Fund 19V - Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment Fund Match Transfer Account
RCW 43.348.080
Admin Agency:
Department of Commerce - 1030
Cash Type:
1 - Treasury Fund
SAAM Budget Type:
Appropriated (A)
Earnings from Investments are:
Credited to the general fund under RCW 43.84.092(4).
To be used solely for the Andy Hill cancer research endowment program created in RCW 43.348.040 by provide matching funds and administrative costs.
Sources of Revenue:
Taxes on vapor products, appropriations, gifts, grants or donations.
General public.
Effective Date:
Inactive Date:
Public Notes:
ACFR Information
Account Code:
Account Title:
Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment Fund Match Transfer Account
Fund Type:
BA - Special Revenue Funds
Rollup Fund:
BE - Human Services Fund
Closing GL Code:
9323 - Committed for Human Services