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Prosperous Economy

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Provide support services to children and families

Strategy: Provide support services to children and families

Agency: 540 - Employment Security Department

A001 - Administrative Overhead Costs

Administrative Overhead consists of the core functions essential to operate the Employment Security Department. Resources dedicated to these functions include the Commissioner's Office and the agency's executive policy staff. Also included are the centralized functions for Information Technology, Human Resources, Fiscal and Budget, Contracts, Communications, and Office Services. (General Fund-Federal, General Fund-Local, Administrative Contingency Account-State, Employment Services Admin Account-State, Unemployment Compensation Admin Account-Federal).

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 399.9 387.3 393.6
001 - General Fund
State 2,726,000 2,596,000 5,322,000
Federal 8,068,000 7,435,000 15,503,000
Local 6,545,000 6,551,000 13,096,000
001 - General Fund Totals 17,339,000 16,582,000 33,921,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 3,823,000 3,750,000 7,573,000
134 - Employment Services Administrative
State 15,747,000 15,896,000 31,643,000
16L - Accessible Communities Account
Non-Appropriated 36,000 37,000 73,000
22F - Family & Medical Leave Insur Acct
State 19,409,000 20,859,000 40,268,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 323,000 336,000 659,000
26C - Climate Commitment Account
State 30,000 30,000 60,000
567 - Long-Term Servs & Sup Trust Account
State 3,695,000 3,992,000 7,687,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 192.2 196.2 194.2
GFS 2,425,000.0 2,381,000.0 4,806,000.0
Other 30,262,000.0 33,013,000.0 63,275,000.0
Totals 32,687,000.0 35,394,000.0 68,081,000.0
Expected Results

Provide executive leadership and overall management direction. Conduct operations that cut across agency statutory programs in an efficient and effective manner towards achievement of agency goals and objectives.

A002 - One-Stop WorkSource System

This activity matches employers who need workers with people seeking jobs. Services provided to businesses include assessing employer needs, listing employer job openings, screening and referring applicants, providing a database of job seekers, assisting with recruitment efforts, and working with local economic development councils on potential new businesses. Services for job seekers include doing skills assessments, offering workshops on resume writing and job skills development, making referrals to local training and education programs, providing an automated job bank, offering reemployment services for unemployment claimants, and meeting local area job skills in demand. Some of the federal funds pay for job training programs to improve employment prospects of economically disadvantaged adults, youth, and dislocated workers. (General Fund-State, General Fund- Federal, General Fund-Local, Unemployment Compensation Admin Account-Federal, Administrative Contingency Account-State and Employment Services Administrative Account-State ).

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 725.0 702.4 713.7
001 - General Fund
State 40,185,000 30,531,000 70,716,000
Federal 182,410,000 165,904,000 348,314,000
Local 24,583,000 24,621,000 49,204,000
001 - General Fund Totals 247,178,000 221,056,000 468,234,000
119 - Unemployment Compensation Admin
Federal 36,550,000 31,507,000 68,057,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 15,002,000 14,719,000 29,721,000
134 - Employment Services Administrative
State 57,310,000 54,406,000 111,716,000
16L - Accessible Communities Account
Non-Appropriated 394,000 397,000 791,000
22F - Family & Medical Leave Insur Acct
State 45,000 43,000 88,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 12,660,000 13,645,000 26,305,000
26C - Climate Commitment Account
State 374,000 374,000 748,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 352.6 359.8 356.2
GFS 6,980,000.0 6,848,000.0 13,828,000.0
Other 171,854,000.0 153,325,000.0 325,179,000.0
Totals 178,834,000.0 160,173,000.0 339,007,000.0
Expected Results

Provide employers with screened, qualified workers for their job openings and provide job seekers the means and opportunity for gainful employment.

A003 - Labor Market and Economic Analysis

Labor Market and Economic Analysis provides economic data to businesses, private planners, educators, legislators, government agencies, media, and the general public. Some of this information includes industry and occupational employment and earnings, labor supply and demand, economic forecasts, unemployment rates, and wage statistics. It is the primary source of labor market information supplied to key decision-makers throughout Washington State. (General Fund-Federal, Administrative Contingency Account-State, Employment Services Admin Account-State, Unemployment Compensation Admin Account-Federal)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 55.0 53.3 54.2
001 - General Fund
State 18,000 17,000 35,000
Federal 3,477,000 3,177,000 6,654,000
001 - General Fund Totals 3,495,000 3,194,000 6,689,000
119 - Unemployment Compensation Admin
Federal 1,069,000 905,000 1,974,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 1,410,000 1,387,000 2,797,000
134 - Employment Services Administrative
State 1,209,000 1,190,000 2,399,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 26.8 27.3 27.1
GFS 18,000.0 17,000.0 35,000.0
Other 4,015,000.0 3,587,000.0 7,602,000.0
Totals 4,033,000.0 3,604,000.0 7,637,000.0
Expected Results

Collect, analyze and disseminate labor market and economic data to policy makers, stakeholders, and the general public in a manner that provides for the timely informing of policy decisions and public discussion.

A004 - Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Established in 1935 by the federal Social Security Act, the unemployment insurance program provides partial replacement of wages to workers unemployed through no fault of their own. Unemployed residents receive benefits each week while they are searching for new employment. Agency staff administer benefits, detect and collect money for overpayments, manage the unemployment trust fund, and administer the Old Age Survivors Insurance. (Unemployment Compensation Admin Account-Federal, Administrative Contingency Account-State, Employment Services Administrative Account-State)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1,696.8 1,646.9 1,671.9
001 - General Fund
State 16,588,000 16,275,000 32,863,000
Federal 7,393,000 7,484,000 14,877,000
Local 40,000 40,000 80,000
001 - General Fund Totals 24,021,000 23,799,000 47,820,000
119 - Unemployment Compensation Admin
Federal 231,729,000 203,756,000 435,485,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 8,401,000 8,170,000 16,571,000
134 - Employment Services Administrative
State 18,715,000 17,948,000 36,663,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 546,000 546,000 1,092,000
567 - Long-Term Servs & Sup Trust Account
State 265,000 252,000 517,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 856.3 873.7 865.0
GFS 16,588,000.0 16,275,000.0 32,863,000.0
Other 140,863,000.0 117,982,000.0 258,845,000.0
Totals 157,451,000.0 134,257,000.0 291,708,000.0
Expected Results

Provide benefits to claimant in a timely and accurate manner. Prevent fraudulent benefit payments.

A005 - Unemployment Insurance Taxation

Established in 1935 by the federal Social Security Act, unemployment benefits are paid for and financed by a tax on employers. The department administers the state's unemployment tax law, ensuring that all employers pay their unemployment taxes. Staff are also responsible for maintaining systems that deposit and record employers' tax filings and statements in an accurate and timely manner. (Unemployment Compensation Admin Account- Federal)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 381.9 369.7 375.8
001 - General Fund
State 2,714,000 2,662,000 5,376,000
119 - Unemployment Compensation Admin
Federal 39,743,000 34,919,000 74,662,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 1,434,000 1,383,000 2,817,000
134 - Employment Services Administrative
State 35,000 28,000 63,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 183.7 187.4 185.6
GFS 2,714,000.0 2,662,000.0 5,376,000.0
Other 22,994,000.0 18,852,000.0 41,846,000.0
Totals 25,708,000.0 21,514,000.0 47,222,000.0
Expected Results

Ensure timely employer tax reporting and accuracy of wage records.

A006 - Washington Service Corps

Established under RCW 50.65, the Washington Service Corps addresses locally identified needs through community service in five priority areas: education, environment, homeland security, human needs, and public safety. In exchange for successfully completing their term of service, program participants can earn an education award to help pay the cost of attending institutions of higher education or to repay qualified student loans. In addition, the Washington Service Corps administers the Washington Reading Corps program to improve the reading skills of struggling readers in grades K-6 across Washington State. (General Fund-Federal, General Fund-Local, Administrative Contingency Account-State)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 29.1 28.2 28.7
001 - General Fund
State 629,000 617,000 1,246,000
Federal 4,634,000 4,213,000 8,847,000
Local 7,205,000 7,210,000 14,415,000
001 - General Fund Totals 12,468,000 12,040,000 24,508,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 14.2 14.5 14.4
GFS 629,000.0 617,000.0 1,246,000.0
Other 5,034,000.0 4,596,000.0 9,630,000.0
Totals 5,663,000.0 5,213,000.0 10,876,000.0
Expected Results

Increase the number of community volunteers who will contribute time and effort in support of Washington Service Corps sponsored service activities which address unmet community needs.

A010 - Family Medical Leave Program

Chapter 357, Laws of 2007, established a family leave insurance program that allows parents to bond with a newborn or newly adopted child by providing temporary income for up to five weeks. The Employment Security Department (ESD) will administer claims and pay benefits from the premiums collected and deposited into the Family Leave Insurance Account.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1,353.3 1,313.5 1,333.4
001 - General Fund
Local 96,000 96,000 192,000
120 - Administrative Contingency Account
State 5,917,000 5,997,000 11,914,000
22F - Family & Medical Leave Insur Acct
State 133,904,000 144,589,000 278,493,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 1,029,000 1,028,000 2,057,000
567 - Long-Term Servs & Sup Trust Account
State 37,997,000 40,200,000 78,197,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 682.6 696.5 689.6
Other 82,001,000.0 99,289,000.0 181,290,000.0
Totals 82,001,000.0 99,289,000.0 181,290,000.0
Expected Results

new activity