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376 - The Evergreen State College

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Through December 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
30000125 - Seminar I Renovation
C00 057 Y N 590,240 590,240 360,886 360,886 61% 61% 229,354
D00 057 N N 25,227,000 2,000,000 7,979,000 1,282,291 4,092,977 4,092,977 16% 16% 3,886,023
Totals 25,817,240 2,000,000 8,569,240 1,282,291 4,453,863 4,453,863 77% 77% 4,115,377%
30000612 - Preventative Facility Maintenance and Building System Repairs
D01 066 N N 880,000 50,000 775,000 880,000 880,000 100% 100% (105,000)
40000034 - Minor Works Preservation
C03 066 Y N 82,790 82,790 82,790 82,790 100% 100%
C04 057 Y N 899,640 899,640 26,202 540,384 540,384 60% 60% 359,256
Totals 982,430 982,430 26,202 5,957,037 623,174 160% 160% 359,256%
40000047 - LAB II HVAC Upgrades
N00 706 Y N 3,454,000 3,454,000 300 1,528,654 1,528,654 44% 44% 1,925,346
40000082 - Recreation and Athletic Center Critical
C06 057 Y N 317,260 317,260 317,260 317,260 100% 100%
40000084 - Emergency Dispatch & Communication Syste
C07 066 Y N 900,360 900,360 897,046 897,046 100% 100% 3,314
40000085 - Minor Works Preservation 2023-25
D02 057 N N 2,300,000 105,000 1,860,000 348,893 1,478,711 1,478,711 64% 64% 381,289
D03 066 N N 5,790,000 300,000 4,760,000 638,446 4,087,284 4,087,284 71% 71% 672,716
Totals 8,090,000 405,000 6,620,000 987,339 14,265,992 5,565,995 135% 135% 1,054,005%
40000094 - Minor Works Program 2023-25
D04 066 N N 500,000 50,000 340,000 828 148,058 148,058 30% 30% 191,942
91000037 - HB 1390 – District Energy Systems
D05 26C N N 25,000 25,000 25,000
92000047 - Salaries and Expenses
D06 057 N N 250,000
376 - The Evergreen State College Totals 41,216,290 2,505,000 21,983,290 2,296,960 14,414,050 746% 746% 7,569,240%