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Capital Two-Year Project Listing - State Parks and Recreation Commission

Lake Sammamish Dock Grant Match


Funding is adjusted to reflect lapsed expenditure authority.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State (861,000) (861,000)

Nisqually New Full Service Park


In response to increased demand from population growth, this project designs, permits and constructs a new full-service park in partnership with the Nisqually Indian Tribe. The park will contain both day-use and a variety of overnight accommodation opportunities. Biennial funding is increased by $3.7 million to create a new park entrance.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 3,666,000 3,666,000

Fort Flagler Historic Theater Restoration


Exterior improvements that include a new roof and siding, doors, ramp and stairs, and new or repaired windows on this historically significant World War 2-era building are funded. Interior repair work includes finishes, doors and trim, stairs, sound panels and lighting. Two all-gender, ADA compliant restrooms, and water and sewer connection to nearby utilities are included. The design phase was completed in 2021-23.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 1,367,000 1,367,000

Twin Harbors South Beach Area Admin and Maint Facility


Funding is provided for design, permitting and project administration to relocate the administration and maintenance facilities for the South Beach area from Twin Harbors State Park to Grayland Beach State Park. Water damage and mold growth caused by heavy flooding have partially shut down the existing facility.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 1,282,000 1,282,000

Lake Sammamish Dock Design & Permitting


Funding is provided to complete design and permitting of a boat dock for passenger loading and short-term mooring at the park's Sunset Beach area. Projects include 650 lineal feet floats, gangways, piers, abutments, an ADA-compliant path, and shoreline restoration required for wetland mitigation.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 250,000 250,000