Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Average Annual FTEs | Near General Fund State | Other Funds | Total Funds | |
(Dollars in Thousands) | ||||
Current Budget | 4,960.6 | 3,819,651 | 1,442,548 | 5,262,199 |
2023-25 Maintenance Level | 4,952.1 | 3,955,305 | 1,444,130 | 5,399,435 |
Difference from 2025-27 Original | (8.5) | 135,654 | 1,582 | 137,236 |
% Change from 2025-27 Original | (0.2%) | 3.6% | 0.11% | 2.6% |
2023-25 Policy Other Changes |
Family Child Care CBA | 0.0 | 10,346 | 0 | 10,346 |
Federal Funding Adjustment | 0.0 | (10,174) | 10,174 | 0 |
CCDF-TANF Audit Resolution | 0.0 | (595) | 0 | (595) |
FFPSA Backfill | 0.0 | 11,425 | (11,425) | 0 |
JR Stafford Creek | 16.7 | 5,057 | 71 | 5,128 |
Hiring Delays | 0.0 | (515) | 0 | (515) |
Home Visiting Expansion Underspend | 0.0 | 0 | (400) | (400) |
Intercept | 0.0 | 0 | 300 | 300 |
DS Compliance | 0.0 | 1,413 | 489 | 1,902 |
GH Incident Response | 0.0 | 8,859 | 0 | 8,859 |
Safety Initiative | 20.7 | 4,737 | 0 | 4,737 |
Mental Health Initiative | 11.7 | 3,326 | 0 | 3,326 |
EG Safety Equipment | 0.0 | 1,012 | 0 | 1,012 |
Settlement Agreements | 0.0 | 31,000 | 0 | 31,000 |
Relocation Costs | 0.0 | 1,704 | 279 | 1,983 |
Consolidate Seasonal Childcare | 0.0 | (1,560) | 0 | (1,560) |
17M EA Reduction | 0.0 | 0 | (791) | (791) |
WA Stem Underspend | 0.0 | (150) | 0 | (150) |
Youth Counsel AG Underspend | 0.0 | (717) | 0 | (717) |
2023-25 Policy Other Changes Total | 49.1 | 65,168 | (1,303) | 63,865 |
Total Policy Changes | 49.1 | 65,168 | (1,303) | 63,865 |
2025 Policy Level | 5,001.2 | 4,020,473 | 1,442,827 | 5,463,300 |
Difference from 2025-27 Original | 40.6 | 200,822 | 279 | 201,101 |
% Change from 2025-27 Original | 0.82% | 5.3% | 0.02% | 3.8% |
Policy Changes
Federal Funding Adjustment
The Department received an increase in discretionary Child Care Development Fund grant funds. A fund swap of state to federal is made. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)
Family Child Care CBA
The 2023-25 collective bargaining agreement included a $2,100 per month cost of care enhancement. Due to provider growth, additional funding is needed in fiscal year 2025 to complete implementation of the cost of care enhancement in the 2023-25 biennium. (General Fund - State)
CCDF-TANF Audit Resolution
Funding and FTE were provided in the 2024 enacted supplemental budget to support the Department in tracking expenditures for the subsidy child care program at the client level. This was done to reduce the risk of audit findings from the State Auditor's Office and to comply with requirements associated with the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant. The Department receives TANF grant funds from the Department of Social and Health Services for its subsidy child care program, and TANF grant funds must be tracked at the child level. The Department was able to develop an in-house solution for tracking expenditures at the client level, which reduced some of its need for an IT solution planned out of the enacted funding. Savings is captured to reflect this efficiency and underspend. (General Fund - State)
FFPSA Backfill
A fund swap of state to federal funds in the 2021-23 budget was made in anticipation that the Department could claim Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) funds. It later became known that the Department cannot claim these funds until a Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System is completed in FY2030. The Department has absorbed the state funding reduction through CPS staffing vacancies and prevention services excess capacity but these funding areas are projected to be fully expended. Federal expenditure authority is removed since it cannot be claimed and the state reduction is backfilled in FY2025. (General Fund - Family Support/Child Welfare, General Fund - State)
JR Stafford Creek
The state’s JR population is increasing, with a 60% increase in young people housed at the Green Hill School since 2023. The resulting overcrowding has created unsafe conditions and reduced the ability for young men to receive services. With this funding, the department will open a 48-bed unit on the campus of the Stafford Creek Corrections Center to add capacity for youth sentenced to JR. (General Fund - Family Support/Child Welfare, General Fund - State)
Hiring Delays
Savings is captured to reflect hiring delays at the Department. (General Fund - State)
Home Visiting Expansion Underspend
Savings is captured to reflect underspend in combined in home visiting services. (Home Visiting Services Account - State)
Intercept is an evidence-based, comprehensive in-home services model that works to prevent or limit out-of-home placement for youth from birth to age 18 (and their families) who are involved in child welfare, children's mental health, and/or juvenile justice systems. It was funded through fiscal year 2026 but without the private local expenditure authority needed for the program. Private-local authority for fiscal year 2025 is granted. (General Fund - Local, General Fund - Private/Local)
DS Compliance
In January 2021, a class action lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on behalf of youth experiencing placement instability through night-to-night placements in hotel and overnight stays in DCYF offices. In June 2022, DCYF and plaintiffs reached a settlement agreement, which requires certain system improvements. Funding is provided for exceptional placement costs. (General Fund - Family Support/Child Welfare, General Fund - State)
GH Incident Response
The state’s JR population is increasing, with a 60% increase in young people housed at the Green Hill School since 2023. The resulting overcrowding has created unsafe conditions and reduced the ability for young men to receive services. The department initiated a heightened security response this summer to address the safety concerns, with this funding covering support and training from teams at the Department of Corrections, equipment purchases, legal costs, and other emergent security needs. (General Fund - State)
Safety Initiative
Safety is fundamental for the therapeutic environment and services the department strives for in juvenile rehabilitation. The funding for 30 security officers, nine specialists, two investigators, and security technology support staff enables the department to address gaps in critical staffing practices necessary for facility safety. (General Fund - State)
Mental Health Initiative
Young people entering JR come with increasingly complex behavioral health challenges, with over 70% diagnosed with mental health conditions. The department will use this funding for additional counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric social workers, and occupational therapists to address the increasingly acute mental health needs of residents. (General Fund - State)
EG Safety Equipment
The department will purchase a full replacement of radios, repeaters, and base station with a backup system at Echo Glen. Reliable safety equipment to call for help when an emergency occurs (fight, escape,
other security support) is necessary for a secured facility. (General Fund - State)
Settlement Agreements
Funding is provided for the state to pay for four settlement agreements that exceed the $10 million amount covered by the Self Insurance Liability Account for each case: $7 million for Estate of Jose Fernandez-Armas, $9.5 million for Denny, et al. v. State of Washington, $8 million for Glover, et al. v. State of Washington, and $6.5 million for Estate of Hazel Homan. (General Fund - State)
Relocation Costs
One-time funding is provided for costs associated with relocating Department offices critical to execute core agency functions. (General Fund - Family Support/Child Welfare, General Fund - State)
Consolidate Seasonal Childcare
The seasonal child care program is unused, and this population is now captured in the Working Connections Child Care forecast, making this proviso redundant. This step captures unutilized funding as savings. (General Fund - State)
17M EA Reduction
Expenditure authority is adjusted to align expenditures with revenues. (Indivi-Based/Portable Background Ch - Non-Appropriated)
WA Stem Underspend
Savings is captured to reflect underspend in the WA STEM program. (General Fund - State)
Youth Counsel AG Underspend
The Department has sufficient funding in the central services model for attorney general services associated with youth counsel (SSHB 1219). This savings represents a separate appropriation to the agency, which is redundant, and can be removed. (General Fund - State)