CARES Act allocations

This is a list of federal funds allocated by OFM from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act between 2020 and 2021.

Funds from other federal legislation, like the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, are not included here as they were appropriated directly by the state Legislature. 

Date Recipient Amount Purposesort ascending Memo
09/08/2020 Joint Legislative Services Committee $883,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in FY 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Joint Legislative Services Committee
09/08/2020 Health Care Authority $8,172,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Health Care Authority
09/08/2020 Dept. of Ecology $1,134,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Ecology
09/08/2020 Dept. of Revenue $1,828,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Revenue
09/08/2020 Dept. of Health $57,392,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Health
09/08/2020 Dept. of Corrections $17,216,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Corrections
09/08/2020 Dept. of Natural Resources $1,126,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Natural Resources
09/08/2020 Dept. of Commerce $564,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
09/08/2020 Office of the Attorney General $1,180,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Attorney General
09/08/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $223,143,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020 and for March to June 2020 Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and Development Disability Administration provider rates, and to the Economic Services Administration for coronavirus response activities. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
12/23/2020 Health Care Authority $13.4 million For providers with an emphasis on those who treat Medicaid and state-only populations, including: opioid outpatient providers, evaluation and treatment centers and residential treatment facilities, community mental health centers and other licensed behavioral health therapy providers, primary care provides, including internal medicine and family practice providers, and dentists and dental care providers. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Health Care Authority
12/14/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $3.48 million For nursing home transition, long-term care staffing, and personal protective equipment (PPE) fit testing for individual providers. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
10/30/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $13,200,000 For increased testing in nursing homes per guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which requires testing of all staff and residents every 3-7 days until no new cases are found for 14 days. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services for nursing home testing costs
12/14/2020 Health Care Authority $40.9 million For hospital and pediatrician assistance and nursing home transition. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Health Care Authority
12/18/2020 Dept. of Commerce -$14,000,000 ($422,900,000 reduced to $408,900,000) For funding COVID-19 assistance to local governments under interagency agreement #K3134. Amended allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
10/16/2020 Dept. of Agriculture $9,425,000 For COVID-related food security, including to increase the capacity of the state’s Emergency Food Assistance Program and to purchase food, PPE and supplies for distribution to non-profit food banks and food pantries. Also to create a financial assistance program for small-scale meat processors to increase capacity and address labor shortages due to the pandemic. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Agriculture for COVID-related food security
12/18/2020 Dept. of Commerce -$190,000 ($250,000 reduced to $60,000) For Consolidated Technology Services (WaTech) and Washington State University to install infrastructure hardware for drive-in WiFi locations at schools and libraries. Amended allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
10/30/2020 Office of Financial Management and Dept. of Enterprise Services $24,000,000 For computer devices to allow K-12 students to learn remotely. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to OFM and DES for K-12 computers
08/21/2020 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction $8.1 million For competitive grants to community-based organizations (CBOs) to support student learning in partnership with school districts. Allocation of federal CARES Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund funds
09/21/2020 Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families $78,090,000 For child care relief. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families
12/14/2020 Dept. of Health $50 million For case investigation and contact tracing activities. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Health
12/23/2020 Dept. of Commerce $50 million For business assistance grants providing for expenses, including (but not limited to) rent, mortgage and utility assistance, and to help prevent permanent closure of businesses. The department will prioritize businesses owned by black, indigenous and people of color. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
12/01/2020 Dept. of Commerce $50 million For business and nonprofit organization assistance with rent, mortgage, utilities, and other business expenses; historically disadvantaged small business owners; and small business resiliency technical assistance contractors. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce for business and nonprofit assistance
12/23/2020 Dept. of Health $4 million For a behavioral health information campaign to address the sustained and lasting impacts to the emotional and mental health of Washingtonians that are a result of living through an extended disaster. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Health
10/26/2020 Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families N/A Extends allocation timeframe through Oct. 31, 2020 to provide support services to ECEAP families with an eligible three- or four-year-old. Amendment of previous June 29 allocation of funds to Dept. of Children, Youth and Families for ECEAP Summer Support Services.
04/19/2021 Dept. of Agriculture -$43 million Due to the Presidential memorandum directing FEMA to reimburse 100% of eligible expenses, the state’s contribution is no longer required. Revision of previous allocation of Coronavirus Relief Funds to Dept. of Agriculture
04/19/2021 Dept. of Health -$59,168,000 Due to the Presidential memorandum directing FEMA to reimburse 100% of eligible expenses, the state’s contribution is no longer required. Revision of previous allocation of Coronavirus Relief Funds to Dept. of Health
04/19/2021 University of Washington -$21,875,000 Due to the Presidential memorandum directing FEMA to reimburse 100% of eligible expenses, the state’s contribution is no longer required. Revision of previous allocation of Coronavirus Relief Funds to University of Washington
04/19/2021 Dept. of Social and Health Services -$423,648,000 Due to 100% FEMA reimbursement and other reasons. Revision of previous allocations of Coronavirus Relief Funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
01/20/2021 Dept. of Health -$50 million Because the allocation is not needed to accomplish this purpose, it is rescinded. Rescinding Dec. 14, 2020 allocation to Dept. of Health for case investigation and contact tracing


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