Other pages about the topic: Budget
This list is current as of June 21, 2024. If you cannot reach an advisor assigned to a specific agency, questions can also be addressed to the Senior Budget Advisor for the section.
Nona Snell
Budget Director
Robyn Williams
Deputy Budget Director
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OFM is involved in a number of efforts relating to government efficiency and performance budgeting. The links below provide information about individual state agency activities. Additional information on government management and performance in Washington State can be found on Governor Inslee's Results Washington website.
2025-27 budget instructions
2025-27 biennial budget instructions
To save the Excel or Word files, right-click on the document link and choose Save Target As from the menu that opens. Navigate to the desired folder and click the Save button.
Activity guide (August 2021) and Activity Description Application tutorial
Enacted budgets
Adjustments to the 2023-25 budgets, enacted in 2024.
Operating, transportation and capital (reappropriations) budgets covering July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.