State Parks and Recreation Commission

Lake Easton - Infrastructure Improvements


This project provides infrastructure and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements at the Lake Easton State Park East campground.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 780,000 3,922,000 4,702,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 4,702,000

Local Grant Authority


The commission may receive grants from private partners and citizens to construct or renovate park facilities. To spend these grants in a timely manner, the commission needs general private/local spending authority. Having spending authority in place at the start of the biennium helps ensure a project can proceed in the time frame specified by grant donors.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
3,410,000 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 8,000,000 15,410,000
Funds: Parks Renewal and Stewardship Account - Local 15,410,000

Federal Grant Authority


The commission may obtain federal grants to construct or renovate park facilities. To spend these grants in a timely manner, the commission is provided general federal spending authority. Having this authority in place at the start of the biennium helps ensure a project can proceed in the time frame specified in the federal grant award.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
800,000 750,000 0 750,000 3,000,000 5,300,000
Funds: General Fund - Federal 5,300,000

Parkland Acquisition


Provides spending authority from the sale of state park lands that are deposited into the Parkland Acquisition Account. Funds in this account are used solely for the purchase of new state park properties.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
302,000 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 10,000,000 15,302,000
Funds: Parkland Acquisition Account - State 15,302,000

Mount Spokane Road Improvements Stage 3 Linders - Snowblaze


This multi-phase project continues the programmatic improvements of the main park roadway identified in the Engineering Improvement Report (2000), completing the reconstruction of the road from Linders Ridge to the Snowblaze condominiums.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 938,000 4,104,000 5,042,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 5,042,000

Statewide - Code/Regulatory Compliance 2025-27


This project repairs, renovates, and restores infrastructure related to unforeseen code compliance and regulatory requirements.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 1,500,000

Statewide - ADA Compliance 2025-27


Funds designs, permits, and constructs a series of access improvements to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for key buildings and landscapes at multiple state parks throughout Washington.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 3,000,000

Statewide - Fish Barrier Removal


Funding continues the remediation of fish barriers statewide. The barriers will be identified by the commission and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife as being out of compliance with remedial work required.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 3,895,000 0 3,895,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 3,895,000

Nisqually New Full Service Park


This multi-phase project designs, permits, and constructs a new full-service park in partnership with the Nisqually Indian Tribe.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
23,705,000 5,000 16,600,000 15,000,000 0 55,310,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 55,310,000

Statewide - Facility & Infrastructure Backlog Reduction 2025-27


This project funds a variety of smaller facility renovations, repairs, and replacements throughout the system.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 3,000,000

Sun Lakes - Dry Falls Visitor's Center Renovation


Funds renovations to the visitor center area, including an enhanced potable water system, accessibility improvements to buildings and grounds, and historic preservation of structures.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 6,382,000 0 6,382,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 6,382,000

Twanoh State Park Shoreline Restoration


This project restores habitat for salmon and forage fish by removing fill, shoreline armoring, and a concrete bulkhead; restoring regular tidal connection and expanding the footprint of a historic salt marsh lagoon; and replacing the campground vehicular bridge to improve the flow of water and sediment into the Twanoh Creek delta. This funding will serve as a required match for the commission’s Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program grant application.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 534,000 0 534,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 534,000

Moran Campground Renovation


Funding provides for design and permitting of campground renovations at Northend and Midway campgrounds. Project elements include restrooms, utilities, paving, campsites, and other site amenities.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 1,275,000 6,844,000 8,119,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 8,119,000

Statewide Electric, Water and Sewer Infrastructure Preserv 25-27


This phased project will assess, design, permit, and construct improvements to electric, water, sewer and communications infrastructure systems on a statewide priority basis. Projects to be permitted and constructed are derived from prior assessment work.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 6,000,000 0 6,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 6,000,000

Fort Worden Beach Campground Electrical Upgrades


Funds the final project phase to remove infrastructure and return the surrounding vegetation to native plants.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,000,000 1,872,000 3,872,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 3,872,000

Potlatch Day Use Comfort Station Removal


The project would remove the structure and the supporting infrastructures and return the surrounding vegetation to native plants.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 419,000 0 419,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 419,000

Statewide Marine Facilities 2025-27


Funds replacement of functionally and structurally obsolete marine facilities with environmentally and user-friendly facilities.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,000,000

Moran Staff Housing


This project will construct housing to serve permanent and seasonal staff working at Moran State Park.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 567,000 1,662,000 2,229,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,229,000

Rasar Day Use Upgrades


Funding renovates the principal Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant pathway to the river, the day use parking area, interpretive facilities and playground.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 324,000 0 324,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 324,000

Millersylvania Welcome Center and Entrance Modifications


Funds the design phase to remove the existing welcome center, construct a new welcome center, pave a section of roadway along the park access road, realign the road and parking as necessary to avoid flooding, and improve stormwater drainage.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 500,000

Minor Works Preservation 2025-27


Funding is provided for minor works projects that replace deteriorating facilities and infrastructure, assure compliance with legal responsibilities, minimize safety risks and carry out other urgent repair, renovation, replacement and rehabilitation needs throughout the park system.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,750,000 0 2,750,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,750,000

Recreational Marine Sewage Disposal Program (CVA)


Provides spending authority for the federally funded Washington Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. This program awards pass-through grants to public, private, and tribal boating facilities to construct and maintain sewage disposal infrastructure (i.e., pumpouts, dump stations, floating restrooms and pumpout boats) for use by recreational boaters.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,600,000 10,400,000 13,000,000
Funds: General Fund - Federal 13,000,000