2025-35 capital program summary by source of funds

  Reappropriations Appropriations
Source of Funds Total State Federal/Local State Federal/Local
General Fund (001) 1,107,839,000 816,749,000 291,090,000
Parkland Acquisition Account (02N) 2,500,000 2,500,000
Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (02R) 7,313,000 3,703,000 3,610,000
Capitol Building Construction Account (036) 23,757,000 13,480,000 10,277,000
Charitable, Educational, Penal, and Reformatory Institutions Account (042) 27,334,000 13,291,000 14,043,000
Nat Res Real Property Replacement (04B) 100,000,000 100,000,000
Drinking Water Assistance Account (04R) 450,466,000 57,984,000 244,482,000 148,000,000
State Building Construction Account (057) 8,529,309,000 4,278,860,000 4,250,449,000
Public Works Assistance Account (058) 934,743,000 538,743,000 396,000,000
State Drought Preparedness Account (05W) 10,105,000 10,105,000
Community/Technical College Capital Projects Account (060) 92,722,000 8,444,000 84,278,000
Eastern Washington University Capital Projects Account (061) 10,662,000 4,645,000 6,017,000
Washington State University Building Account (062) 51,115,000 1,000,000 50,115,000
Central Washington University Capital Projects Account (063) 14,958,000 3,536,000 11,422,000
University of Washington Building Account (064) 146,710,000 49,210,000 97,500,000
Western Washington University Capital Projects Account (065) 18,798,000 5,000,000 13,798,000
The Evergreen State College Capital Projects Account (066) 11,524,000 1,500,000 10,024,000
Salmon Recovery Account (06A) 80,713,000 80,713,000
Outdoor Recreation Account (070) 118,565,000
Waste Tire Removal Account (08R) 1,346,000 346,000 1,000,000
Farm and Forest Account (09C) 35,130,000
Riparian Protection Account (09G) 117,000
Limited Fish and Wildlife Account (104) 3,622,000 2,522,000 1,100,000
Aquatic Algae Control Account (10A) 1,052,000 584,000 468,000
Columbia River Basin Water Supply Development Account (10P) 3,833,000
Special Wildlife Account (110) 8,189,000 6,189,000 2,000,000
Common School Construction Account (113) 732,922,000 619,107,000 3,707,000 108,608,000 1,500,000
Site Closure Account (125) 1,527,000 1,527,000
Firearms Range Account (146) 1,962,000 1,317,000 645,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Accounts (147) 1,097,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account (148) 344,450,000
Cleanup Settlement Account (15H) 20,300,000 19,650,000 650,000
PLIA Underground Storage Tank Revolving Account (20T) 38,550,000 31,000,000 7,550,000
Air Pollution Control Account (216) 2,808,000 2,808,000
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account (222) 2,445,000 1,145,000 1,300,000
Early Learning Facilities Revolving Account (22C) 7,220,000
Early Learning Facilities Development Account (22D) 146,706,000 58,629,000
Statewide Broadband Account (23J) 28,500,000 28,500,000
Model Toxics Control Capital Account (23N) 584,986,000 460,980,000 124,006,000
Model Toxics Control Stormwater Account (23R) 198,905,000 132,124,000 66,781,000
Habitat Conservation Account (244) 140,364,000
Comm/Tech College Forest Reserve Account (246) 1,000,000 1,000,000
WA State Library-Archives Building Acct (24E) 6,949,000 6,949,000
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Account (24N) 201,000 201,000
Recreation Resources Account (267) 35,667,000 22,049,000 13,618,000
NOVA Program Account (268) 27,116,000 14,942,000 12,174,000
Parks Renewal and Stewardship Account (269) 2,000,000 2,000,000
Climate Commitment Account (26C) 989,167,000 798,167,000 191,000,000
Natural Climate Solutions Account (26D) 312,688,000 214,067,000 98,621,000
Air Qual Health Disparities Impvmt Acct (26E) 29,307,000 21,007,000 8,300,000
Apple Health and Homes Account (26U) 52,874,000 52,874,000
Capital Community Assistance Account (26V) 215,220,000 215,220,000
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Capital (27A) 1,869,000 1,869,000
Thurston County Capital Facilities Account (289) 21,135,000 10,076,000 11,059,000
Land Bank Account (28M) 30,000,000 30,000,000
Stadium World Cup Capital Account (28S) 10,000,000 10,000,000
Columbia River Basin Water Supply Revenue Recovery Acct (296) 6,478,000 5,063,000 1,415,000
State Taxable Building Construction Account (355) 939,281,000
Military Department Capital Account (364) 3,535,000 3,535,000
Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Bond Account (366) 130,384,000 90,384,000 40,000,000
Coronavirus Capital Projects Account (373) 162,775,000 162,775,000
Washington Housing Trust Fund (532) 12,915,000 12,915,000
Pollution Liability Insurance Program Trust Account (544) 205,000 205,000
Conservation Assistance Revolving Account (552) 260,000 260,000
Accident Account (608) 6,279,000 2,991,000 3,288,000
Medical Aid Account (609) 3,618,000 2,269,000 1,349,000
Rural Washington Loan Account (689) 1,215,000 1,215,000
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (706) 234,878,000 234,878,000
Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct (727) 1,404,167,000 634,910,000 155,257,000 400,000,000 214,000,000
Youth Athletic Facility Account (818) 35,272,000 35,272,000
Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving Account (887) 136,374,000 61,374,000 75,000,000
Certificate of Participation (COP) 45,000,000
Federal Broadband Account (FBB) 1,507,742,000 50,000,000 245,560,000 230,000,000 982,182,000
Total Appropriated Funds 20,410,735,000 8,639,638,000 1,869,597,000 6,685,594,000 1,492,772,000