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360 - University of Washington

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Through December 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
057 N N 1,000,000 125,000 125,000 125,000
20091002 - Anderson Hall Renovation
D00 057 N N 28,650,000 1,655,588 9,512,605 78,800 6,358,415 6,358,415 22% 22% 3,154,190
30000378 - UW Bothell Phase 4
A01 057 Y N 9,189,750 9,189,750 190,537 7,828,821 7,828,821 85% 85% 1,360,929
30000492 - College of Engineering Interdisciplinary
C01 057 Y N 20,427,230 20,427,230 14,256 20,398,190 20,398,190 100% 100% 29,040
30000808 - UW Major Infrastructure
C02 064 Y N 456,830 456,830 297,906 456,830 456,830 100% 100%
C12 057 Y N 1,456,010 1,456,010 (32,297) 1,423,713 1,423,713 98% 98% 32,297
D01 064 N N 14,300,000 247,812 12,091,383 84,372 7,332,260 7,332,260 51% 51% 4,759,123
Totals 16,212,840 247,812 14,004,223 349,981 43,798,229 9,212,803 249% 249% 4,791,420%
40000038 - Behavioral Health Teaching Facility
C03 057 Y N 27,432,560 27,432,560 (252,432) 28,403,548 28,403,548 104% 104% (970,988)
C14 26V Y N 10,000,000 10,000,000 1,207,068 6,156,719 6,156,719 62% 62% 3,843,281
Totals 37,432,560 37,432,560 954,636 78,358,496 34,560,267 165% 165% 2,872,293%
40000049 - Magnuson Health Sciences Phase II
C04 057 Y N 3,010,770 3,010,770 3,010,770 3,010,770 100% 100%
D03 057 N N 58,000,000 2,000,000 28,840,307 1,395,479 18,859,996 18,859,996 33% 33% 9,980,311
Totals 61,010,770 2,000,000 31,851,077 1,395,479 100,229,262 21,870,766 133% 133% 9,980,311%
40000050 - UW Seattle - Asset Preservation (Minor W
C05 064 Y N 10,095,460 10,095,460 773,359 7,466,913 7,466,913 74% 74% 2,628,547
40000070 - UW Bothell - Asset Preservation (Minor W
C06 064 Y N 480,270 480,270 41,572 41,572 9% 9% 438,698
40000098 - UW Clean Energy Testbeds
D04 26C N N 7,500,000 110,000 6,835,000 2,092,915 4,334,367 4,334,367 58% 58% 2,500,633
40000100 - Intellectual House - Phase 2
D05 057 N N 9,000,000 100,000 700,000 700,000
40000101 - UW Tacoma - Land Acquisition
D06 057 N N 7,700,000 7,700,000 7,700,000
40000103 - UW Seattle - Asset Preservation (Minor Works) 23-25
D07 064 N N 37,396,000 1,712,542 25,408,214 863,887 15,402,016 15,402,016 41% 41% 10,006,198
40000129 - UW Bothell - Asset Preservation (Minor Works) 23-25
D08 064 N N 3,895,000 77,958 3,349,290 17,445 1,409,367 1,409,367 36% 36% 1,939,923
40000131 - UW Tacoma - Asset Preservation (Minor Works) 23-25
D09 064 N N 3,234,000 64,709 2,781,049 57,883 2,344,399 2,344,399 72% 72% 436,650
40000132 - Infrastructure Renewal
D10 064 N N 9,175,000 382,292 6,498,964 37,049 418,212 418,212 5% 5% 6,080,752
D11 26C N N 15,000,000 625,000 10,625,000 888,259 4,979,697 4,979,697 33% 33% 5,645,303
Totals 24,175,000 1,007,292 17,123,964 925,308 136,625,805 5,397,909 38% 38% 11,726,055%
40000146 - Chemical Sciences & Bagley Hall
D02 057 N N 5,000,000 254,917 1,274,585 1,274,585
40000147 - Energy Renewal Program
D15 26C N N 38,900,000
91000016 - Ctr for Advanced Materials and Clean Ene
U75 057 Y N 12,537,070 12,537,070 48,077 901,234 901,234 7% 7% 11,635,836
91000027 - UWMC NW - Campus Behavioral Health Renov
C11 057 Y N 591,680 591,680 534,637 534,637 90% 90% 57,043
91000027 - UWMC NW - Campus Behavioral Health Renovation
D12 057 N N 13,000,000 1,500,000 9,489,877 28,519 2,743,259 2,743,259 21% 21% 6,746,618
91000029 - Preventive Facility Maintenance and Building System Repairs
D13 064 N N 25,825,000 1,076,042 18,292,714 1,076,042 31,205,289 31,205,289 121% 121% (12,912,575)
92000002 - UW Tacoma Campus Soil Remediation
C10 23N Y N 2,000,000 130,000 1,090,000 56,748 56,748 3% 3% 1,033,252
D14 23N N N 2,000,000 83,333 1,416,661 1,416,661
Totals 4,000,000 213,333 2,506,661 172,066,972 56,748 3% 3% 2,449,913%
360 - University of Washington Totals 377,252,630 10,145,193 241,708,279 8,867,124 172,066,972 1,324% 1,324% 69,641,307%