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Electric-bicycle (E-bike) Rebate Program

Transportation, Department of
Title of action
Electric-bicycle (E-bike) Rebate Program
Date significant agency action was initiated
Saturday, July 1, 2023
New grant or loan program
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
WSDOT has been directed by the legislature to create a statewide rebate program for purchase of class 1, 2 or 3 e-bike purchases (excluding mountain e-bikes). The program is open to all Washington residents and will allocate 60% of vouchers to those who identify as income verified (meaning they live in a tax household at or below 80% of the median county income level). Additionally, minimum 35% of vouchers will go to those living in overburdened communities. Income verified participants will be required to provide supporting documentation as part of their application. Bike shop owners will be required to validate the applicants’ voucher and eligible ID when redeeming vouchers.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
The public will learn about comment opportunities through blog posts, press releases, WSDOT webpage and newsletter articles (existing Walk and Roll publication that has provided regular active transportation information since 2018) and community outreach. Specific comment or engagement opportunities will be updated as the project advances. The public will be able to provide comment throughout the project period via telephone, email, surveys, and opportunities to take part in research. Public comments for this environmental justice assessment (EJA) can be submitted to Adele Peers. If future funding is available for this project, the community feedback that was received will inform both the ways the public learns about comment opportunities and the methods for receiving comment. Public comments for this EJA can be submitted to with the subject: “EJA - E-bike Rebate”