Fund 614 - Volunteer Firefighters' Relief and Pension Principal Fund
RCW 41.24.030
Admin Agency:
Bd for Vol Firefighter and Res Off - 2200
Cash Type:
1 - Treasury Fund
SAAM Budget Type:
Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N)
Earnings from Investments are:
Retained by this fund under RCW 43.84.092(4)(a).
Used to account for income, payment of benefits, pensions, refunds, adjustments for the benefit of volunteer firefighters and emergency workers participating in the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ Retirement System.
Sources of Revenue:
Fees, bequests, gifts, emoluments, donations, transfers, interest earnings, proceeds from investments
Members, retired members, and survivors
Effective Date:
Inactive Date:
Public Notes:
ACFR Information
Account Code:
Account Title:
Volunteer Firefighters' Relief and Pension Principal Fund
Fund Type:
HC - Pension Trust Funds
Rollup Fund:
HN - Volunteer Firefighters' Retirement Fund
Closing GL Code:
9550 - Restricted for Pensions