Department of Transportation

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 7,633.6 0 11,243,744 11,243,744
2025-27 Maintenance Level 5,126.4 0 2,964,350 2,964,350
Difference from 2025-27 Original (2,507.2) 0 (8,279,394) (8,279,394)
% Change from 2025-27 Original (32.8%) 0.0% (73.6%) (73.6%)

2025 Policy Other Changes

Roadside Toll System Vendor O&M Inc 0.0 0 494 494
I-405 Renton-Bellevue Toll Op Costs 0.0 0 15,585 15,585
SR 167 Toll Upgrade Op Costs 0.0 0 6,984 6,984
SR 509 Gateway Stage 1B Op Costs 0.0 0 6,123 6,123
SR 167 Gateway Stage 1B Op Costs 0.0 0 1,578 1,578
Capital Projects 2,458.4 0 9,089,689 9,089,689
Clean Energy Siting 0.0 0 0 0
Capital Adjustment 0.0 0 (1,090,717) (1,090,717)
Oregon Bridge Agreements 0.0 0 610 610
Tolling SR509/SR167 System Adds 5.0 0 3,402 3,402
Work Zone Speed Camera Program 1.2 0 10,621 10,621
TRAINS Upgrade 5.0 0 6,791 6,791
Rectify to Project List 0.0 0 (1,892) (1,892)
San Juan Island Winter Ferry Servic 0.0 0 2,600 2,600
Colman Dock Security 0.0 0 1,650 1,650
Terminal Traffic Control 0.0 0 1,100 1,100
Additional Orcas Island Sailing 0.0 0 160 160
Additional Dispatch Staff 0.0 0 796 796
Kitsap Transit Service 0.0 0 10,802 10,802
Additional Vessel Crew 0.0 0 16,500 16,500
Labor/Familiarization Training 0.0 0 13,900 13,900
Enterprise Asset Mgmt-Op Costs 0.0 0 2,600 2,600
2025 Policy Other Changes Total 2,469.6 0 8,099,376 8,099,376

2025 Policy Comp Changes

WFSE General Government 0.0 0 23,088 23,088
PTE Local 17 General Government 0.0 0 3,237 3,237
Non-Rep General Wage Increase 0.0 0 8,709 8,709
Non-Rep Targeted Pay Increases 0.0 0 577 577
Updated PEBB Rate 0.0 0 (1,586) (1,586)
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase 0.0 0 678 678
Pension Benefit Amortization 0.0 0 (2,462) (2,462)
WSF Office/Prof Intrn'l Local 8 0.0 0 858 858
WSF Inland Boatsmen's Union 0.0 0 12,055 12,055
WSF Licensed Marine Engineers 0.0 0 3,788 3,788
WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Mates 0.0 0 2,663 2,663
WSF Metal Trades 0.0 0 1,612 1,612
WSF Carpenters 0.0 0 376 376
WSF Ferry Agents/Supvrs/Project Adm 0.0 0 696 696
WSF Service Employees Intrn'l 6 0.0 0 84 84
WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Watch Spvrs 0.0 0 211 211
WSF Marine Engineers-Port Engineers 0.0 0 155 155
WSF Marine Engineers - Unlicensed 0.0 0 4,478 4,478
WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Masters 0.0 0 2,130 2,130
2025 Policy Comp Changes Total 0.0 0 61,347 61,347

2025 Policy Central Services Changes

Archives/Records Management 0.0 0 31 31
Audit Services 0.0 0 42 42
Legal Services 0.0 0 550 550
Administrative Hearings 0.0 0 1 1
WTS Central Services 0.0 0 696 696
DES Central Services 0.0 0 392 392
OFM Central Services 0.0 0 13,891 13,891
GOV Central Services 0.0 0 116 116
2025 Policy Central Services Changes Total 0.0 0 15,719 15,719
Total Policy Changes 2,469.6 0 8,176,442 8,176,442
2025-27 Policy Level 7,596.0 0 11,140,792 11,140,792
Difference from 2023-25 (37.6) 0 (102,952) (102,952)
% Change from 2025-27 Original (0.5%) 0.0% (0.9%) (0.9%)

Policy Changes

Roadside Toll System Vendor O&M Inc

Funding is provided for toll vendor to maintain and operate four new toll points on the I-405 Express Toll Lanes and 85th Street Interchange project. (I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State)

I-405 Renton-Bellevue Toll Op Costs

Funding is provided for operations and maintenance costs necessary to operate new toll sections on I-405 Express Toll Lanes Renton-to-Bellevue. (I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State)

SR 167 Toll Upgrade Op Costs

Funding is provided for operations and maintenance necessary to operate the SR 167 Toll Upgrade. (I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State)

SR 509 Gateway Stage 1B Op Costs

Funding is provided for operations and maintenance costs necessary to operate the toll system related to the SR 509 Completion Project Stage 1b. (Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State)

SR 167 Gateway Stage 1B Op Costs

Funding is provided for operations and maintenance costs necessary to operate the toll system related to the SR 167 Completion Project Stage 1b. (Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State)

WFSE General Government

Funding for bargaining includes a 3%/2% general wage increase, targeted job classification increases, wildfire disaster leave, expanded bereavement leave, and paid vaccine travel time during pandemic emergencies. The agreement also includes: an additional $1 per hour supplemental shift premium for eligible employees who are assigned to a facility that provides direct care to residents, patients, and/or clients and whose duties are performed on location on evenings and weekends; 5% premium pay for employees who are assigned to a 24/7 facility that provides direct care to residents, patients, at-risk youth, and/or clients and whose duties are required to be performed on location, which will be in effect for the 2025–27 biennium; three additional steps on the nurse salary schedule; and an increase to the annual lump-sum payment for employees in LNI risk codes 7200/7201 from $500 to $750. (Motor Vehicle Account - Federal, Motor Vehicle Account - State, Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State, other funds)

PTE Local 17 General Government

Funding for bargaining includes a 3%/2% general wage increase, targeted job classification increases, wildfire disaster leave, expanded bereavement leave, and paid vaccine travel time during pandemic emergencies. (Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Pro - State, Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State, other funds)

Non-Rep General Wage Increase

Funding is provided for wage increases for state employees who are not represented by a union or are not under a bargaining agreement that is subject to financial feasibility determination. It is sufficient for a general wage increase of 3%, effective July 1, 2025, and a general wage increase of 2%, effective July 1, 2026. This item includes both general government and higher education workers. (Motor Vehicle Account - Federal, Motor Vehicle Account - State, Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State, other funds)

Non-Rep Targeted Pay Increases

Funding is provided for classified state employees who are not represented by a union or not covered by a bargaining agreement subject to financial feasibility determination, for pay increases in specific job classes in alignment with other employees. (Motor Vehicle Account - Federal, Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State, other funds)

Updated PEBB Rate

This item adjusts the employer funding rate for public employee insurance benefits to reflect policy-level decision packages. It increases the rate by $8 per month in the first fiscal year and decreases the rate by $34 per month in the second fiscal year, compared to the maintenance-level update, for a total rate of $1,315 in the first year and $1,355 in the second year. (Aeronautics Account - State, Climate Transit Programs Account - State, SR #520 Corridor Account - State, other funds)

PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase

An adjustment is made for pension contribution rates, including to fund a benefit increase of 3%, up to a maximum of $110 per month for eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members. (Motor Vehicle Account - Federal, Motor Vehicle Account - State, Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State, other funds)

Pension Benefit Amortization

An adjustment is made to the base pension rates, as set out in a proposed bill addressing the calculation of the base rate for the 2025–27 biennium, as well as amortization of Plan 1 benefit increases. (Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Pro - State, Climate Transit Programs Account - State, Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account - State, other funds)

Capital Projects

Funding is provided for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant program, the Safe Routes to Schools grant program, and local priority projects. (Connecting WA account - Bonds, Motor Vehicle Account - Federal, Move Ahead WA Account - State, other funds)

Clean Energy Siting

This item shifts the appropriation from Program S to Program H for the implementation of chapter 230, Laws of 2023 (E2SHB 1216 Clean Energy Siting), which requires WSDOT to participate in the Interagency Clean Energy Siting Coordinating Council. (Motor Vehicle Account - State)

Capital Adjustment

Project funding is adjusted to reflect revenue available for projects. (Connecting WA account - State 520 Toll, Connecting WA account - Trust, Multimodal Transportation Account - State, other funds)

Oregon Bridge Agreements

Funding is provided to reimburse the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for Washington state’s share of increased maintenance costs of six highway bridges over the Columbia River that are maintained by ODOT. (Motor Vehicle Account - State)

Tolling SR509/SR167 System Adds

Funding is provided for additional maintenance and operating costs for new toll systems being added during the 2025–2027 biennium. (Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State)

Work Zone Speed Camera Program

Funding is provided to continue the speed safety cameras in work zone pilot program. (Highway Safety Account - State)

TRAINS Upgrade

Funding is adjusted between the 2023-2025 and 2025-2027 biennium to align with the PROPEL Project's new implementation date of October 2025. (Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

WSF Office/Prof Intrn'l Local 8

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 3% effective July 1, 2025, and 3% effective July 1, 2026, established an additional step on the salary schedule, provide maintenance material coordinator 1-range increase, and expand bereavement leave family member definition and qualifying event. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Archives/Records Management

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated share of charges for archives and records management services provided by the Secretary of State's Office. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

Audit Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of audits performed by the State Auditor's Office. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

Legal Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of legal services provided by the Attorney General's Office. Because legal services expenditures are based on consumption, funding provided in the central service model is not all inclusive. The methodology to estimate consumption is a two-year average and allows for analysis to incorporate unique agency circumstances. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

Administrative Hearings

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of hearings performed by the Office of Administrative Hearings. (Motor Vehicle Account - State)

WTS Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from Washington Technology Solutions for the Office of Cybersecurity, state network, enterprise and small agency IT services, enterprise architecture and data management, Microsoft 365 licenses, and other items. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

DES Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services for Capitol Campus costs; real estate, risk management, and small agency services; the Perry Street and Capitol Campus child care centers; enterprise applications, and other items. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

OFM Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Office of Financial Management for existing statewide applications, the One Washington program, and other central services. See Chapter 11 of the 2025–27 OFM Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

GOV Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Office of the Governor for the Office of Equity. (Motor Vehicle Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

Rectify to Project List

Funding is adjusted to reflect the level of support needed for Connecting Washington Transit Projects, Green Transit Grants, and Tribal Transit Mobility Grants this biennium. (Climate Transit Programs Account - State, Multimodal Transportation Account - State)

San Juan Island Winter Ferry Servic

Funding is provided to continue the additional service in the interisland route in the San Juan islands and expand the winter service. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Colman Dock Security

Funding is provided for security services at Colman Dock. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Terminal Traffic Control

Funds are provided for traffic control services to six ferry terminals. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Additional Orcas Island Sailing

Funds are provided to maintain summer sailing to Orcas Island. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Additional Dispatch Staff

Funding is provided to maintain dispatch and customer communications. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Kitsap Transit Service

Funding is provided to continue the temporary expansion of Kitsap Transit passenger-only ferry service on the Seattle- Bremerton route to supplement WSF’s service. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Additional Vessel Crew

Funding is provided for deck and engine crew across the system. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Labor/Familiarization Training

Funding is provided for overtime costs and break-in training known as familiarization for engine room and terminal staff who change assignments to a new vessel or terminal. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

Enterprise Asset Mgmt-Op Costs

Funding is provided to maintain the enterprise asset management system. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Inland Boatsmen's Union

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and targeted increases for deck and terminal classifications. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Licensed Marine Engineers

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and increases in the watch turnover rates of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Mates

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and a license reimbursement ($325). (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Metal Trades

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 6% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026. The award also increases the premium for Teamsters drivers to 10% per hour with a four-hour minimum and increases premium for Machinists driving the boom truck and knuckle boom truck to 10% with a four-hour minimum when driving hazardous loads. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Carpenters

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and a market increase of 2.5% for the journeyperson. The parties agreed to double time after eight hours of work on Saturday and all-day Sunday and double time after a cumulative of 12 hours in one day. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Ferry Agents/Supvrs/Project Adm

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, an increase to the annual uniform stipend ($1,000), and increase drug and alcohol sampling certification stipend ($2,700). (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Service Employees Intrn'l 6

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 2% effective July 1, 2025, and 5% effective July 1, 2026, and a shift premium increase to $2.50 per hour. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Watch Spvrs

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and an increase in the relief watch center supervisor premium (5%). (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Marine Engineers-Port Engineers

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and a 4% effective July 1, 2026. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Marine Engineers - Unlicensed

Funding for interest arbitration is provided. The interest arbitration award includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, increases in the watch turnover rates of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and a targeted increase to the oiler series. (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)

WSF Master Mates/Pilots-Masters

Funding for bargaining is provided. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 4% effective July 1, 2025, and 4% effective July 1, 2026, and a license reimbursement ($325). (Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State)