dedication, and bold and creative vision. Leadership and teamwork — we are committed to building leaders at all levels and building teams for success.

Agency Mission

Manage, sustain and protect the health and productivity of Washington’s lands and waters to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Request 923,060,000
Net change from current biennium (97,502,000) Decrease
Percent change from current biennium (9.6%) Decrease

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
98,151,000 General Fund - Federal 84,478,626 98,151,000 95,758,000
6,054,000 General Fund - Private/Local 7,005,027 6,054,000 3,488,000
(4,776,000) Landowner Conting F Fire Suppress - Nonappropriated 2,526,571 4,776,000 4,756,000
(24,000,000) Contract Harvesting Revolving Acct - Nonappropriated 17,601,047 24,000,000 24,000,000
(5,443,000) Park Land Trust Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 4,785,686 5,443,000 5,327,000
Clark-McNary Account - Nonappropriated
(28,794,000) Forest Fire Protection Assessment - Nonappropriated 20,613,288 28,794,000 28,151,000
(10,529,000) State Forest Nursery Revolving Acct - Nonappropriated 9,900,270 10,529,000 10,450,000
(31,871,000) Access Road Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 27,232,624 31,871,000 30,987,000
(33,915,000) Forest Health Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 25,189,051 33,915,000 33,627,000
(19,160,000) Natural Resources Fed Lnds Rev Acct - Nonappropriated 3,528,960 19,160,000 19,327,000
Natural Resources Equipment Account - Nonappropriated 34,554,359
2,222,561 2,222,561 Info Tech Invest Rev Acct - Nonappropriated
Natural Resources Deposit Account - Nonappropriated 683,631,895
Miscellaneous Program Account - Nonappropriated 2,153,219
339,723,000 General Fund - State 416,539,489 339,723,000 273,889,000
58,600,000 5,685,000 Forest Development Account - State 42,198,588 52,915,000 57,498,000
7,995,000 2,000,000 ORV & Nonhighway Account - State 6,504,858 5,995,000 5,411,000
2,381,000 344,000 Surveys and Maps Account - State 2,026,772 2,037,000 2,380,000
21,933,000 Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account - State 6,839,499 21,933,000 19,530,000
123,297,000 Resource Management Cost Account - State 94,177,544 123,297,000 122,451,000
4,717,000 Surface Mining Reclamation Account - State 3,432,292 4,717,000 4,580,000
23,642,000 Disaster Response Account - State 23,042,327 23,642,000 23,776,000
Salmon Recovery Account - State 1,999,776
Park Land Trust Revolving Account - State
12,687,000 300,000 Forest and Fish Support Account - State 9,266,904 12,387,000 11,181,000
21,142,000 21,142,000 Budget Stabilization Account - State
405,000 Aquatic Land Dredged Mat Disp Site - State 80,653 405,000 395,000
212,000 Nat Res Conserv Areas Stewardship - State 259,788 212,000 52,000
88,000 Forest Fire Protection Assessment - State 123,108 88,000 88,000
34,000 State Forest Nursery Revolving Acct - State 49,206 34,000 34,000
108,000 2,500,000 Access Road Revolving Account - State 147,274 (2,392,000) (1,692,000)
2,189,000 1,089,000 Forest Practices Application Acct - State 802,572 1,100,000 2,149,000
922,000 Air Pollution Control Account - State 818,348 922,000 926,000
106,000 Forest Health Revolving Account - State 161,711 106,000 106,000
6,000 Natural Resources Fed Lnds Rev Acct - State 11,278 6,000 6,000
2,774,000 Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State 14,282,414 2,774,000 902,000
120,277,000 5,000,000 Wildfire Resp Forest Restor & Comm - State 80,325,835 115,277,000 107,589,000
NOVA Program Account - State 807,000
2,200,000 2,200,000 Carbon Emissions Reduction Account - State
12,682,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 12,682,000 6,993,000
40,164,000 15,613,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State 24,551,000 12,143,000
325,000 Derelict Structure Removal Account - State 325,000 2,605,000
683,000 683,000 SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State
Pension Funding Stabilization Acct - State
10,649,000 Derelict Vessel Removal Account - State 5,894,048 10,649,000 10,633,000
Performance Audits of Government - State
52,000 Community Forest Trust Account - State 1,236 52,000 52,000
4,432,000 Agricultural College Trust Manage - State 2,778,455 4,432,000 3,512,000
920,852,561 (99,709,439) Total Appropriated Funds 1,635,771,596 1,020,562,000 923,060,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Capital Budget: Summary

  Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   Actual Estimated Proposed
58,462,990 (10) General Fund - Federal 155,865 58,463,000 72,000,000
Park Land Trust Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 520,000
Forest Development Account - State
5,000,000 5,000,000 Resource Management Cost Account - State
Char/Ed/Penal/Reform/Institutions - State
49,571,000 Nat Res Real Property Replacement - State 60,000 49,571,000 100,000,000
91,088,380 81,380 State Building Construction Account - State 36,742,910 91,007,000 76,446,000
1,241,000 Salmon Recovery Account - State 3,758,901 1,241,000 1,241,000
900,000 Firearms Range Account - State 900,000 515,000
12,377,950 (50) Model Toxics Control Capital Accoun - State 615,273 12,378,000 21,049,000
769,870 769,870 Model Toxics Control Stormwater Acc - State 450,138
1,000,000 Comm/Tech College Forest Reserve - State 1,000,000 1,000,000
163,964,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State 163,964,000 56,995,000
20,000,000 Land Bank Account - State 20,000,000 30,000,000
Derelict Vessel Removal Account - State 726,577
404,375,190 5,851,190 Total Appropriated Funds 43,029,665 398,524,000 359,246,000

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 499,148,270 495,477,934 296,656,185 467,521,000 477,269,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
336,505,680 58.1% (123,298,004) (13.5%) 152,655,881 19.3%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 1,926.4 2,134.1 2,669.1 1,773.3 1,774.1