Office of Financial Management

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 350.3 41,132 211,975 253,107
2019-21 Maintenance Level 353.3 41,169 215,633 256,802
Difference from 2017-19 3.0 37 3,658 3,695
% Change from 2017-19 0.86% 0.09% 1.7% 1.5%

2019-21 Policy Other Changes

OneWA Transformation & Systems 7.5 0 25,525 25,525
Statewide Accounting Staffing 3.0 0 1,064 1,064
SHR Support for AFRS Replacement 0.50 0 159 159
Workforce Strategies Staffing 1.5 0 455 455
Greenhouse Emission Limits 0.0 0 48 48
Education Research and Data Center 1.0 0 286 286
Revise FSA Administration 0.0 0 (6,226) (6,226)
Align FTEs with Actuals 47.5 0 0 0
Integrated Early Learning Options 0.0 480 0 480
Public Disclosure/Lit. Hold Officer 0.50 143 0 143
Revise Transit Pass Administration 0.0 0 (6,370) (6,370)
2019-21 Policy Other Changes Total 61.5 623 14,941 15,564

2019-21 Policy Comp Changes

Compensation Structure Proposal-TRN 0.0 0 21 21
Compensation Structure Proposal 0.0 725 931 1,656
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase 0.0 3 6 9
2019-21 Policy Comp Changes Total 0.0 728 958 1,686

2019-21 Policy Central Services Changes

Attorney General 0.0 3 6 9
DES Central Services 0.0 2 2 4
OFM Central Services 0.0 17 39 56
2019-21 Policy Central Services Changes Total 0.0 22 47 69
Total Policy Changes 61.5 1,373 15,946 17,319
2019-21 Policy Level 414.8 42,542 231,579 274,121
Difference from 2017-19 64.5 1,410 19,604 21,014
% Change from 2017-19 18.4% 3.4% 9.2% 8.3%

Policy Changes

DES Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) for campus rent, utilities, parking, and contracts; capital project surcharges; financing cost recovery; public and historic facilities; real estate services; risk management services; personnel service rates; the Perry Street child care center; small agency services; and the department’s enterprise applications. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

OFM Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency’s anticipated share of charges from the Office of Financial Management (OFM) for statewide financial applications, One Washington, and other OFM central services. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

OneWA Transformation & Systems

Funding is provided to continue implementation activities in the One Washington program and begin replacement of the Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) with an enterprise resource planning solution that will include an integrated bundle of finance, procurement, budget, human resources and payroll systems with capabilities not available today. One Washington has completed extensive research on the development of cost and timeline estimates including a well-defined, industry-validated approach. (OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

Statewide Accounting Staffing

Funding is provided for additional staff to support migration to the new financial module replacing AFRS. Staff will standardize and create business processes, draft statewide policy, and document processes and procedures. (OFM Central Service Account - State)

SHR Support for AFRS Replacement

Funding is provided to ensure stability of essential functions in the Human Resource Management System during the upcoming statewide replacement of the Agency Financial Reporting System with a modern enterprise resource planning solution. (Personnel Service Account - State)

Workforce Strategies Staffing

Funding is provided to enhance research and data collection and reporting capabilities, support statewide business resource groups, and transfer knowledge to state agencies on diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. (Personnel Service Account - State)

Greenhouse Emission Limits

Contingent upon passage of executive request legislation, executive policy staff will participate in a work group to align Washington state greenhouse gas emission targets with the latest scientific guidance and monitor progress toward achieving these goals. (General Fund - State, Model Toxics Control Capital Accoun - State, Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State)

Education Research and Data Center

Funding will provide for two staff members at the Education Research and Data Center to create new dashboards, reports and data marts in response to anticipated student demand and other legislative requirements in Chapter 406, Laws of 2019 (Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2158). (OFM Central Service Account - State, Workforce Education Investment Acc - State)

Revise FSA Administration

The Health Care Authority will bill agencies directly for the cost of negotiated health flexible spending accounts that were approved in the 2019-21 budget. Since the money will no longer move through the Office of Financial Management, this funding is removed because it is not needed in the second fiscal year. (Personnel Service Account - State)

Align FTEs with Actuals

This is a technical adjustment for budget monitoring purposes to align FTE staff with funding received through internal agency agreements.

Integrated Early Learning Options

This item funds contracts for project management and fiscal modeling to support the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction's collaboration with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families to complete a report with options and recommendations for administrative efficiencies and long-term strategies which align and integrate high-quality early learning programs administered by both agencies. The report is due September 1, 2020. (General Fund - State)

Public Disclosure/Lit. Hold Officer

Funding is provided to add capacity to meet the increased volume and complexity of public disclosure requests, provide greater transparency for the public and enable the Office of Financial Management to meet its mission goals. (General Fund - State)

Revise Transit Pass Administration

The Department of Transportation will bill agencies directly for the cost of employee ORCA transit passes. Since the money will no longer move through the Office of Financial Management, this funding is removed because it is not needed in the second fiscal year. (Education Technology Revolving Acct - Non-Appropriated, Personnel Service Account - State)

Compensation Structure Proposal

This funding provides for the transition to a market-informed salary structure for all exempt employees. Following in the footsteps of the Legislature, this will enable the agency to retain key positions, recruit in hard-to-fill areas, and reduce turnover related to competitive compensation. Demand has increased for experienced professional staff in areas related to accounting, budgeting, forecasting and human resources in both the public and private sectors which respond by creating positions at higher salary levels to attract candidates. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, Personnel Service Account - State, other funds)

PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase

For eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members, this item provides an increase of 1.5 percent, up to a maximum of $22 per month. (General Fund - State, Personnel Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

Attorney General

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of legal service charges from the Attorney General’s Office. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, OFM Labor Relations Service Account - Non-Appropriated, other funds)