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State Conservation Commission

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Budgeted Operating Expenditures

Dollars in Thousands

Does Not Include Higher Education Tuition and Fee Accounts)

Fiscal Year 2025 through September 2024

State Conservation Commission Fiscal Year 2025 Actual Fiscal Year Total Estimate Fiscal Year to Date Actual Balance


Total Full Time Equivalent Staff Years 28 36 29 7
Statewide Totals 28 36 29 7


Conservation Commission Operations 25,336 39,717 2,544 37,174
Total Programs 25,336 39,717 2,544 37,174

Objects of Expenditures

Salaries and Wages 2,430 3,310 459 2,851
Employee Benefits 807 1,142 145 997
Professional Service Contracts 863 1,908 177 1,731
Goods and Other Services 508 1,516 41 1,474
Travel 206 282 26 255
Capital Outlays 69 12 12
Grants, Benefits & Client Services 21,654 31,548 1,695 29,852
Interagency Reimbursements (1,201)
Total Objects of Expenditures 25,336 39,717 2,544 37,174

Source of Funds

General Fund Federal 93 1,541 1,541
General Fund State 16,189 20,692 1,569 19,123
Other Funds Non-Appropriated 10 10
Other Funds State 9,054 17,474 974 16,500
Total Source of Funds 25,336 39,717 2,544 37,174