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Efficient, Effective and Accountable Government

Last Updated: 04/04/2024

Regulate the economy to ensure fairness, security and efficiency

Strategy: Regulate the economy to ensure fairness, security and efficiency

Agency: 195 - Liquor and Cannabis Board

A001 - Administration

The Liquor Control Board (LCB) establishes policies for the regulation of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and recreational marijuana throughout the state. Activities funded in this category include costs for the overall management of agency employees, and oversight of administrative and policy duties.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 103.9 102.0 103.0
001 - General Fund
State 2,000 1,000 3,000
315 - Dedicated Cannabis Account
State 1,783,000 1,869,000 3,652,000
501 - Liquor Revolving Account
State 17,336,000 16,816,000 34,152,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 103.9 102.0 103.0
GFS 2,000.0 1,000.0 3,000.0
Other 19,119,000.0 18,685,000.0 37,804,000.0
Totals 19,121,000.0 18,686,000.0 37,807,000.0
Expected Results

In addition to providing quality leadership and infrastructure support, the agency will work on additional policy development and implementation, process improvement, regulatory reform, workforce planning, and community outreach.

A004 - Enforcement of Liquor, Tobacco and Recreational Cannabis Laws

The Enforcement Division protects and serves the public by striving to ensure legal acquisition and responsible use of alcohol, tobacco, and recreational cannabis. This is achieved primarily through educational efforts and enforcement operations. Educational efforts include: liquor and recreational cannabis law briefing materials and education for licensees and staff; technical assistance visits; liquor and recreational cannabis law training for law enforcement officers; partnerships with community/prevention groups; and licensing support. Enforcement operations include: premises visits; compliance checks; undercover operations; joint patrols with local law enforcement; emphasis at locations of strategic interest; regulatory enforcement; investigation of citizen/law enforcement complaints; alcohol and recreational cannabis related serious injury accident investigation; enforcement of payment of taxes for beer, wine, and cannabis; enforcement of payment of spirit fees; and acting as a contractor of the FDA to inspect tobacco retailers.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 221.2 227.0 224.1
001 - General Fund
State 2,379,000 848,000 3,227,000
Federal 1,591,000 1,596,000 3,187,000
Local 50,000 25,000 75,000
001 - General Fund Totals 4,020,000 2,469,000 6,489,000
141 - Federal Seizure Account
Non-Appropriated 554,000 328,000 882,000
315 - Dedicated Cannabis Account
State 8,505,000 9,178,000 17,683,000
501 - Liquor Revolving Account
State 34,413,000 35,322,000 69,735,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 221.2 227.0 224.1
GFS 2,379,000.0 848,000.0 3,227,000.0
Other 45,113,000.0 46,449,000.0 91,562,000.0
Totals 47,492,000.0 47,297,000.0 94,789,000.0

000677 - Businesses in compliance with liquor laws

Percentage of licensed businesses in compliance with underage drinking laws.*
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 90% 0%
2019-21 Q2 87% 0%
2019-21 Q3 81% 0%
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q5 0% 0%
2019-21 Q6 0% 0%
2019-21 Q7 0% 0%
2019-21 Q8 83% 0%
2021-23 Q1 82% 0%
2021-23 Q2 81% 0%
2021-23 Q3 87% 0%
2021-23 Q4 83% 0%
2021-23 Q5 82% 0%
2021-23 Q6 86% 0%
2021-23 Q7 85% 0%
2021-23 Q8 79% 0%
2023-25 Q1 78% 0%
2023-25 Q2 76% 0%
2023-25 Q3 0% 0%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

A007 - Liquor and Cannabis Licensing and Permits

The Program Administration, License Investigation, License Processing, and Customer Service Units review and report on all license applications, permit applications, and business modification requests from current license holders; approve all liquor and recreational cannabis license and permit applications and renewals except those involving extensive investigation or requiring a board decision; maintain official licensing records and make documents available for court, administrative action, and public records requests; and provide licensing information for applicants and the general public.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 85.4 81.4 83.4
001 - General Fund
State 2,000 1,000 3,000
315 - Dedicated Cannabis Account
State 3,193,000 2,994,000 6,187,000
501 - Liquor Revolving Account
State 10,682,000 10,196,000 20,878,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 85.4 81.4 83.4
GFS 2,000.0 1,000.0 3,000.0
Other 13,875,000.0 13,190,000.0 27,065,000.0
Totals 13,877,000.0 13,191,000.0 27,068,000.0
Expected Results

Licensing staff provide service to approximately 22,000 retail liquor licensees and over 7,000 cannabis applicants by maintaining official licensing information, providing technical assistance on laws and regulations, and taking administrative action related to non renewal requests from local government officials. The number of annual applications varies based on the state of the economy.