Department of Corrections
Average Annual FTEs | Near General Fund State | Other Funds | Total Funds | |
(Dollars in Thousands) | ||||
Current Budget | 9,131.7 | 2,312,030 | 301,395 | 2,613,425 |
2023-25 Maintenance Level | 9,278.2 | 2,740,436 | 20,995 | 2,761,431 |
Difference from 2023-25 Original | 146.5 | 428,406 | (280,400) | 148,006 |
% Change from 2023-25 Original | 1.6% | 18.5% | (93.0%) | 5.7% |
2023 Policy Other Changes |
Secure Internet for Prisons | 0.0 | 730 | 0 | 730 |
Lease Adjustments | 0.0 | 3,293 | 0 | 3,293 |
Relocations & One-time Costs | 0.0 | 1,930 | 0 | 1,930 |
Auto Theft Prevention Account | 0.0 | 4,837 | (4,837) | 0 |
Contracted Nursing Services | 0.0 | 908 | 0 | 908 |
OMNI Sentencing Calculation Module | 3.4 | 5,783 | 0 | 5,783 |
Amend Collaboration and Training | 52.3 | 12,693 | 0 | 12,693 |
Restrictive Housing Reform | 8.5 | 3,614 | 0 | 3,614 |
ISRB Caseload | 4.4 | 950 | 0 | 950 |
Community Custody Patient Care | 19.6 | 5,997 | 0 | 5,997 |
Bellingham Reentry Center | 22.3 | 3,239 | 0 | 3,239 |
Addiction Care Delivery | 20.4 | 6,260 | 0 | 6,260 |
Earned Time Policy | 26.8 | (1,757) | 0 | (1,757) |
Resolution Program | 3.9 | 894 | 0 | 894 |
Zero Emission Staffing | 3.0 | 0 | 815 | 815 |
Community Corrections Program | 16.1 | 3,935 | 0 | 3,935 |
Food Service Diabetic Diet | 0.0 | 1,832 | 0 | 1,832 |
Probable Cause Hearings | 8.1 | 2,105 | 0 | 2,105 |
Occupational Health Program | 12.0 | 3,518 | 0 | 3,518 |
Helen B Ratcliff Work Release | 22.3 | 2,780 | 0 | 2,780 |
2023 Policy Other Changes Total | 223.1 | 63,541 | (4,022) | 59,519 |
2023 Policy Comp Changes |
State Employee Benefits | 0.0 | 617 | 0 | 617 |
WFSE General Government | 0.0 | 51,155 | 0 | 51,155 |
Rep Employee Health Benefits | 0.0 | 3,154 | 0 | 3,154 |
Teamsters 117 DOC | 0.0 | 223,060 | 0 | 223,060 |
Non-Rep Recruitment/Retention | 0.0 | 1,540 | 0 | 1,540 |
Coalition of Unions | 0.0 | 194 | 0 | 194 |
Non-Rep General Wage Increase | 0.0 | 18,012 | 0 | 18,012 |
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase | 0.0 | 1,604 | 0 | 1,604 |
Vaccine Booster Incentive | 0.0 | 1,338 | 0 | 1,338 |
2023 Policy Comp Changes Total | 0.0 | 300,674 | 0 | 300,674 |
2023 Policy Central Services Changes |
Shared Tenant M365 to CSM | 0.0 | (6,866) | 0 | (6,866) |
State Data Center | 0.0 | (434) | 0 | (434) |
Archives/Records Management | 0.0 | 71 | 0 | 71 |
Audit Services | 0.0 | 45 | 0 | 45 |
Legal Services | 0.0 | 1,457 | 0 | 1,457 |
CTS Central Services | 0.0 | 9,057 | 0 | 9,057 |
DES Central Services | 0.0 | 394 | 0 | 394 |
OFM Central Services | 0.0 | 13,781 | 0 | 13,781 |
GOV Central Services | 0.0 | 3,161 | 0 | 3,161 |
2023 Policy Central Services Changes Total | 0.0 | 20,666 | 0 | 20,666 |
Total Policy Changes | 223.1 | 384,881 | (4,022) | 380,859 |
2023-25 Policy Level | 9,501.3 | 3,125,317 | 16,973 | 3,142,290 |
Difference from 2021-23 | 369.6 | 813,287 | (284,422) | 528,865 |
% Change from 2023-25 Original | 4.0% | 35.2% | (94.4%) | 20.2% |
Policy Changes
Secure Internet for Prisons
Internet connectivity is essential for incarcerated individuals to access education and many reentry services. For security reasons, the Office of the Chief Information Officer recommends that incarcerated individuals not access the internet through the state network at the prison facilities. Funding is provided to support an off-state network for incarcerated individual internet access. (General Fund - State)
Lease Adjustments
Funding is provided for anticipated lease rate adjustments at community field offices and community justice centers serving individuals under the supervision of the department. (General Fund - State)
Relocations & One-time Costs
Funding is provided for the relocation of leased facilities, including one-time tenant improvements, to accommodate recent increases in the community corrections workforce related to legislative and policy changes. (General Fund - State)
Auto Theft Prevention Account
General Fund-State is provided for expenditures previously made from the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Account. The account is structurally imbalanced and there is no longer revenue sufficient to fund this expense. (General Fund - State, WA Auto Theft Prevention Auth Acct - State)
Contracted Nursing Services
Contract nursing rates continue to rise as staffing needs remain high throughout the health care system. Funding is provided for rate increases to maintain essential nursing contracts at the Department of Corrections. (General Fund - State)
OMNI Sentencing Calculation Module
In the 2022 supplemental budget, funding was provided for a commercial off-the-shelf software solution to update the Department of Corrections' offender management sentencing calculation module. Additional time and supplemental funding are provided to support successful completion of this project. A shift of funds from fiscal year 2023 to fiscal year 2024 is included. This modernization will provide more efficient and accurate calculations of sentence end dates than the current manual process. (General Fund - State)
Amend Collaboration and Training
Funding is provided for the department to implement recommendations developed in partnership with the Amend program at the University of California San Francisco. The goal of this investment is to transform correctional culture to improve the health and safety of both incarcerated individuals and staff. This transformative approach focuses on building stronger human relationships between staff and incarcerated individuals, making life in prison more closely resemble outside life and providing a path toward increasing freedom and responsibility. (General Fund - State)
Restrictive Housing Reform
Funding is increased to further reduce the use of solitary confinement in Washington state prisons. The 2022 supplemental budget included initial funding for this purpose and resources are provided to further increase correctional and mental health staffing and to implement evidence-based approaches to organizational and culture change in the restrictive housing environment. Reducing the time spent in restrictive housing will lessen the damaging physical and mental health impacts on both staff and incarcerated individuals subjected to these conditions and improve reentry outcomes. (General Fund - State)
ISRB Caseload
The Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB) is a quasi-judicial board that has independent decision making for certain cases. The ISRB conducts various hearings and provides services to victims of incarcerated individuals under its jurisdiction, which has expanded in recent years. Funding is provided for additional FTE staff to support the increased caseload. (General Fund - State)
Community Custody Patient Care
When individuals under community supervision violate their terms of supervision, they frequently enter prison-based violator centers with emergent medical needs like immediate detoxification or acute mental health concerns. The general health services teams at these facilities are not appropriately staffed to address these needs within existing workloads, impacting health outcomes for individuals at the violator center and those in the larger facility. Funding is provided for medical staffing specific to the violator centers at Airway Heights Correction Center, Monroe Correctional Complex, and the Washington Corrections Center for Women. (General Fund - State)
Bellingham Reentry Center
Funding is provided to convert the Bellingham Reentry Center from a contracted facility to a facility operated by the department. The previous contract was terminated effective May 7, 2022, and converting to an agency-run facility presents greater opportunities for implementation of positive changes that align with DOC's mission and vision. (General Fund - State)
Addiction Care Delivery
This item will expand the addiction treatment program at the Department of Corrections to increase access for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder. The expansion includes employing dedicated addiction treatment medical staff throughout the agency and greater use of medications for opioid use disorder to reduce mortality rates after release. (General Fund - State)
Earned Time Policy
Funding is adjusted to reflect legislation expanding the amount of earned time incarcerated individuals can achieve. Under agency request legislation, potential earned time for underlying sentences is increased to 33% for sentences that are currently eligible to earn up to 10% or 15%, and sentence enhancements become eligible for earned time. (General Fund - State)
Resolution Program
The Statewide Resolution Program is an internal complaint and appeal system at the Department of Corrections used by incarcerated individuals to communicate concerns to staff. Use of this system exceeds the capacity of current staffing levels which leads to delays in resolution. Funding is provided to increase staffing resources supporting grievance resolution for health care concerns. (General Fund - State)
Zero Emission Staffing
Funding is provided for three FTE staff to support implementation of Executive Order 21-04 (Zero Emission Vehicles). Staff will coordinate with the State Efficiency and Environmental Performance office to collaborate on implementing a strategy for electric vehicles. (Carbon Emissions Reduction Account - State)
Community Corrections Program
The Department of Corrections is transforming its community corrections program from a traditional punitive model to a more supportive approach focused on risk, need and responsivity principles. In recent years, funding has been provided for this change, but training needs have not yet been addressed. Funding is provided to expand statewide Community Corrections Program Management and establish staff training to include field training officer programs. (General Fund - State)
Food Service Diabetic Diet
Funding is provided to support a food service offering for the diabetic incarcerated population that is lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein, fruits and vegetables for better disease management. (General Fund - State)
Probable Cause Hearings
The Department of Corrections is transitioning the determination of probable cause to impartial hearings officers consistent with advice from the Attorney General's Office and pursuant to a demand-to-bargain agreement between DOC and the Washington Federation of State Employees. Funding is provided to support a centralized, independent hearings process to assess violations of community supervision terms. (General Fund - State)
Occupational Health Program
Funding is provided to support existing staffing levels in the occupational health program at the Department of Corrections. Federal funds were previously available for this purpose under COVID funding guidelines, but that is no longer the case. While this staffing gap was identified during COVID, there is an ongoing need for these positions. The congregate nature of correctional facilities can lead to rapid, widespread transmission of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and influenza to staff and residents, and this program helps to mitigate that risk. (General Fund - State)
Helen B Ratcliff Work Release
Funding is provided to maintain agency operations at the Helen B. Ratcliff Reentry Center. The department assumed operation of this facility after a contractor terminated the contract in the fall of 2021. (General Fund - State)
State Employee Benefits
Health insurance funding is provided for state employees who are not represented by a union, who are covered by a bargaining agreement that is not subject to financial feasibility determination, or who are not part of the coalition of unions for health benefits. The insurance funding rate is $1,160 per employee per month for fiscal year 2024 and $1,233 per employee per month for fiscal year 2025. (General Fund - State)
WFSE General Government
Funding is provided for a general wage increase of 4%, effective July 1, 2023; a general wage increase of 3%, effective July 1, 2024; targeted job classification base range increases; recognition and retention lump sum payments for employees employed on or before July 1, 2022 and continuously employed through July 1, 2023; shift premium increase for eligible shifts from $1 to $2.50 per eligible hour; a COVID-19 booster incentive of $1,000; supplemental shift premium increases for nurse classifications; 5% premium pay for employees who are assigned to a facility that provides direct care to residents, patients and/or clients and whose duties are required to be performed on location; and an increase of $250 to the annual lump sum payment for Labor and Industries risk classes 7200/7201. (General Fund - State)
Rep Employee Health Benefits
This provides health insurance funding as part of the master agreements for employees who bargain for health benefits as part of a coalition of unions. The insurance funding rate is $1,160 per employee per month for fiscal year 2024 and $1,233 per employee per month for fiscal year 2025. (General Fund - State)
Teamsters 117 DOC
Funding is provided for the interest arbitration award, including a general wage increase of 6%, effective July 1, 2023; a general wage increase of 4%, effective July 1, 2024; targeted job classification increases; and a $1,500 lump sum payment. In addition, the interest arbitration award provided conversion of Step M to a regular step on the salary schedule and the establishment of a mentorship incentive and an employee referral program. (General Fund - State)
Non-Rep Recruitment/Retention
Funding is provided for recognition and retention lump sum payments for employees employed on or before July 1, 2022 and continuously employed through July 1, 2023. (General Fund - State)
Coalition of Unions
Funding is provided for a general wage increase of 4%, effective July 1, 2023; a general wage increase of 3%, effective July 1, 2024; targeted job classification base range increases; recognition and retention lump sum payments for employees employed on or before July 1, 2022 and continuously employed through July 1, 2023; shift premium increase for eligible shifts from $1 to $2.50 per eligible hour; and a COVID-19 booster incentive of $1,000. The agreement also includes a supplemental shift premium increases for nurse classifications; 5% premium pay for employees who are assigned to a facility that provides direct care to residents, patients and/or clients and whose duties are required to be performed on location; and a $500 annual lump sum payment for L&I codes 7200/7201. (General Fund - State)
Non-Rep General Wage Increase
Funding is provided for wage increases for state employees who are not represented by a union or who are covered by a bargaining agreement that is not subject to financial feasibility determination. It is sufficient for a general wage increase of 4 percent, effective July 1, 2023 and a general wage increase of 3 percent, effective July 1, 2024. This item includes both general government and higher education workers. (General Fund - State)
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase
For eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members, this item provides an increase of 3%, up to a maximum of $110 per month. (General Fund - State)
Vaccine Booster Incentive
Funding is provided for a $1,000 lump sum COVID-19 booster incentive for non-represented employees. This funding does not cover institutions of higher education. (General Fund - State)
Shared Tenant M365 to CSM
Agency budgets are reduced by the base budget amounts provided to Consolidated Technology Services for Microsoft 365 licenses so the cost can be added to the central service model allocation in CTS central services (Step 92J). (General Fund - State)
State Data Center
Adjustments are made for each agency's share of costs related to the State Data Center. (General Fund - State)
Archives/Records Management
Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated share of charges for archives and records management services provided by the Secretary of State's Office. (General Fund - State)
Audit Services
Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of audits performed by the State Auditor's Office. (General Fund - State)
Legal Services
Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of legal services provided by the Attorney General's Office. Because legal services expenditures are based on consumption, funding provided in the central service model is not all inclusive. The methodology to estimate consumption has been updated from a three-year average to a two-year average and allows for analysis to incorporate unique agency circumstances. (General Fund - State)
CTS Central Services
Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from Consolidated Technology Services (CTS) for the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of Cybersecurity, state network, enterprise services, small agency IT services, security gateways, and geospatial imaging services. This amount now includes the total amount for agencies that use the Microsoft 365 shared tenant. See Chapter 11 of the 2023-25 OFM Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State)
DES Central Services
Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) for campus rent, parking, contracts, and security; capital project surcharges; financing cost recovery; public and historic facilities; real estate services; risk management services; personnel service rates; the Perry Street and Capitol Campus child care centers; small agency services; and the department's enterprise applications. See Chapter 11 of the 2023-25 OFM Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State)
OFM Central Services
Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges for existing statewide applications, the One Washington program, and other central services provided by the Office of Financial Management. See Chapter 11 of the 2023-25 OFM Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State)
GOV Central Services
A new central service is created to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Office of the Governor for statewide policy staff and the Office of Equity. (General Fund - State)