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310 - Department of Corrections

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Through December 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
Capital Projects Suspense
Z41 057 N N 111 111 111 (111)
30000117 - MCC: WSR Perimeter Wall Renovation
C01 057 Y N 905,000 37,709 641,053 21,200 21,200 2% 2% 619,853
30000143 - Washington Corrections Center: Transformers and Switches
A01 057 Y N 5,479,650 232,044 3,938,585 4,137,090 4,137,090 75% 75% (198,505)
30000697 - WCC: Paint & Repair 300,000 Gallon Water
C10 057 Y N 422,200 17,728 301,378 77,424 77,424 18% 18% 223,954
30000697 - WCC: Paint & Repair 300,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank
D00 23N N N 600,000 50,000 100,000 100,000
D01 057 N N 2,406,000 411,633 1,156,711 151,196 151,196 6% 6% 1,005,515
Totals 3,006,000 461,633 1,256,711 4,387,021 151,196 6% 6% 1,105,515%
30000738 - MCC: TRU Roof Programs and Recreation Bu
C02 057 Y N 5,653,300 425,085 4,266,983 491,867 2,818,340 2,818,340 50% 50% 1,448,643
30001123 - SW IMU Recreation Yard Improvement
C05 057 Y N 2,088,700 10,547 172,588 10,219 78,593 78,593 4% 4% 93,995
D03 057 N N 2,000,000 114,140 656,316 487 91,983 91,983 5% 5% 564,333
Totals 4,088,700 124,687 828,904 10,706 7,375,937 170,576 8% 8% 658,328%
30001128 - SCCC Roof Replacement
D04 057 N N 6,194,000 34,692 1,019,548 384,653 384,653 6% 6% 634,895
40000067 - ECWR: Foundation and Siding Repair
C11 057 Y N 850,000 50,752 279,195 218,405 218,405 26% 26% 60,790
40000067 - ECWR: Foundation and Siding
D06 057 N N 5,111,000 18,913 402,893 88,547 88,547 2% 2% 314,346
40000178 - SW: Electric Car Chargers
D02 26C N N 600,000
40000180 - MCC: WSR Clinic Roof Replacement
C06 057 Y N 8,694,110 85,625 2,984,195 172,246 2,497,262 2,497,262 29% 29% 486,933
40000246 - MCC: SOU and TRU - Domestic Water and HVAC Piping System
C07 057 Y N 2,962,000 148,841 2,530,297 51,339 1,187,075 1,187,075 40% 40% 1,343,222
D07 057 N N 26,000,000 1,075,416 23,132,072 74,321 700,109 700,109 3% 3% 22,431,963
Totals 28,962,000 1,224,257 25,662,369 125,660 12,451,988 1,887,184 43% 43% 23,775,185%
40000254 - Minor Works - Preservation Projects
C08 057 Y N 3,819,410 3,819,410 7,860 1,910,752 1,910,752 50% 50% 1,908,658
40000255 - LCC: Boiler Replacement
C09 057 Y N 1,190,000 310,000 310,000
40000260 - WCC: Interim Mental Health Building
C12 057 Y N 1,522,000 67,084 1,318,796 259,848 259,848 17% 17% 1,058,948
C19 26V Y N 672,000 15,111 232,407 46,926 46,926 7% 7% 185,481
Totals 2,194,000 82,195 1,551,203 14,669,514 306,774 24% 24% 1,244,429%
40000263 - WCCW: MSC Living Unit Bathroom Renovations
D19 057 N N 500,000 49,999 149,997 154 154 0.03% 0.03% 149,843
40000324 - CBCC: Fire Pump Replacement
D08 057 N N 1,411,000 104,670 1,366,966 23,982 105,101 105,101 7% 7% 1,261,865
40000379 - MCC: TRU Support Building HVAC Replaceme
N01 706 Y N 4,541,780 121,025 4,134,485 652,426 4,541,783 4,541,783 100% 100% (407,298)
40000380 - WCC: Support Buildings Roof Replacement
C03 057 Y N 6,565,680 183,455 5,281,107 299,760 6,397,292 6,397,292 97% 97% (1,116,185)
40000413 - Inpatient Psychiatric Unit
C13 057 Y N 346,500 14,585 246,281 (5) 346,499 346,499 100% 100% (100,218)
40000414 - CRCC: Sage Unit Move to AHCC
C14 057 Y N 978,610 8,430 309,309 131 45,131 45,131 5% 5% 264,178
40000414 - CRCC Sage Unit Move to AHCC
D10 057 N N 1,452,000 6,263 62,575 14,517 14,517 0.99% 0.99% 48,058
40000415 - AHCC: Modular Building for Health Servic
C15 057 Y N 791,000 2,918 122,077 62,027 62,027 8% 8% 60,050
40000415 - AHCC: Modular Building for Health Service Staff
D11 057 N N 408,000 1,471 42,372 14,957 14,957 4% 4% 27,415
40000416 - CRCC: Modular Building for Health Servic
C16 057 Y N 777,000 7,067 115,897 54,890 54,890 7% 7% 61,007
40000416 - CRCC: Modular Building for Health Service Staff
D12 057 N N 428,000 1,476 42,180 15,397 15,397 4% 4% 26,783
40000418 - McNeil Island Passenger Ferry Replacement
D13 057 N N 900,000 50,001 550,017 136,422 136,422 15% 15% 413,595
40000419 - McNeil Island Transport Barge Replacement
D14 057 N N 900,000 19,418 764,110 128,960 128,960 14% 14% 635,150
40000427 - Minor Works Preservation Projects
D15 057 N N 9,992,000 326,942 8,867,145 747,941 4,233,528 4,233,528 42% 42% 4,633,617
40000516 - Westside Prison Housing Unit HVAC
D20 057 N N 350,000 35,001 105,003 157 157 0.04% 0.04% 104,846
40000523 - SW: Security Electronics Renewal & Adaptation
D21 057 N N 800,000 79,999 239,997 239,997
40000524 - SW: Fire Alarm Systems Stabilization Project
D22 057 N N 750,000 75,001 225,003 225,003
40000525 - SW: Perimeter Fence Detection Stabilization Project
D23 057 N N 750,000 75,001 225,003 225,003
40000526 - WSP: IMU South Fire Protection & Smoke Dampers
D24 057 N N 4,622,000 89,789 448,945 448,945
40000527 - WCCW: Women's Elder Care Unit
D25 057 N N 250,000 25,002 75,006 154 154 0.06% 0.06% 74,852
40000528 - WCC: Medical Intake Modular Building
D26 057 N N 1,200,000 20,757 62,271 8,100 8,100 8,100 0.67% 0.67% 54,171
91000434 - HB 1390 - District Energy Systems
D16 26C N N 1,600,000 66,666 1,133,322 5,000 5,000 0.31% 0.31% 1,128,322
92000037 - WSP: Unit Six Roof Replacement
A13 057 Y N 375,000 4,219 345,469 8,347 130,354 130,354 35% 35% 215,115
D17 057 N N 12,569,000 2,056,762 6,552,666 484,712 1,046,113 1,046,113 8% 8% 5,506,553
Totals 12,944,000 2,060,981 6,898,135 493,059 31,956,050 1,176,467 43% 43% 5,721,668%
92001125 - Corrections Training Center
D18 057 N N 350,000 14,582 247,909 333,418 333,418 95% 95% (85,509)
310 - Department of Corrections Totals 130,776,940 6,235,819 78,977,539 3,033,844 32,289,468 884% 884% 46,688,071%