Other pages about the topic: Census
OFM posts data about household internet access by county, city/town and census designated place based on the 2013-2017 American Community Survey. The excel sheets highlight households (number and percentage): (1) with no internet access, and (2) with access to the internet only through their cellphones.
Census Bureau is recruiting. OFM posts recruiting fliers for Adams, Clark, King, Kitsap, Pierce and Thurston counties. It is an easy process and can provide you with extra income and helps your community. Apply today!
“The U.S. census count is as American as apple pie, and you can’t make a good pie without the right ingredients. A correct census count gives our state appropriate representation in Congress and our fair share of federal funding.” - Gov. Jay Inslee
Governor Jay Inslee will launch Washington’s effort to ensure a fair and accurate census in 2020 on Monday, October 8, 2018, 2–5:30 p.m., at the Brockey Center of South Seattle College. Gov Insleewill open the inaugural meeting of the statewide Complete Count Committee, composed of more than 30 representatives from the private, nonprofit, and public sectors across the state. Under the leadership of former Governor and former Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, the Washington State Complete Count Committee will provide high-level, high-visibility leadership to efforts intended to:
Upcoming meetings
Currently no meeting scheduled.
Past meetings
U.S. Census Bureau
Census Bureau Factsheets
Complete Count Committees at the state, county, city and/or tribal levels are intended to bring together community leaders to work together for a complete and accurate count of residents in the targeted area. For us, that area is the state of Washington; and Governor Inslee launched the statewide effort on October 8, 2018. Chaired by former Governor and former U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, the committee combines the expertise and knowledge of a representative group of local community, business, philanthropic, and elected leaders to strategize about how to:
4 ways you can help mobilize your community
- Invite, collaborate, and participate in community organizing meetings to educate and raise awareness about the importance of the census to every family residing and every business operating in the state!
- Start or join a discussion on outreach. We need everyone’s ideas about how to educate and create awareness and trust in the Census process. An accurate census benefits every resident in the state.
The U.S. Census Bureau needs to hire hundreds of thousands of people across the country to do field work, to connect with communities, and to manage the process. In Washington, there will be five Area Census Offices: Seattle, Everett, Olympia, Spokane and Tacoma. You can help Washington by identifying and encouraging people in your community to apply for these jobs.
The process of ensuring an updated list of addresses is the responsibility of the state, city, and county government.