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2026-2030 Action Agenda for Puget Sound

Puget Sound Partnership
Title of action
2026-2030 Action Agenda for Puget Sound
Date significant agency action was initiated
Monday, January 1, 2024
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
The Puget Sound Partnership is required to regularly develop and update an Action Agenda for Puget Sound. The Action Agenda outlines our region’s collective vision for a healthy and resilient Puget Sound and describes what we must achieve, how we will achieve it, and how we will hold ourselves accountable to ensure we make progress. The Action Agenda fulfills the Partnership's statutory mandate and purpose of the Clean Water Act's National Estuary Program (NEP), which guides millions of dollars of federal funding to the most beneficial projects and programs. The Action Agenda outlines strategies and actions that describe the work we must do to make progress toward our desired outcomes for Puget Sound recovery: Protect and restore habitat and habitat-forming processes; Protect and improve water quality; Protect the food web and imperiled species; Prevent the worst effects of climate change; and ensure human wellbeing. The Action Agenda provides opportunities for federal, tribal, state, local, and private partners to better invest resources and coordinate action.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Partnership staff plan to engage overburdened communities and vulnerable populations around the content in the Action Agenda through direct, community-based communication and outreach. Feedback from these communities will be reviewed and considered as much as is practicable as the Partnership refines and updates the 2026-2030 Action Agenda. Recognizing some community members may not be familiar with the Action Agenda, Partnership staff will provide an overview of the Partnership and Action Agenda, outline clear expectations of how feedback will be used, and ask high-level and open-ended questions about Puget Sound recovery. Staff will provide various ways for community members to provide feedback, including surveys, interactive co-creation activities, one-on-one conversations at community events and neighborhood meetings, agency-hosted workshops and symposia, and meetings with our Community Advisory Council. The Partnership will assess language, cultural, and accessibility needs when engaging with community members. The Partnership will also report back to community members about how and why their feedback was or was not used.