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Sustainable Energy and a Clean Environment

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Preserve, maintain and restore natural systems and landscapes

Strategy: Preserve, maintain and restore natural systems and landscapes

Agency: 478 - Puget Sound Partnership

A005 - Administration

This activity provides strategic leadership and management oversight of the day-to-day operations of the agency. The activity includes executive management, financial services, communications, and external relations functions. This activity supports the three statutorily created Partnership Boards: the Leadership Council, the Ecosystem Coordinating Board and the Science Panel. Staff also ensure other decision-makers who are critical to Puget Sound recovery remain well-informed and understand the complexity of the issues and the actions underway to sustain Puget Sound.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 52.9 52.1 52.5
001 - General Fund
State 7,328,000 7,115,000 14,443,000
Federal 11,302,000 8,853,000 20,155,000
001 - General Fund Totals 18,630,000 15,968,000 34,598,000
02R - Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account
State 87,000 87,000 174,000
23P - Model Toxics Control Operating Acct
State 124,000 122,000 246,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 25.6 25.6 25.6
GFS 3,996,000.0 3,891,000.0 7,887,000.0
Other 5,220,000.0 4,091,000.0 9,311,000.0
Totals 9,216,000.0 7,982,000.0 17,198,000.0

002164 - FEATS reports submitted on time to EPA

Percentage of Financial & Ecosystem Account Tracking System (FEATS) reports submitted on time to the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 100% 100%
2019-21 Q2 0% 0%
2019-21 Q3 100% 100%
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q5 100% 100%
2019-21 Q6 0% 0%
2019-21 Q7 100% 100%
2019-21 Q8 0% 0%
2021-23 Q1 100% 100%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 100% 100%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 100% 100%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 100% 100%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%
2023-25 Q1 0% 100%
2023-25 Q2 0% 0%
2023-25 Q3 0% 100%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 100%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 100%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002755 - Non-state funds leveraged for Action Agenda Implementation

Annual non-state funding leveraged for Action Agenda implementation.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 $56,699,856.00 $20,000,000.00
2019-21 A3 $24,086,898.00 $20,000,000.00
2021-23 A2 $310,479,627.00 $20,000,000.00
2021-23 A3 $0.00 $0.00

A002 - Setting Priorities and Evaluating Progress with Science

This activity oversees and implements a shared science-based system of measurement, monitoring, and analysis used to evaluate effectiveness of specific project types as well as progress toward the collective Puget Sound recovery effort. Information on ecosystem conditions is generated through implementation of the biennial science work plan, which describes the research, monitoring, and modeling needed to guide recovery efforts. This data informs the prioritization of implementation strategies, revisions to the Action Agenda (the shared roadmap for Puget Sound recovery), and key policy decisions. The performance management aspect of this activity includes tracking, analyzing, and reporting on progress of Action Agenda implementation and status of 2020 recovery targets set by the Leadership Council. Progress is reported in the biennial State of the Sound report.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 28.4 26.5 27.5
001 - General Fund
State 5,548,000 5,483,000 11,031,000
Federal 11,764,000 10,116,000 21,880,000
001 - General Fund Totals 17,312,000 15,599,000 32,911,000
02R - Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account
State 1,274,000 1,271,000 2,545,000
23P - Model Toxics Control Operating Acct
State 1,043,000 1,043,000 2,086,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 16.8 15.2 16.0
GFS 2,604,000.0 2,602,000.0 5,206,000.0
Other 7,303,000.0 6,587,000.0 13,890,000.0
Totals 9,907,000.0 9,189,000.0 19,096,000.0

002130 - Sampling sites reporting improved condition

Percentage of sampling sites reporting improved condition, based on marine water condition index.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 17% 100%
2019-21 A3 0% 100%

002756 - Percentage of Puget Sound Vital Sign indicators showing improvement

Annual percentage of Vital Sign indicators, for which data are available, showing improvement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 60%
2019-21 A3 26% 60%
2021-23 A2 9% 60%
2021-23 A3 14% 60%
2023-25 A2 0% 60%
2023-25 A3 0% 60%

A004 - Support Local Ecosystem Recovery

This activity facilitates technical and financial assistance to plan and catalyze the priority recovery actions of local integrating organizations and salmon recovery watershed groups. The Partnership facilitates the participation of local integrating organizations in prioritizing and catalyzing local near-term actions for the Action Agenda by supporting the development of local recovery plans. It helps establish a consistent approach to recovery planning so the most strategic and effective ecosystem recovery efforts are identified and implemented first. The Partnership is also the state designated Puget Sound salmon recovery organization and supports 16 watershed areas within the Puget Sound region. It assists local decision makers to develop, update, and implement federally-approved Chinook and steelhead recovery plans, as well as coordinating region wide salmon recovery implementation reporting, monitoring, and adaptive management. Through these functions, local barriers to recovery implementation are addressed by working with partners to find regional solutions.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 22.3 21.9 22.1
001 - General Fund
State 4,788,000 4,989,000 9,777,000
Federal 10,440,000 8,932,000 19,372,000
001 - General Fund Totals 15,228,000 13,921,000 29,149,000
02R - Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account
State 144,000 144,000 288,000
23P - Model Toxics Control Operating Acct
State 120,000 120,000 240,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 9.7 9.7 9.7
GFS 2,290,000.0 2,360,000.0 4,650,000.0
Other 5,705,000.0 4,744,000.0 10,449,000.0
Totals 7,995,000.0 7,104,000.0 15,099,000.0

002131 - Habitat restored, enhanced or protected

Number of acres per year of marine, estuarine and nearshore river habitat restored, enhanced or protected as part of the effort to restore populations of salmon and other species with declining populations.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 4,932 4,000
2019-21 A3 3,580 4,000
2021-23 A2 5,296 4,000
2021-23 A3 5,033 4,000
2023-25 A2 0 4,000
2023-25 A3 0 4,000

002132 - Wild Chinook populations

Percentage of the five Puget Sound bio-geographic regions, that experience an improvement in wild Chinook abundance in 2-4 populations.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 100%
2019-21 A3 0% 100%
2021-23 A2 0% 100%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

A006 - Policy and Planning

This activity works with partners (state, federal, and local agencies, tribal governments, and non-profit organizations) to create a prioritized list of actions and strategies to achieve ecosystem recovery targets through a shared plan called the Puget Sound Action Agenda. Much of this work is coordinated through the efforts of the Partnership’s statutorily created boards: the Leadership Council, Ecosystem Coordination Board, and the Science Panel (and their respective sub-committees). This function also works to align systems supporting the recovery effort to create an environment most conducive to funding and implementing the Action Agenda.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 7.4 7.3 7.4
001 - General Fund
State 771,000 914,000 1,685,000
Federal 1,466,000 1,206,000 2,672,000
001 - General Fund Totals 2,237,000 2,120,000 4,357,000
23P - Model Toxics Control Operating Acct
State 64,000 65,000 129,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 3.4 3.4 3.4
GFS 327,000.0 435,000.0 762,000.0
Other 682,000.0 566,000.0 1,248,000.0
Totals 1,009,000.0 1,001,000.0 2,010,000.0

002129 - Action Agenda: PSP Led NTAs 'On Plan'

Percent of Partnership Led Near-Term Actions Reporting 'On Plan' (and 'Completed').
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 100%
2019-21 Q2 0% 0%
2019-21 Q3 0% 100%
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q5 0% 100%
2019-21 Q6 0% 0%
2019-21 Q7 0% 100%
2019-21 Q8 0% 0%
2021-23 Q1 0% 100%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 100%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 0% 100%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%

002136 - Action Agenda: Highest Priority NTAs 'On Plan'

Percent of highest priority near-term actions reporting 'On Plan' (and 'Completed').
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 32% 100%
2019-21 Q2 0% 0%
2019-21 Q3 40% 100%
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q5 46% 100%
2019-21 Q6 0% 0%
2019-21 Q7 52% 100%
2019-21 Q8 0% 0%
2021-23 Q1 54% 100%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 0%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 55% 100%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%

003100 - Percentage of programs on track to meet Action Agenda Program Targets

The Partnership collaborative set Targets with 9 programs from five different state agencies to accelerate progress toward eight Puget Sound Action Agenda Strategies. More information on the Targets is available at:
Biennium Period Actual Target
2021-23 A2 0% 0%
2021-23 A3 29% 60%
2023-25 A2 0% 60%
2023-25 A3 0% 60%