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Efficient, Effective and Accountable Government

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Support democratic processes and government accountability

Strategy: Support democratic processes and government accountability

Agency: 095 - Office of State Auditor

A001 - Administrative Activity

This activity provides for administration of the Office of the State Auditor

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 32.2 32.2 32.2
001 - General Fund
State 734,000 734,000 1,468,000
413 - Municipal Revolving Account
Non-Appropriated 2,148,000 2,240,000 4,388,000
483 - Auditing Services Revolving Account
State 606,000 564,000 1,170,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government
State 74,000 76,000 150,000
Non-Appropriated 982,000 1,091,000 2,073,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government Totals 1,056,000 1,167,000 2,223,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 16.1 16.1 16.1
GFS 367,000.0 367,000.0 734,000.0
Other 1,905,000.0 1,987,000.0 3,892,000.0
Totals 2,272,000.0 2,354,000.0 4,626,000.0

002948 - Percent of annual SAO audit staff turnover

tracking staff turnover as well as retention
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 13% 13%
2019-21 A3 13% 13%
2021-23 A2 21% 13%
2021-23 A3 15% 13%
2023-25 A2 15% 13%
2023-25 A3 0% 13%

002978 - Percent of annual SAO Audit Staff Retention

To track and monitor staff retention as well as turn over
Biennium Period Actual Target
2023-25 A2 88% 90%
2023-25 A3 0% 90%

A002 - Audit of K-12 Budget Drivers and State Funded Programs

The School Programs audit team assesses school district compliance with legal criteria that must be met as a condition for receiving General Fund monies. There are 295 school districts subject to this audit effort. The team also assists the Special Education Safety Net Committee, works with staff of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction on audit resolution, and provides training for school district staff. This audit work has been assigned to the State Auditor’s Office by the Legislature via budget proviso since 1998.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 13.4 13.4 13.4
001 - General Fund
State 84,000 99,000 183,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government
State 1,788,000 1,817,000 3,605,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 6.7 6.7 6.7
GFS 42,000.0 49,000.0 91,000.0
Other 894,000.0 915,000.0 1,809,000.0
Totals 936,000.0 964,000.0 1,900,000.0

001928 - Percentage of school districts complying with K-12 apportionment funding requirements

School districts without funding compliance issues as identified through School Programs audits.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 70% 60%
2019-21 A3 95% 60%
2021-23 A2 95% 60%
2021-23 A3 50% 60%
2023-25 A2 65% 60%
2023-25 A3 0% 60%

A003 - Local Government Audit

The Office of the State Auditor independently audits local governments at least every three years, with the exception of self-insurance plans, which are audited on a two-year cycle. There are approximately 2,400 local government entities, including counties, cities, schools, ports, public utilities, hospital districts, fire districts and a variety of other special purpose districts. Auditors use a risk-based approach, which focuses on public resources most likely to be at risk of loss or misappropriation. For each government requiring a financial statement audit or single audit, we issue financial statement opinions and single audits. Beyond examining the financial condition, accounting and reporting by local governments, the audits assess compliance with the Constitution, state laws, and local government ordinances. Any report disclosing malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office on the part of local government officers or employees is referred to the county prosecuting attorney or federal government for recovery of funds and prosecution. Bond rating agencies rely on these audit reports in performing their assessments.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 435.4 437.0 436.2
413 - Municipal Revolving Account
Non-Appropriated 67,142,000 70,465,000 137,607,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 217.7 218.5 218.1
Other 33,570,000.0 35,440,000.0 69,010,000.0
Totals 33,570,000.0 35,440,000.0 69,010,000.0

002793 - Local audit timeliness

Percentage of local audits completed in the timeline set by SAO policy
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 78% 90%
2019-21 A3 72% 90%
2021-23 A2 67% 90%
2021-23 A3 52% 90%
2023-25 A2 53% 75%
2023-25 A3 0% 75%

A004 - State Government Audit

The office audits annually the basic financial statements prepared by the Office of Financial Management and the required audit of federal financial assistance and conduct an examination of internal controls over public resources and compliance with the Constitution and state laws and regulations. The single audit meets legal requirements contained in the Congressional Single Audit Act. There are 168 state agencies, boards, and commissions subject to this audit effort, which uses a risk-based approach to focus on public resources at highest risk of loss or misappropriation. Audits of state agencies disclosing malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance on the part of any public officer or employee are referred to the Office of the Attorney General or federal government for recovery of funds and prosecution. Bond rating agencies rely on state government audits in performing their assessments.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 90.8 91.8 91.3
001 - General Fund
State 1,326,000 1,326,000 2,652,000
483 - Auditing Services Revolving Account
State 15,688,000 14,505,000 30,193,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 45.4 45.9 45.7
GFS 663,000.0 663,000.0 1,326,000.0
Other 7,841,000.0 7,296,000.0 15,137,000.0
Totals 8,504,000.0 7,959,000.0 16,463,000.0

002794 - Timeliness of ACFR opinion

Number of days after the close of the fiscal year until the CAFR opinion is issued
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 145 123
2019-21 A3 171 123
2021-23 A2 176 123
2021-23 A3 21 21
2023-25 A2 21 21
2023-25 A3 0 21

A005 - Whistleblower Program

The Office of the State Auditor administers the state employee whistleblower program, which encourages state employees to disclose, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper governmental actions. Improper governmental action means any action by an employee undertaken in the performance of the employee's official duties, which represents gross mismanagement, is a gross waste of public funds or resources, is in violation of federal or state law or rule, is of substantial and specific danger to the public health or safety, or which is gross mismanagement.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 11.6 11.6 11.6
483 - Auditing Services Revolving Account
State 2,893,000 2,877,000 5,770,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 5.8 5.8 5.8
Other 1,450,000.0 1,442,000.0 2,892,000.0
Totals 1,450,000.0 1,442,000.0 2,892,000.0

002678 - Timely completion of Whistleblower investigations

Percentage of Whistleblower investigations completed within one year.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 100% 100%
2019-21 A3 88% 100%
2021-23 A2 100% 100%
2021-23 A3 100% 100%
2023-25 A2 100% 100%
2023-25 A3 0% 100%

A006 - Local Government Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System and Statistics

The Office of the State Auditor, in collaboration with local governments, sets uniform accounting standards for local governments, allowing for consistent reporting of budget and financial information, timely analysis, and greater public understanding. The office helps local governments meet these standards by providing technical assistance and training. Each year, the office works with local governments to update the Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting Systems (BARS) for local governments. Annually, the office publishes a compilation of local government comparative statistics, a 10-year history of financial information that is used for comparing entities and analyzing programs. These statistics are available on the internet in a reporting system that allows for flexible access of this data by the citizens and other users. State and local policy makers and officials and bond rating agencies often rely on the local government financial reporting system in performing their assessments. The local government financial information is also used by our auditors in assessing risk, which helps determine the scope and frequency of these audits.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 6.8 6.8 6.8
413 - Municipal Revolving Account
Non-Appropriated 1,701,000 1,767,000 3,468,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 3.4 3.4 3.4
Other 850,000.0 889,000.0 1,739,000.0
Totals 850,000.0 889,000.0 1,739,000.0

002795 - Timely filing of local government financial data

Percentage of local government entities filing their annual financial reports with SAO on time
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 89% 90%
2019-21 A3 90% 90%
2021-23 A2 92% 90%
2021-23 A3 93% 90%
2023-25 A2 91% 90%
2023-25 A3 0% 91%

A007 - Performance Audits

Performance audits of state and local governments in Washington are conducted under the authority of Initiative 900, which was approved by voters in November 2005 and enacted as RCW 43.09.470. Since then, our Office has independently selected audit topics in response to citizen input, audit experience, requests by the Governor and the Legislature, and in response to emerging issues. The performance audits are conducted in accordance with the Government Auditing Standards published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 156.0 156.0 156.0
001 - General Fund
State 500,000 500,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government
State 800,000 800,000
Non-Appropriated 31,067,000 33,132,000 64,199,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government Totals 31,067,000 33,932,000 64,999,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 78.0 78.0 78.0
GFS 500,000.0 500,000.0
Other 15,533,000.0 17,455,000.0 32,988,000.0
Totals 15,533,000.0 17,955,000.0 33,488,000.0

001933 - Percentage of performance audit recommendations implemented

A generally accepted measure of performance audit success is the degree to which performance audit recommendations are implemented.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 71% 90%
2019-21 A3 76% 90%
2021-23 A2 70% 90%
2021-23 A3 69% 90%
2023-25 A2 90% 90%
2023-25 A3 0% 90%

002979 - Number of Critical Infrastructure Audits Completed

Track completed critical infrastructure performance audits
Biennium Period Actual Target
2021-23 A2 0 0
2021-23 A3 24 35
2023-25 A2 12 9
2023-25 A3 0 36

003002 - Ransomware Resiliency

Audit work completed, report may still be pending
Biennium Period Actual Target
2023-25 A2 3 1
2023-25 A3 0 5