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Home » Chapters 173-400 and 173-401 WAC, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources

Chapters 173-400 and 173-401 WAC, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources

Ecology, Department of
Title of action
Chapters 173-400 and 173-401 WAC, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources
Date significant agency action was initiated
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Significant legislative rules
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
Chapter 173-400 WAC (General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources). This chapter establishes standards and rules to control and prevent pollution from air contaminant sources. The rulemaking will involve updating references to an Ecology technical manual used in source testing and certification. Chapter 173-401 WAC (Operating Permit Regulation). This chapter establishes Washington’s air operating permit program to comply with Title V of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Rule amendments to this chapter are needed to remain in alignment with federal regulations and fix an incorrect reference.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Ecology plans to conduct public engagement, with outreach focused on people from overburdened communities and vulnerable populations, for the purpose of developing the environmental justice assessment for this rule. We plan to hold informal stakeholder meetings during the rule development period where members of the public are invited to ask questions and provide comment. Meeting information will be provided via Ecology’s website and “Air Quality Rule and SIP Updates” email distribution list. We will hold also public hearing and comment period following rule proposal, which is expected in September 2024. Please contact Adam Saul at with any comments or questions.
Date EJ Assessment was completed
Wednesday, February 12, 2025