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World Class Education

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Support career preparation beyond high school

Strategy: Support career preparation beyond high school

Agency: 699 - Community and Technical College System

A001 - Academic Transfer Instruction

This activity offers educational course work and degree programs that facilitate a smooth transition from the Community and Technical College System to other institutions of higher education. Courses work and degrees offered are generally intended to move the student towards a baccalaureate degree. This activity serves students who may not otherwise be able to obtain a baccalaureate degree, including traditionally underrepresented populations. Current strategies to improve transfer and subsequent degree baccalaureate degree completion include; Common Course Numbering (across all institutions of higher education), inter-college reciprocity policies, credit for non-traditional learning and degrees that follow the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 9,915.6 9,918.9 9,917.3
001 - General Fund
State 621,558,000 666,401,000 1,287,959,000
060 - Comm/Tech Col Capital Projects Acct
State 7,230,000 7,232,000 14,462,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 57,693,000 58,054,000 115,747,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 95,359,000 94,725,000 190,084,000
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 61,827,000 61,874,000 123,701,000
149 - Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
Non-Appropriated 254,286,000 254,414,000 508,700,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 73,398,000 87,129,000 160,527,000
26C - Climate Commitment Account
State 136,000 136,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 4,957.8 4,961.6 4,959.7
GFS 310,888,000.0 333,448,000.0 644,336,000.0
Other 274,920,000.0 282,418,000.0 557,338,000.0
Totals 585,808,000.0 615,866,000.0 1,201,674,000.0
Expected Results

Increase the number of community and technical college students that can successfully transfer to 4-year colleges to complete baccalaureate degrees.

A002 - Administration (College and System)

Administration of the Community and Technical College System includes Institution Management, Fiscal Operations, General Support Services (administrative data processing and employee personnel and records), Logistical Services (procurement and the movement and control of materials), Community Relations and Development (the maintenance of goodwill relationships with the general public, alumni, or other constituents), and the State Board office.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 4,619.0 4,622.7 4,620.9
001 - General Fund
State 295,463,000 325,542,000 621,005,000
060 - Comm/Tech Col Capital Projects Acct
State 3,778,000 3,776,000 7,554,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 29,174,000 29,447,000 58,621,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 3,046,000 3,038,000 6,084,000
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 32,430,000 32,418,000 64,848,000
149 - Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
Non-Appropriated 131,021,000 130,991,000 262,012,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 14,814,000 15,694,000 30,508,000
443 - Inst of Hi Ed-data Processing Acct
Non-Appropriated 24,358,000 24,427,000 48,785,000
561 - Comm/Tech College Innovation Accoun
Non-Appropriated 22,706,000 23,070,000 45,776,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2,309.5 2,311.6 2,310.6
GFS 148,186,000.0 163,554,000.0 311,740,000.0
Other 130,655,000.0 131,834,000.0 262,489,000.0
Totals 278,841,000.0 295,388,000.0 574,229,000.0
Expected Results

Administrative costs are a necessary part of all public sector organizations. Administrative costs as a share of total expenditures are expected to decrease.

A003 - Basic Education for Adults

Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) provides instruction in Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), and High School Completion (HSC) or High School Equivalency (HSE) test preparation. BEdA provides programs for students who are16 years of age and older, no longer in school, and are functioning below the high school level or have limited English language skills. BEdA programming provides students with college and career pathways that provide students the 21st Century reading, writing, speaking, listening, math and technology skills needed to complete high school diplomas and equivalency certificates and postsecondary certificates and degrees

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2,154.6 2,153.9 2,154.3
001 - General Fund
State 154,637,000 163,317,000 317,954,000
060 - Comm/Tech Col Capital Projects Acct
State 1,742,000 1,742,000 3,484,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 9,292,000 9,470,000 18,762,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 124,282,000 126,248,000 250,530,000
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 3,816,000 3,816,000 7,632,000
149 - Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
Non-Appropriated 59,110,000 59,477,000 118,587,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 6,690,000 7,766,000 14,456,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 1,077.3 1,077.0 1,077.2
GFS 77,345,000.0 81,902,000.0 159,247,000.0
Other 102,472,000.0 104,752,000.0 207,224,000.0
Totals 179,817,000.0 186,654,000.0 366,471,000.0
Expected Results

Students that have less than a high school level of education will acquire the reading, writing, speaking, listening, math and technology skills needed to transition to postsecondary education and family sustaining employment.

A004 - Community Services-Contract Funded Courses

Community and technical colleges provide self-supporting educational programs through contract-funded courses paid for by employers or social service agencies for the benefit of their employees or clients. Examples of contract-funded courses include: the Running Start program for high school students; tuition and training for WorkFirst clients; prison inmate literacy and skills programs; instruction for international student organizations; and tailored job and skills training for local businesses. Federal student financial aid, such as Pell grants, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, federal work study, and Perkins vocational grants, is also included in this activity. (Institutions of Higher Education-Grants and Contracts-Nonappropriated)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 147.8 148.4 148.1
11A - Employment Training Finance Account
Non-Appropriated 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 275,135,000 285,960,000 561,095,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 73.9 74.2 74.1
Other 137,820,000.0 143,216,000.0 281,036,000.0
Totals 137,820,000.0 143,216,000.0 281,036,000.0
Expected Results

The Community and Technical College System will continue to explore opportunities to expand contract training.

A005 - Precollege Education

Precollege education courses are academic in nature and provide students with the skills necessary to be successful in college-level courses. The students in these courses are taking credits necessary to qualify for college-level math, English, etc. Approximately 55 percent of the students in these classes have been out of high school for more than three years.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 966.8 966.0 966.4
001 - General Fund
State 117,240,000 125,173,000 242,413,000
060 - Comm/Tech Col Capital Projects Acct
State 1,426,000 1,426,000 2,852,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 9,298,000 9,404,000 18,702,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 23,410,000 23,370,000 46,780,000
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 5,318,000 5,320,000 10,638,000
149 - Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
Non-Appropriated 41,429,000 41,527,000 82,956,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 483.4 483.0 483.2
GFS 58,639,000.0 62,607,000.0 121,246,000.0
Other 40,444,000.0 40,520,000.0 80,964,000.0
Totals 99,083,000.0 103,127,000.0 202,210,000.0
Expected Results

Students will transfer into college level courses in math and English.

A006 - Student-Funded Courses

Community and technical colleges provide self-supporting educational programs through student-funded classes. Most of these courses are offered to students who are not attending college for the purpose of a degree or certificate. The courses are taken to supplement and enhance existing job skills or for personal enrichment. (Institutions of Higher Education-Dedicated Local Account-Nonappropriated)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1,692.6 1,691.4 1,692.0
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 146,849,000 146,887,000 293,736,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 846.3 845.7 846.0
Other 73,425,000.0 73,438,000.0 146,863,000.0
Totals 73,425,000.0 73,438,000.0 146,863,000.0
Expected Results

The Community and Technical College System will continue to explore opportunities to expand student-funded courses.

A007 - Workforce Education

Workforce Education provides education and training to prepare students for immediate employment in professional-technical fields. Working in partnership with businesses, this activity helps prepare students for employment while providing skilled workers needed to make Washington state businesses prosper in an ever-changing, competitive economy. In addition to traditional students, Workforce Education serves those wanting to upgrade their current knowledge and skills, those interested in a career change and displaced or unemployed workers that are in need of retraining.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 9,729.0 9,739.3 9,734.2
001 - General Fund
State 649,925,000 691,924,000 1,341,849,000
060 - Comm/Tech Col Capital Projects Acct
State 7,192,000 7,192,000 14,384,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 57,808,000 58,490,000 116,298,000
145 - Inst of Hi Ed-Grants/Contracts Acct
Non-Appropriated 209,695,000 211,104,000 420,799,000
148 - Inst of Hi Ed-Dedicated Local Acct
Non-Appropriated 67,531,000 67,579,000 135,110,000
149 - Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
Non-Appropriated 244,613,000 244,210,000 488,823,000
20F - Invest in Washington Account
State 92,000 92,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 199,135,000 200,042,000 399,177,000
26C - Climate Commitment Account
State 339,000 339,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 4,864.5 4,875.0 4,869.8
GFS 325,072,000.0 346,553,000.0 671,625,000.0
Other 393,011,000.0 395,384,000.0 788,395,000.0
Totals 718,083,000.0 741,937,000.0 1,460,020,000.0
Expected Results

Increase the number of student receiving certificates or degrees aligned with Washington employment needs.