Department of Agriculture

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 961.4 140,445 276,697 417,142
2023-25 Maintenance Level 961.4 141,271 288,234 429,505
Difference from 2025-27 Original 0.0 826 11,537 12,363
% Change from 2025-27 Original 0.0% 0.59% 4.2% 3.0%

2023-25 Policy Other Changes

Northern Giant Hornet Erad. Supp 2.2 155 339 494
Japanese Beetle Eradication Supp 0.50 450 0 450
Invasive Moth Eradication Supp 2.5 426 381 807
Ag Product Negotiations 0.0 (63) 0 (63)
Onetime Savings MTCOA 0.0 0 (350) (350)
Onetime Vacancy Savings 0.0 (536) 0 (536)
2023-25 Policy Other Changes Total 5.2 432 370 802
Total Policy Changes 5.2 432 370 802
2025 Policy Level 966.6 141,703 288,604 430,307
Difference from 2025-27 Original 5.2 1,258 11,907 13,165
% Change from 2025-27 Original 0.54% 0.90% 4.3% 3.2%

Policy Changes

Northern Giant Hornet Erad. Supp

The Northern Giant Hornet, first detected in Washington in December 2019, attack honeybee hives, native insect populations, feed on several types of fruit, and pose a risk to human health. This capacity matches federal funding for hornet detection and eradication efforts. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Japanese Beetle Eradication Supp

The Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) is a regulated plant pest whose adults eat the leaves of more than 300 plant species. First detected in 2020 in southeastern Washington the infestation has continued to spread despite trapping and eradication efforts. Funding supports ongoing and expanded treatment areas and community engagement efforts in Central Washington. (General Fund - State)

Invasive Moth Eradication Supp

Spongy moth caterpillars eat the leaves of more than 300 species of trees and shrubs. Paired with U.S. Forest Service grants, this funding supports stopping the spongy moths from establishing itself in Washington. (General Fund - Federal, General Fund - State)

Ag Product Negotiations

In the 2020 Supplemental budget, WSDA received an ongoing appropriation to manage agricultural product negotiations with an expanded list of agricultural products subject to the requirements of RCW 15.83. The workload for these negotiations has significantly decreased. (General Fund - State)

Onetime Savings MTCOA

Agency identified one-time programmatic savings for model toxics control operating account funded activities. (Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State)

Onetime Vacancy Savings

Agency identified one-time reduction for vacancy savings. (General Fund - State)