Fund 631 - Public Employees' Retirement System Plan I Account
RCW 41.50.075
Admin Agency:
Department of Retirement Systems - 1240
Cash Type:
1 - Treasury Fund
SAAM Budget Type:
Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N)
Earnings from Investments are:
Retained by this fund under RCW 43.84.092(4)(a).
Used to account for income, payment of benefits, pensions, refunds, adjustments, etc., associated with the Public Employees’ Plan I Retirement System.
Sources of Revenue:
Investment Income, Contributions, Other Miscellaneous Revenue
Members, retired members, and survivors
Effective Date:
Inactive Date:
Public Notes:
ACFR Information
Account Code:
Account Title:
Public Employees' Retirement System Plan I Account
Fund Type:
HC - Pension Trust Funds
Rollup Fund:
HA - Public Employees' Plan 1
Closing GL Code:
9603 - Restricted for Benefits (DRS Only)